Champagne Socialist/Limosine Liberal Hate Thread
Most liberals haven't ever had to work to not starve to death. Changed their own tire. Know what self relience means.
Not so say all liberals but so many have been sheltered and given so much its boggling to see them act like they are the working class. They are the elite class.
Elites send their kids to art schools to brag about their children
Elites brag about their "charity"
liberals want to elevate themselves while not putting in any effort to BE better.
Not 100% sure but i can make an educated guess
i want to stab this bitch in the face.
why is she along with amy schumer being jammed down our throats? they are the entertainment equivalents of hillary clinton.
amy schumer demonstrably steals jokes. that is an unforgivable offense in comedy, but her career is flourishing.
being related to a powerful DNC politician nowadays is like being related to a mob boss.
Lmao dumbass this pic is satire, she's called Shoe0nHead and she's actually an anti femminist
what the fuck?
Any got the Valenti "I hate male attention/Men don't give me attention" one
It's that kind of double standard that really setsorry me off
My bad. The rest are definitely for real.
They're literally A. Wyatt Mann caricatures.
Women are funny get over it
This fat bastard always replies to every Trump tweet.
Clearly just a man trying to make a living.
Honest & worth every penny for the amount of work he contributes to a progressive society
Genuinely spooky.
Lol. I can't keep calm i have a black son. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean LMAO
when i went to school it was called cultural diffusion. Now the Marxists are in charge it is cultural appropriation.
1984 memory hole anyone?
What's wrong with hanging out with niggers in their natural element? It's not like those ones are ruining America.
>Huffpo Writer
Nuff said.
slenderman human form
What the fuck even happened to Michael Moore. I guess he was always retarded but it seems to get worse and worse
No communist/socialist thinks they are rich. They are called delusional for a reason.
Nothing is wrong with that per-say, but voluntourism is a pastime for rich leftists.
lmao why does this guy have the body of a frail 60 year old woman?
Just imagine that, never being able to relax.
>those hands
Jesus what a fucking lanky monstrosity
Around blacks...
Hands down my favorite twitter troll account.
>fat old aging punk
>still hanging on to his old-timey beliefs
>soviet flag next to him
>in a soviet system he would be the first to be put in a camp as a subversive element
You do know that's a troll account, right?
Would that miserable, ugly, self-destructive stupid bitch even have an iPhone in a commie country?
No, she wouldn't. But that's too much logic for a leftist to handle. Especially a female.
>lives in capitalist 1st world country
>women have never had it better
>in human history
>communism killed over 100M
>also never works
>"muh communism!"
This is why leftists should be purged... Along with women's rights.
Kill it with fire!
138k isn't a lot in Londonistan, it's barely enough to move to a white neighborhood.
The ED page on sh0e is pretty much spot on.
Circle jerk thread? Circle jerk thread. Man fuck communists and fuck black people.
This fucking degeneracy needs to change
Can't believe Adalia lived so long! Stay strong! You go, girl!
I really hate these retards.
As if they gave a shit about the bottom class when they're making millions off of them and their jew handlers are making billions.
So they want to import third worlders but don't want us to associate with them? I thought diversity was our strength?
That's Detroit
Wouldn't raising the working wage fuck over the poor Mexicans they hire to do the household chores they don't want to do and other jobs working class people do?
Fuck off Jamal