Alt right Youtuber Lynched in Mexico

Alt Right guy was streaming him bullying homeless Mexican children and stepping on their food and kicking them on some Image Board.

He got lynched later that night.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Alt Right
>Doing Niggerly Things

And nothing of value was lost.




the russian guy? what was this like 2 days ago

Eh, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. He's no better than the beaners that come into our country and stomp all over us. Makes us whites look bad.

>slavnigger rapist degenerate comes here to cause trouble
>gets lynched

Daily reminder that Russians are not white, they are a sad parody of actual white aryans.

hes not white so hes not tainting anything you half breed mestizo

Only faggots care about mens looks

Viva la raza?
Stop acting like a fucking Mexican nigger, even here people who act like that get beaten up by neighbors tired of shit like you

Fucking libtards who think that Mexicans are oppressed by the US, in fact most Mexicans are conservative, they hate protesters, and the only thing they hate about the US is gringos pendejos like you and the fact that you buy every drug the cartels sell

By the way, that's cultural appropriation

I don't know if you've noticed, but the average sheep thinks that slavs are white. Hell, they think the fucking kikes are white at times, depending on the narrative they're trying to push.
Regardless of the fact that he's a slavshit, he still looks like a racist white male going over to Mexico and oppressing muh beaner children in the eyes of the average libtard, which doesn't do us any favors.

t. slavnigger. Slavs smell.



>and the fact that you buy every drug the cartels sell
What kind of drugs do they have for sale? Asking for a friend.

That's like saying "only faggots care about race". He wasn't talking about the man himself, but the subrace.

Whoever took that crappy video with nothing on it should have been lynched.

fuckin' mexicans
I hate them...oh wait ;_;

t.closted homo

>streaming him bullying homeless Mexican children and stepping on their food and kicking them
That sounds like a perfectly good reason to lynch him in itself.
Remind me what this has to do with anything politics? Other than
>happened to be alt-right youtuber

Then why post a picture thats obviously supposed to highlight the facial differences between slavs and aryans? The guys that post these "le aryan masturraic" remind me of muscle worship faggots

what's the mexican version of a "chimp-out" called?

Good. All conservatives should be killed.

Good, he sounds like a total scumbag degenerate, he deserved worse than death for picking on children


jumping beans?

Russians at least put a man in space. They're the niggers of white people but they're white. It's like the robot uncle that shows up at reunions. He's still family.

>Russian dude comes here thinking can get away with being a racist piece of shit
>upload everything
>become viral on mexican kikebook
>gets lynched

>actually, non memetically terrorizing children and the poor
>not getting lynched
Wew lad, life is not fucking Fallout.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for the guy?

>went to mexico
>(((alt right)))

Apparently he doesnt know the point of the fucking wall.

>Mexicans got metaphorically fucked by the Spaniards so hard they now think they're white

the delusion is hilarious

Is that why some 60+ million beaners immigrated to the US and they all behave pretty much the same? Get the fuck out of here MIDF, your people are scum.

I'm pretty sure that he was a polfag

I mean, nazi, supremacist, autistic

>defending totalitarian anti-Western mongrels who would probably murder you for your degenerate Western views
You racialist retards crack me up. MUH RACE!


Killing one autistic retard at a time. Reminder that if you label yourself as alt right, your an attention seeking faggot.

Why are you so fucking salty in this thread? How about you go check and make sure you're family isn't being beheaded

he had it coming

And hypocrite, you bet your ass he came here for sex tourism.

I really hate coming on this board at night, you can see all the shitskin freeloading redditors who ride on the coattails of this white man's nation, yet when it really comes down to any controversial issue you can see they show their true colors and their hatred for whites.

kill yourselves niggers

It's my first reply to this thread, can you learn how to read a thread, my redditor friend?

T. Ugly

I hope he will die.

Its his fault, he went to mexico for christ sake. Play with wild animals, you're gonna get bit. Thats what he gets for associating with dirty mexicans.

You retards are a one trick pony. That's why your precious civilization is dying and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it other than bitch on here. Eat shit, stormweenie. Enjoy getting fucked by China for the next century.

Identifying yourself as "alt right" is purely Reddit, user. These kinds of people are asking for it.

Twink fayget.

Mexicans are subhumans.

Have you ever considered that maybe, just fucking maybe, you're in the wrong here? Sure seems like it to me. Stay mad though, cuck.

It's a Reddit tries to fit in episode

Bravo Alex
He killed one dirty monkey, the world became a little cleaner.


Кaкиe жe хoхлы дeгeнepaты, пиздeц пpocтo.

What image board? There's other imageboards?

Nobody was streaming that here, so it had to be another one


That has a dick, doesn't it?

To be fair, it's very easy to be murdered in your shithole country. Going to get a lot worse when we deport more of those criminals. It looks bad for you pablo, stay safe.

nothing of value was lost. An asshole in mexico fucking with people in their home. Go to someone's home, respect their rules. Dont like their rules? Leave their home.

Nope. He acted like a fuckhead. Played a stupid game. What did he win Sup Forums?

Sup Forums: A stupid prize.

