Where did everything go so right?
Japan Political Discussion
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You kept out the sand niggers.
Do something about your GDP
You're living in a nuclear wasteland at this point, enjoy your cancer
Is OP that faggot white guy who is teaching in Japan or something? If so, fuck yourself with a cactus.
how about you kill yourself?
2 nukes
before that, japan acted like islam, cuting people heards off and blowing thenselves up to take the enemy with then
>Stretch marks present from age 7
I know this feel too much.
Please strawman more, the point didn't get across because I'm ameritarded
>tfw no jap bf
i'm reading I Am a Hero right now
its pretty good
Enjoy having that huge ass national debt crash down on your aging population as NEETS scramble to pay debts greater than your GDP in a couple of years.
But yeah, Sushi, Anime, and no brown people, fuckin based!
>Be a commoner
>Get to marry a princess
>By marrying her you make her not a princess
Why do commoners always ruin everything
Fervent nationalism and ethnic pride because THERE'S NOTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT!!!
Keep on becoming the hallmark of the east. Doesn't fall for Western ideology that has been toxic this past decades. Just stay the way it is. And don't give in to western ideal's bullshit ways of forcing their idealism onto others.
I adore you for that. No weeb.
Why do Japanese anime characters not look like Japanese people?
Japs know aryan boys are qt.
>implying actual autism is a bad thing
get out
your emperors kicked out europeans trying to proselytize christianity thereby developing along natural pagan principles.
i dont know much about japan. how well has your culture survived the (((20th century)))?
all the japanese ive met are very calm and nice to talk to, like french (albeit less worldly)
it does seem like superficiality has become important in your country considering how fashion/trend conscious japanese seem
provided you're not an english teacher, why dont you redpill me
The west needs to do this too, although i'm more in favor of total genocide against muzzies.
terrible animu but she was cute
only watched because saw the ed on webm board and it was cute
You guys need guns then you will be perfect.
Also bUMP
Democratic national socialism.
LOL. Japan became the way it is because it was the first to Westernized.
certainly not with the intimacy crisis