For all sub 90 IQ retards and Donald Fags

>The CIA and Israel fund Isis
>Israel is evil
>Assad is /ourguy/
>Trump may or may not be a Zionist
>Kushner is a Zionist scum and will be the reason Trump fucks up
>Hitler was the greatest leader of the century behind JFK
>Accept these rules or leave new fags

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This is a good thread, but there's a problem

They won't listen

hiring a cabinet full of goldman sachs usury degenerates is just 42D chess

get on my level OP

t. yuge cuck

Is zionist what you call each other like we are centipedes?

u/spez is isis (lol...isisis......sigh I MISS REDDIT)


Assad isn't out guy, he is just another Muslim, a lesser evil kind of Muslim, but still a Muslim.

The CIA and Israel fund EVERYONE.

Hitler was a horrible leader and Germany would have easily won the war if he actually listened to his advisors.

I rate this 9/11.

This is in actuality probably a shill thread.

The purpose of this thread was to say "we believe trump is not our guy'

Do not fall for such shill threads. Pol is still onside with trump. Just heavy shilling has made newer posters doubt this.

>they le fund everyone XD

no they fund everyone who promotes Saudi/Israeli foreign policy

>just another Muslim

He's a secular leader in the Middle East which is slowly being taken over by Jihadist Wahhabist Saudi puppets funded by Gulfstates/Israelis/US

Sunnis vs Shias ? Which is really more dangerous to Israel ? Here's a better question though.. (at 4min19)

Hopefully some of t_d nigger spic chink Jew kebab faggots come here, are disgusted with themselves, and then an hero


Kill yourself nigger

I don't care if he is a secular leader. He is a Muslim.

Let's say he wins the war against the other Muslims, which he appears to be doing now. What happens then? Syrians are still majority Muslims and Sunnis, they'll do what they normally do, once their attention is no longer towards their fellow muslims they'll turn back on us again, like every fucking time lmao.

Never trust a muslim, sunni, shia, kurd, ottoman NONE OF THEM.

Well, there is no proof he is, yet.

>hitler was good

For someone who loves the white race, praising hitler should be the least of hobbies that he/she should be doing.

He literally started a war to destroy the cultures of individual European cultures and establish one German culture by force. Thankfully, he failed miserably but a lot of white people died thanks to him. He is also the main cause of the SJW we have today and the creation of Israel.

You should rethink your life, buddy. It's ok thought, we are about to take over the board since we are more than you guys.

Think this as a colonization and you are the dirty natives

Assad is /ourguy/
>Is Alawite Muslim for one
>Christians Jews Muslims lived together in Syria peacefully until the (((civil war)))
Not shill thread
Trump May or May not be a Zionist look at his cabinet stop being blind you stupid fuck I am still cautiously optimistic

Yeah realistically they need to bring T_D back up so they can all fucking leave the board has gone to shit in the past 4 hours

damn stronk

i would like to put this rule up there
Live by this example


Synagogue of Satan

To have men love and follow you that blindly proves he is a man that legends are made of and he will be remembered forever

JFK a great leader? Lmfaoooooo you must have got your IQ test on a Facebook app


>actually listened to his advisors.

Like how Sup Forums never mentions this. Literally his ego fucked him.

>End Fed
>End project Northwoods
>"Scatter CIA into the wind"
>Assassinated for being one of the greatest men of our country

>He should have listened
>He shouldn't have put the polish into ghettos
>He was a reactionary in a time when Germany needed him most

What did he mean by this?

When will we finnaly understand that muslims can be our friends like they were in WW1 and WW2
But america had to go in and fuck every muslim country up and now you are wondering why are they killing us left and right

There was always respect between Aroatian and Hungaryan commanders towards muslim invaders and the other way around

When Ottoman forces came to conquer Siget Croatian comander Zrinsky Fires cannon to Hail Sultan, After sige while city is on fire and last 800 man charge out of the city, croatian commander putts 100 ducats in his pocket becouse men who kills him deserved it

We have been helping ISIS from the start of the Syrian war. I thought Trump's promises to "bomb the shit out of ISIS" meant he would be different.

Trump lied, he's just supporting ISIS same as all the previous cuck presidents we had, only attacking Assad, to help ISIS.

Must be Israeli orders or some cucked reason like that.

Never trust a muslim, sunni, shia, kurd, ottoman NONE OF THEM.
>Assad is from neither of those sects of Islam