Здpaвcтвyйтe Sup Forumsacks, tell me your IQ.
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IQ of Sup Forums Users
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>tfw brainlet
perfect 100 out of 100
How do you get your IQ legit tested?
All of these online IQ tests are made to make you feel good about yourself.
154, but I've done a lot of drugs since then.
above normal
Any of you dumb niggers who think you have an IQ above 110 are kidding yourselves. All those shitty free iq tests are meant to bump up self confidence you sheeps.
Equal to Graham's number.
50 IQ masterrace with overachieving credentials.
Idk, probably pretty high tho
Anyone who doesn't know theirs should do the Wonderlic. It correlates pretty highly with IQ and it's free.
how do you pronounce the "yй" in that word?
3, here a pik oh meh foots Xd
Mensa, not online, do it at their local test sites, they have a schedule when tests are available.
Else you'd need to find a psychologist that does them.
Like the oui in Louie or uy in the Spanish muy.
thanks m8
kinda like oo but a little off like with some ew its weird
>154 IQ also nigga you better drop yours a few points
There is a thread with this exact same message and OP Pic except the number is IMG_1547 instead of IMG_1548. are they sliding us?
>90 when not high
>184 when high
I'm regularly a 130 but i some how get to 200+ on good days.
The brain is really strange.
Mine was 95 or 105 last I remember. Which I barely do.
I know that's a big difference and all but I don't really feel like taking another IQ test nor do I care enough to actually keep track of it.
That's not possible to determine without a standardized test.
80 but +50 because Im white.
Nowhere near as high as we like to think it is. "Redpill," as it applies here, is simply another manifestation of myopic stupidity.
The topics here, and the replies, speak for themselves on that issue.
So retarded then?
probably a refugee from the_donald
I usually get 125-130 in online tests
over 200 but IQ doesnt reallyy mean anything
>online tests
I don't even know what the fuck to say to that
>IQ means alot
>Your IQ isn't over 200
200 Gorillion
IQ is a meme and you are basically retarded
Took a legitimate test by my shrink a few years ago. I scored a 98. White male from Midwest usa.
IQ isn't a meme thinking that is for sub 100 IQ mongoloids who have no idea how psychology works.
>IQ doesn't mean everything, but it is a good indicator of how fast you learn things
>Usually high IQ coorelates with mental illness or social problems
>Making it hard for high IQ people to find their niche
>Your mom told you IQ doesn't matter because you scored so low she didn't want to let you know your retarded
considering you cant even greentext properly, i rest my case.
>Sub-Saharan Africans and Somalians have sub 80 IQ, must be a meme if I fly over there they will be just as technically advanced as China Japan or Europe?
157. No fucking LARP. No bullshit. I've never given half a shit what any of you think. NatSoc is the only way to save us
"Green text properly"
>I use green text all the time because I like the way it looks and it makes it look clean
niggers are retarded, if you need some kike approved IQ test to see that, you are an idiot.
I got 130 on this one
>Not all blacks are retarded
>"kike approved IQ test"
>So tell me what is an IQ test then? and why does it accurately depict the level of advancement of a country?
Low IQ retard is upset that he scored just above retarded
144. aspie.
Shoe size x shirt size + cup size
Divided by /pol
= 1.7
Iq = memory .
The whole premise is a dick measuring contest.
It doesn't matter in a lot of instance but highly demanded.
110. But I don't know how accurate this quick 20 question symbol test is.
iq literally has nothing at all to do with memory, that's literally the most retarded statement I've heard all day
>sun = water
Ama niggas
Damn you can do maths bro? Lucky
learn how to greentext you newfag fuck. asians have a higher average IQ than whites, kikes have an average IQ of like 140, it doesnt mean shit. look at what theyve created and tell me it means anything. they dont have souls.
you probably arent even telepathic you fucking brainlet.
My IQ is 80 last I checked and I come here to post anti-Trump bait.
>got bored and skipped last 8 questions
about 110 - 130, depends on mood.
Ask me anything.
>Jews have invented alot of shit doesn't make them not evil
>IQ Is good indicator just because your mad the Jews are smarter than you
To be fair, your IQ is not a completely accurate measure of your intelligence.
The types of questions you find on IQ tests are easy, and you can even study to become proficient at answering those types of questions.
Also, I can't think of a single way that having a high IQ would be advantageous, unless you want to join MENSA or some shit.
>t. 130 IQ master race
I scored 147 in 2008, my father took it the at same time and scored 163.
>jews have invented a lot of shit
>handful of dubious scientists who stole all their work from other people
kikes arent intelligent thats why they are the willing scapegoat
Self identify as 187
120 at peak performance 110 resting
156 WAIS, North Indian, medical doctor.
>>sun = water
Have you been on the surface of the sun to make sure it's not just a big ball of piss water?
t. a nigger
So smart but not smart/passionate enough for science then?
138 on the WAIS 4
Anything below 135 is basically retarded
>t. 135 IQ master race
How did you get this tested?
What age?
What is your career?
If Jews are so smart why does Israel have an average IQ of 90?
I have reason to believe my IQ is significantly below average for a white man
But I learn to live with it, mostly by not participating unless I'm 100% sure i know what I'm talking about
Which is becoming fewer and fewer topics lately
I really don't know what to believe anymore
Who can you trust when all the evidence points to our government being complicit in our destruction and the only thing left that makes sense is unironic Nazism which is just about as faggy as it gets.
128 - 132
the difference? eating breakfast first
> kikes have an average IQ of like 140
Oh my almonds!
So you are right at the cusp of being retarded? nice bro hf
notice jews are the ones pushing IQ tests, its not surprising theyd falsely claim superiority
>IQ of Sup Forums Users
off the chart
>Real Jews are intelligent
>High % of Israel population is Russian and Slav IQ is relatively low
I've never taken a test, but I'm dunb. my critical thinking is retarded and I've made some stupid decisions
>t. 150 IQ
You brilliant bastard
>more than half of all ashkenazi jews are actually polish
want to hear some good jokes about how dumb poles are?
>people like you who literally name the Jew in everything make it hard for intelligent people to name the Jew because were automatically associated with retards like yourself
there is no Creativity Quotient(CQ) by design
Whites would score higher on a metric of CQ
When I was in 1st grade I got tested at 140 or above. The guy who tested me told me the kiddie test he had wasn't accurate past 140. I don't know what that means for me now at 25.