Gibs me dem redpills
Black Hate Thread
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Sickle cell
fuck nignog dindu shitskin bike stealer niggers
Truly a king among kangz.
Guys guys guys can we tone it back a bit?
Not all PoC are unbased, infact sime are quite symphonic to our cause!
It would do you good to consider this, and in doing so, help make Pol great again!
reddit's here, and the quality of meme's has already dropped
No one want's to see your facebook level meme's
There are bad people of all races stop generalizing.
some races have more bad people than others...... a lot more than others
Sup Forums now that reddit's moved in here, I'm thinking it might be time to go back to Sup Forums
Faggot shill
A fucking leaf!
Values dissonance
being a slave is the highest form of moral cowardice. It is shameful. owning a slave is not.
The founders were men of wealth, priveledge, and intillect beyond anything any dark nation has ever produced. And yet they risked their lives, their families lives, and sacrificed their wealth for the opportunity of Liberty.
The statues that are being desecrated are monuments to a philosophy that has to our eternal shame been erased so blacks don't have to feel bad their ancestors were cowards.
(((They))) are literally burning book as how long till they start burning people to cover their shame
According to the stats. Why more bad darkies.
Racism = (power x prejusticice) is simply the answer here.
One can clearly attest to the unwaivering fact that PoC are far more likely to have a poor outcome of a choice encounter by a "peace officer" even when a person of privledge ie a white male is in the same boat.
This explains thr musinformation grwphic posted above. "More bad darkies" is pretty crude of an argument fyi.
This is bait, retards.