Would you actually enjoy living under fascism though Sup Forums?
Or do you just enjoy posting about it?
Would you actually enjoy living under fascism though Sup Forums?
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Fascism in the Nazi sense?
yeah I'm pretty sure anyone sane would hate that
Checked, and no bullshit: yes. Fascism would be enjoyable, especially in the form of National Socialism. The only thing that would concern me would be what would happen when a new dictator takes power. Specifically, if they'd retain the positions, restraint, and so on of the dictator before him.
My grandparents on both sides lived under a Fascist dictator (Mussolini) and had no problems with it. They still talk about how much they liked the guy
>he doesnt know anything about anything
Nazi germany was a paradise
Fascism would be terrible.
Unless it's the kind of fascism where I'm allowed to be a degenerate retard and the government gives me 10 sex slaves and lots of cool drugs and I get to wear a cool fascist uniform with lots of leather and partake in neat fascist rallies.
I wouldn't want to have to obey an authority figure or work diligently or die in a war or anything retarded like that. Fascism is for genuine retards.
Only if it's their fascist ideals.
As soon as the left tries fascist type tactics, they whine about it like saying "only we are are allowed to be fascist".
Fuck Fascism. Freedom Forever
i'd become a Party member.
i hope it enlights you about how i feel.
>Germany under Hitler had highest quality of life for Germans
>Wasn't as strict as you think it was
>Dictators are bad, but sometimes it is needed to turn a country around
*tips fedora*
Yeah I would it's called pre-60's America and it was great
>1 post by this ID
National Socialism, if that's what you mean. Fascism could quickly turn into (((civic nationalism))) with no aesthetics or culture or sense of unified community. I have never been a fascist.
You know, we actively pioneered eugenics and genetic health, as a people, long before the Germans got ahold of it.
>1 post by this ID
It often occurs to me that the people who are constantly talking shit about fascism are the ones who would benefit the most from it. Enforced stability, clear rules and goals, and responsibility.
>faggit has arrived
Technocratic fascism. Full transparency, full quantification, full accountability.
>Would you actually enjoy living under fascism
I don't know, but the older I get, the more I realize I hate communists more than I love freedom. It would be worth the sacrifice to purge our society of these degenerate pinko faggots
I want to ____ ____ ___.
Humans aren't smart enough for free will let alone the legal authority to actually do it
>highest quality of life
>painting "degenerate art" would get you thrown in a work camp
>being jewish or homosexual would get you thrown in a "work camp"
yeah sounds fucking great.
I'm just here to shitpost, it doesn't affect my real political views. gas the niggers and kikes and all that
irl I'm a socialist
>Would you actually enjoy living under fascism though Sup Forums?
How bad did native Germans have it in NSDAP Germany before the war?
Omg the edge
It would mean no more porn and video games. And lots of kool-aid
>wasn't as strict as you think
there were no guns. 2strikt
Liberals, apparently. Despite screaming about anti-fascism, they're the only ones pushing fascist policies.
Fuck yes!
Good goy.
Real fascism means 99% of the people posting here would be gassed.
Average Sup Forums user and your average untermensch are one in the same.
Pre-60's America wasn't fascism but it was truly great.
What's the problem again?
>no more shitty modern art
>films and television become enjoyable again
>no faggots or faggot enablers raping kids and smearing feces everywhere
Actually, that sounds really good.
>IRL I'm a socialist
You can just say "homosexual". This is a safe space for you, gaynon.
I'm actually gay and based. please don't shit on me like that.
Go back to plebbit.
>I'm just here to shitpost
>I love fascism because the government will enforce MY morals
Kek keep dreaming
It does sound great. I wished it would of happened.
fuck the rabbit
More like:
>i love fascism because it did objective and measurable good to my country while enforcing a long term focused moral standard that ensured the nation and the country would last for years to come, unlike today
Nothing on this Earth is perfect.
Only rural and suburban retards prefer facism. Smart city people prefer socialism and communism
Not really.
depends on the leader. im usually anarchist as a system cant be corrupted if there is no system. but its someone like good old hitler im in
Nazi Germany though great would have collapsed after Hitler died.
A fascist state exists for the sake of the nation.
A national socialist state exists for the sake of the people.