First female President of the United States coming through.
First female President of the United States coming through
Nah. Democrats aren't smart enough to nominate a demagogue of that caliber. Bitch didn't give a shit about any of the garbage she rails against until it was politically convenient.
Seems pretty plausible, I suppose I'd vote for femBernie.
No one will vote for a woman who sounds like she's going to burst into tears at any second.
Maybe if she spent a year or so with a vocal coach. But she just doesn't seem like a leader.
She colluded with North Korea
She needs to be executed for treason
Impeach this bitch immediately
Say it with me: MADAM LAND O LAKES
people constantly underestimate the importance of strength, no matter the state of the world when she runs, if she runs, nobody is going to vote for some dry old shaking hag to embarrass us and project weakness to the world.
it's the same reason bernie would have had no chance
and frirst native american too. just look at those cheek bones.
No really, if Democrats actually had brain one in the giant melon on their necks they'd do it because she knows exactly what to say to get the retards in the Democratic voting bloc riled up. I see it happen on kikebook every time Pocahontas opens her Jew mouth.
Democrats are going to nominate a nigger because they want to ride the Obongo train.
This woman is like an open emotional wound. But sure, go ahead a run the crazy bitch.
Dusty Snatch
She's a Republican who just wants the markets to be a little more symmetric. Not buying it.
Side note, I'm using the legacy captcha and goddamn if they aren't creepily relevant.
Thanks for that introduction, Senator.
My fellow Americans...
Kys with that dumb shit
nobody's going to vote for a screechy feminist granny
This. She's a librarian. Not the hot kind, not the psyker. Just some bint saying Shh all the fucking time and busting you for fapping with the public wifi
Americans, when they follow women, want big titties and sex. Its fucking true, doesn't matter if its shallow. Look at every hot TV anchorette, every actress, every sucessful bitch musician. They all have something and Warren doesn't have any of it.
I hope the Dems are that stupid, I was afraid they were going to find a Macron, or Trudeau type to get the woman's vote. This old hag would be fun to beat.
First female President of the United States coming through.
>First woman of color president coming through.
Hihowareya hihowareya hihowarya
I hope she lokes corn, or how Elizabeth calls it maize. .
This traitor bitch has been COLLUDING WITH NORTH FUCKING KOREA
She's an untaxed Indian. She can't be president.
>First female President
of an Indian Casino?
That crazy bitch is off the reservation.
Elizabeth Warren is weak. Hillary Clinton would easily beat her in primaries again.