>Pedophilia is considered a disorder but homosexuality isn't.
Pedophilia is considered a disorder but homosexuality isn't
They both are, you fucking moron.
Pedophiles will hang before faggots, though.
>What is sarcasm?
don't worry they'll both be the norm in 20 or so years.
>Pedophiles will hang before faggots, though.
he says while posting pedophile cartoons. what did they mean by this?
I wouldn't surprise if lgbtp becomes a thing within 5 years or so.
That's not sarcasm, you fucking mongoloid.
>pedophile cartoons
Go get drunk and die, mongol-halfbreed.
>this nigger again
You honestly sound like an autistic virgin venting out their sexual frustration.
thanks for the (you) for more attention
What do you mean by sarcasm, retarded burger. Or is this just another slide thread?
>he is now posting homosexual pedophile cartoons
>implying men are as innocent and susceptible as children
>everything i don't like is pedophile cartoons
One necessitates victimizing a child, you fucking diddler on the roof
Len is a friend.
Yet when yesterday there was a thread about a scientist who said that pedophilia is a fate, not a choice, literally everyone here was outraged for some reason.
Making raping children socially acceptable was always the end goal. Never forget that.
Just like Bill Nye.
Kill yourself pedophile or I will if I ever run into you spouting this shit in public.
Looks like a lost reddit violent igniting refugee is already here. it is only American posters that spew violence on others and im not even white so go ahead.
So you believe pedophilia is a choice, and therefore not a mental illness?
Or did you choose to be autistic?
Did you choose to be a dirty, poor, slavic piece of human refuse?
I have just the thing for this thread!
This is fabricated bullshit, anyone who advocates for this shit is trying to normalize the fact they they have the tendencies worse than Anthony Weiner. The vast majority of couples, even way back then, got married between the ages of 20 and 25; it's only Muhammad who thinks is okay to marry a nine year-old.
Ur right we should get them help get them all on ONE BIG LIST, so we can help you know. Lets centralize them get the help they need, make the list. Then pass thw list out door to door to every fucking good parent and human in this country and go from there. =)
it's almost like adults and children are different
They got married between 20-25 because the man met her while she was still young. Look at the age differences in grandparents and how many kids they had. And now looks t millennials now, full of NEETS, MGTOW or cucked up and married with a wymyn in her 30's withno children that is now a broken family. But your choice if feel good morals will led to extinction of your kind.
I actually tend to agree with you. Pedophelia is different from mating between sexually mature adults. The only way I'm attracted to a man is if he could be my father. My husband is 20 years older than me, and it works. I have no respect for men my age or even 10 years older.
Margo (((Kaplan))).
Every single time.