They say homogeneous society is nice

>They say homogeneous society is nice
>have never felt any merits of homogeneous society

The only thing you'll feel is pain, and that's from a multiracial society.

so... why do I feel pain for living in homogeneous society?

You only notice it once its gone.

We need a third nuke... right on OP's cuckshed.

Try visiting Paris on vacation.

Shut the fuckup bitch, Fight me, I'll take you on. I'm wreck you. Got 2 pounds of steel wrapped round my knuckles, I'm good to go. You ready faggot? Fight me, man to man let's see what you got. I schooled so many punks like you, you wouldn't believe it. I can pay for the flight, you can come here and fight me, you low sack of turds. Dog. I will butcher you!

Violence is very bad.

Sorry, I have Tourettes, anyway, you didn't feel the UN-merits of heterogeneous society. So be happy

>implying you aren't an obese ugly foreigner living in japan
>implying everyone else in your country feels the same way

Youve never had to deal with niggers.

Once you see the problems diversity causes, then you see why.

This is true every where. Liberals here who like blacks are almost entirely people who have never met one.

>homogeneous society is nice
only trash people say this when they want free stuff from the wealthier members of their own race

More old people than young people?
>Heterogeneous society:
import niggers and muslims and all their problems
>Homogeneous society:

You enjoy it every day you just don't realise it

Take a trip to Detroit. Not sure if that counts as it is kind of homogenous but ask yourself if they should move to Japan.

I actually traveled california and nyc.

It was FAR better than Japan.

This. My highschool was 90% white, now that im in the real world with the chinks i miss it

I was in Japan once

when I was getting off a bus in Kyoto an old guy told me to go back because I was a dirty gaijin.

Can I get a refund on my 3 years of learning Japanese?

No it's not. In japan you can walk at night without worrying about getting attacked

not being replaced by filthy shitskins and being raped and killed because u said allah is a faggot is a pre big benefit.

you don't know what you've got till its gone, pave paradise and put up a parking lot oohhh ohhh ohhh pave paradise and put a parking loottttt



I went to NYC and it was safe at midnight. sound was too big tho.

That's because you're a vpn shill from some third world shithole

Did you go to Harlem or did you walk around times square and admire the tourist traps?

>you can walk at night without worrying about getting attacked
you can do the same in CA and NY
unless you live in section 8 neighborhoods, if you do get a better place user

Fuck off, fuck you, stop making these shitty threads every day. Also sage.

I went to brooklyn and ate 10/10 burger.
and street art was nice :3

Penis size. Wait for solve that for you. 12 inch Japanese guy with muscles. I bet you feel better just from hearing that

Haha Brooklyn, hipsters aren't going to hurt anyone. It is pretty tame there but there is some great food no doubt. Most of New York is pretty tame really compared to the past but you can't judge the city by Brooklyn and downtown. You don't know what the inner city really looks like in most of the rest of America. Trust us, there is a lot of good but it isn't due to "diversity." Your island especially is crowded enough.

You've never had to deal with niggers or spic drug gangs. You've never had to look around when you step outside and wonder how many years it will be before your entire race is gone.
You don't have to try to comprehend why your people are suicidal, why you give up your homeland for literally nothing.

People who have homogenous societies and are willing to throw it away piss me off. I hate swedes and germans more than anything else

>have never felt any merits of homogeneous society
This. Can confirm, homogeneous societies are shit. But so are plenty of multicultural.