Red Pill me on the Aryan Race

Red Pill me on the Aryan Race.

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Slavs are not aryans.

If your nipples are pink and you don't inject heroin into your eyeballs you are white and therefore superior to all other races

It's disappearing and they are mostly happy about it

Blue eyes are dreamy, that's all you need to know dumb ass

No such thing, it's was the name of a sub-category when people thought Caucasoid Race was a real thing. But it is not.

The only thing that is real are tribes.

what color are your nipps

It's worth nothing if he has no Aryan culture to accompany him, otherwise he will become a useless degenerate like any other spic or nigger.

Aryan race is about potential.
Nobody is immune to degeneracy.


it's just a meme

Tfw I'm Aryan

thats right goy

A term Americans with mixed ethnic origin cling to for an identity. Please stop doing that, just go with the lowest denominator instead.

>A term Americans with mixed ethnic origin cling to for an identity


What did he mean by this?


Nice red pills kamaraden.

All clay is ours. Every sea belongs to us.
We loath degeneracy and live for battle.
Every Aryan is worth 1000 subhumans, and a small band of Aryans can defeat the mightiest empire.
Since the dawn of time we have spread freedom.
The Akkadians we destroyed.
The Sumerians we destroyed.
The Old Babylonians we destroyed.
The Chaldeans we destroyed.
At this point our body was infected by the Jewish parasite, a pathetic slug which we ignored.
The Egyptians we conquered, over and again, fighting on both sides.
The blacks of India we civilised and ruled.
We made Persia a mighty empire, and then conquered it again in the name of liberty.
We built the greatest cities and all the wonders of the world, the mightiest empires.
We founded Rome, and killed its tyrants. We fought for it, and then free men of the Germanic forests burned it down when it grew oppressive.
We created the Church, pork eating Greek intellectuals, fierce Sun worshipping soldier emperors from Illyria, noble Frankish knights, Norman adventurers.
We created Europe, Catholic Franks and Germans, Wends, Normans, Anglo-Saxons, Goths, and each defended the clay of his rightful king under God.
We took the Oceans and the continents, were enriched by beneficial trade, civilised the filthy subhumans and taught them about Christ.
The renaissance, science, the industrial revolution, global conquest, these are the Aryan arts.
Within our realms, the perfidious Jew was kept to his ghetto.
His malice knows no bounds, betraying Persia and the Byzantines to Saracens and Turks, but held out of the Germanic lands by brave landsknechts, and punished with Crusading knights.
The Jew spreads dissension amongst Aryan nations, and uses the lesser races as his pawns.
His weapons are usury, deceit, Satanic blood magic.
The Aryan has grown idle, the swarming hordes of subhuman filth are all organized against us by the Jew.
Yet conquest is what we live for.
Blood and honour.
We fight for very inch of clay.