Thats right. he won the stupid prize.

hue hue

Jesus, your memes are garbage. It fucking kills my eyes.
Also, 'stormweenie'? You're a retarded piece of mongrel literal shit.

12:22 of the ass end of an ambulance? did i miss something?

The police managed to save the Russian from repression. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico confirmed to me information that he was beaten," Bolbot said. "Nothing threatens his life."

Then I'm a proud faggot

I enjoy looking at pretty guys 80% as much as pretty girls

no homo


>slav tries to culturally enrich mexican citizens
>the people won't any of it

>niggers and mudslimes do the same to whites
>cucks gonna cuck
You jealous gringo?

Good one, Rick.

Dolboeb! ti che delaesh'?


P.S. it says you prefer sex with Hombre (men) in Mexican

>streaming him bullying homeless Mexican children and stepping on their food
ahahaha what the fuck.

I will go to polygamy state and marry all mexican wimennwho want to be saved that are white

Self hate much. Mexican's are not THAT conservative as we don't even have a true Right political party.

>Fucking libtards who think that Mexicans are oppressed by the US
But we are! Clinton Foundation pushed the energy reforms that caused January's Gasolinazo.

>the only thing they hate about the US is gringos pendejos like you
We hate interventionism, Mexicans have condemned every war started by the US after WWII.

>you buy every drug the cartels sell
Only thing you said that is true

> 60+ million beaners
Actually the number of mexicans who left the US surpassed those who entered it in these past years. Most of new immigrnats come from Central America. I guess fucking up their politics and economy past century wasn't that much of a good idea.

Are the hookers cheap over there? Thinking about sticking my wiener in one if you know what I mean.

Russian tourists are the bottom of the barrel, much worse than Chinese tourists. I have been to no less than 5 different countries and had the unfortunate experience of dealing with Russians in every one. They are rude, arrogant, smug, passive aggressive and cheap. For some reason they go on holiday with the impression that their destination is a fucking shit hole compared to Russia and that its locals are stupid, ugly peasants. When you see a Russian bloke in a suit and his prostitute looking woman wearing a cocktail dress and high heels, walking through the back streets of java arguing over 5 cents with the locals, you know that they are not true whites

>stomp all over peoples' food
>get killed

Mexico is a fucking shithole, so when you go there trampling peoples' food, expect to get killed. People get killed for a lot less every day in Mexico.

Sucks the guy died, but that is like going to the ghetto and pissing on all the niggers.


one less bean nigger

Yes and all taxi drivers sell cocaine, you better go there with someone who knows the area and speaks spanish you are gonna get bashed, robbed and killed for being a gringo

Australians are fine for some reason, just Americans are high value targets.

conservative as in you're not going to be falling over yourself to welcome a tranny to the neighborhood.

He's not a Nazi, he's a troll. Trolls of all, God will know his own.

Yeah, sure was just that.

wouldn't get my dick hard if it wasn't

>People get killed for a lot less every day in Mexico.


>Be American
>Go to class hoping not to get shot
>Miraculously survive weekly shooting

>Walking your dog
>Dog sniffes cop
>Gets shot immediately

>Get shot after getting pulled over for speeding

what's the point of filming an ambulance for 12 minutes?

top fucking kek

Trannies are looked down upon and are forced to work on either beauty saloons or be prostitutes but do not receive as much violence as in other countries, first world countries included.

Here they try to assimilate, contrary to their first-world counterparts.

Look at these dirty monkeys

Deserved it, no sympathy.

i watched his videos a while back, he's literally insane. HE attacked people for no reason and called everyone monkeys, it was only a matter of time

Why these fucking animals do not sit in their jungle and do not fuck fucking bananas

>Violate the NAP, get the stabbed (with a Machete)

Some people on other sites say he isn't dead, that the cops saved him. But the fucker deserved what he got, there's videos of him abusing people, including stepping on kids' food for no reason.

portraid of Sup Forums weekly:

>russians, the rednecks of europe?

sans "the"

Christ, who was that guy? How did he end up with such a large pack after him?

I hope he died quickly.

What was he saying? I don't understand Spanish. Is he just talking shit?

My point still stands. If you go to a third world country, it should be no surprise when the locals band together to eliminate you, if you're harassing people.

Not this time mierda. He's safe. Putin vouched for him

Mexicans are organized niggers. That's all

>bullying homeless Mexican children and stepping on their food and kicking them on some Image Board
are you fucking crazy or what ?

He is incoherent in both english and spanish. Lady at the bank speaks better english than him.

Misread, my bad. Thought you were saying that wouldn't happen in the US.

Mexican intellectual

Wait, that was the guy who harassed kids?

He got what was coming to him, I hope those Mexicans made him suck some dick.

As an "Alt-Righter" old fuk, whatever the fuck that is (constitutionalist, conservative, stay out of my lifer?) ...I'd of beat the crap out of him to.

He is literally a schizophrenic who assaulted people left and right.

He fled Russia as he was under psychiatric oversight and incarcerated into psychiatric ward.

He bribed his way into Mexican political asylum and whenever he had problems with police.

Eventually, he was given the mob justice.

If you want to know more, go ahead and ask.

top kek