Have you taken the waterfilter pill yet?
Do you really trust mainstream tap water?
Have you taken the waterfilter pill yet?
Do you really trust mainstream tap water?
I highly suggest Super Male Vitality as well
most water is tainted, but just 1 filter won't get it all out
you'll need multiple, but then you're getting out the good stuff too
plus, you have to filter not just what you drink, but the water you brew tea/coffee with; the water you cook with; the water you shower and bathe with
fuck it, just move where the water is clean
Flouride in the water. Nuf said
I don't even touch tap water, that shit is poison for niggers.
I buy bottled water only and then feed it into a water tank. All water then from that goes through two reverse osmosis filters into another tank. That tank then supplies all the water for my house.
>Step 1: Buy a water distiller
>Step 2: Distill Water
>Step 3: add a few grains of Himalayan salt to positively charge the ions without messing with the taste
>Step 4: Drink cunt
>not putting a reverse osmosis system on your whole house's water lines, so even the water you bathe in is pure
It's like you want to be an Illuminati zombie.
I'm pretty sure most of the kids I went to school with had lead poisoning
Yes I trust it, because I'm not retarded. It just doesn't taste as good. So I use a filter.
>not sweetening your wine in a lead flask
it's like you don't want to drink like a real Centurion
Although you need a reverse osmosis filter to get out the really bad stuff, a plastic pitcher like this doesn't do much except improve the taste.
reverse osmosis doesn't get everything out
you need charcoal too
and then, again, you're getting out the good stuff too
I live where the water is clean out the tap; don't have to bother with all that bullshit
My parents had taken the water filter pill before I was born. So I was raised on redpilled water.
>I live where the water is clean out the tap; don't have to bother with all that bullshit
>American flag
Lol...okay, humor me
wouldn't it be simpler at that point to collect rainwater and condition that?
but I vaguely recall there being some regulations on collecting rainwater in the US
at least in some states
sounds expensive famalam
Expensive is relative to personal financial situation & perceived benefit from the expense.
It's too cheap to pass up on, personally.
they get it from an aquifer
no, not simpler. how would you bathe/shower?
and it's certainly not simpler than just having clean water out the tap
Well water is so much better.
Cheap water filters don't do much, plus you're getting all the plastic.
Alkaline water is the true redpill
Between 7.8 and 8.8 pH, preferably with potassium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate, plus trace minerals
>Independence MO
>85.7% White
>5.6% Blacks
>Notable reaidents: Tech N9ne
Even their small percentage of niggers are successful. Count me in
clean water is in many places btw, not just here
most of the front range in colorado has very clean water; most of colorado for that matter, not just the front range. ozarks region in southern missouri, northern arkansas has clean water
alabama, for some reason and also texas, lots of places with clean water in those states. there are some others. I was doing research on places to move a while back, precisely because the water wasn't clean
there are very few things in life more important than what you eat and drink (you are what you eat). it's who you become, it affects your health and your mental clarity
>Not drinking directly from an aquifer or melted comet shavings
Independence also sells water to several local smaller cities; plus the Tri County water authority nearby also gets their water from the same source;
>redpilled water
Yes, drink the koolaid, good goy
While Atrazine is present in most water sources throughout the world.
The amount of it is so small in out tap water (thanks to filtration) that it's negliegeable.
For Americans with poor infrastructures, I'd advice water filter anyway.
I'm just about due for a filter change.
Reverse osmosis is the only way, faggot. Otherwise you're still taking the birth control of every turbothot that doesn't make their 32 year old high school drop out boyfriend who works as a part time painter for his dads construction business when he needs cash to buy a new $500 Buick to replace the Ford Contour pull out.
I have a berky
Yes goyim, drink the filtered water. Makes you strong for only a few shekels
okay. where is the water clean then?
I have my own well. Tested pretty clean last year, no metals or other stuff. I do have a Berkey filter system, though. Youre a fucking idiot if you dont have a way to purify water (or at least some stored water), an alternate fuel/heat/cooking source from gas/electric, and at least a couple weeks of food. You just are.
A town south of me just had their muni water contaminated past drinkability and is now reliant on bottled water being handed out. The rest of those items are justified by even routine mundane events; storms, fires etc. Every American household used to have all that stuff in reserve so theres no justification for taking a step backwards.
t. Emergency services supervisor
Big Berkey reporting for duty
i only drink iceberg water, shipped fresh every day
I get clean tap water from Lake Michigan so I don't need a filter. Coincidentally theres groundwater pretty shallow beneath me, but the city has a weird permit system which prevents you from drilling one unless you aren't connected to the water system.
Tap water is fine here, totally drinkable. Not NYC quality, but close.
We installed a water softener system and we have a charcoal filter on our fridge. But that's still usually my last resort; I usually just drink bottled water.