Am I white?
Am I white?
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One drop rule, shitskin. And that's not even taking into account just what type of European you are. If you are a med or a slav then even at 100% you still wouldn't be white.
no one is white according to Sup Forums
>brown eyes
> .1% sub-saharan african
what's the question again, Jamal? english this time
>One drop rule, shitskin
That doesn't sound very scientific.
Sure, in your own mind, Mr. Pajeet Washington
Can you ask a cat if shes a cat?
Are you white?
Yes you are
I got your one drop x 1000!!!! Open your mouth bitch!! I SAID OPEN IT!!!!!!! (smacks you in the face) Yeah, leave it open bitch!!!!! Take it all in!!!!!
You are nigger
>South Asian
1/1000th nigger..... not even close kys
TD here
am i white?
why not show the rest
o nvm i didnt see the jewish troll thing
> 6/8 Portuguese
>1/8 black
>1/8 lebanese
I'm a nigger or sandnigger?
I hate everything, I'm a nigger or sandnigger?
Post face
No. And move to Israel like you're supposed to.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
Into the gas chamber, LaChang.
Nope. Get fucked nigger
I've never seen someone with more than 90% jew in them. They pretty much all have white admixture so that's impressive.
He got 1% Ibered kek
Burger maths
Go find a nubian princess and make Africa great again. Your people need you. Don't be afraid of who you are my strong African brother.
>95% european jewish
I don't think there is jews that pure, you got blue eyes don't you?
The other regions they don't show unless I click on the expand button
I really want to do this because my mother's side is a complete mystery. My Great Grandmother used to say she was Moroccan, than the next day say she was Romanian. But I don't really want my DNA to be on storage.
50% italian
44% spanish
possibly 6% arabic
tell me the truth
that's what your uncle told you when you were a kid?
>mfw 0.1% East Asian
and wtf is the Oceanian part? This shit can't be very accurate
Im sorry, but your ancestry appears to not be
Get out of here, Irish/Italian/Slavic/Romanian/Anglo/Greek scum
I am 100% spanish
You're 100% stop_posting_your_face_already m8
occupied by arabs for a 1000 years
>stained forever
No. Neither is anyone else here.
Hahaha no 0% arabic
lose 50 lbs and you can be chad.
How are those numbers even possible
Yes. Anyone who is more than 3/4 non-Jewish European and less than 1/8th Jewish is white. This is a similar metric to that used in Hitler's Germany to establish who could become a citizen of the Reich. This "one drop rule" shit excludes over half of Europeans from being regarded as white. It makes it impossible to advance the nationalist cause. Some loss of racial purity will have to be accepted if we're to spark a national renaissance and stop this demographic and moral decline which will see us lose control of our countries forever.
this desu, flush it down
One drop rule is only used when nation gas the power when the population is established one drop rule should go in effect.
T. Race scientist pro
Why are you posting pictures of your semen extraction receptacle nufag?
Drmonstrably false
I am spanish
I have the same light cover
I guess a gypsy fucked someone in my lineage a long time ago? I dunno.
Shill queers
t. White Hispanic
what the fuk did you just say you faggot?
Literally every person on earth can track their dna and lineage back to sub saharan african. Fucking hitler had some in his dna, even if it was 0.000000000000001%
truth hurts
i can still fuck white chicks and get a decent spawn tho (im not as bad as the pic)
So Edgy. Btw you're a moroccan lovechild and a're not white nufag
>South Asian
white = no poo in your gene pool
Why the fuck we both have sandnigger blood, there is near 0% muslims in south america something fishy is going on here.
Yes. These tests are done by geographic location of common genetic markers, small amounts of overlap occur. It doesn't actually mean you have a poo in loo or nog in there somewhere, because such trace amounts could be from thousands of years ago. It only means those markers are shared between you and current people of those areas. It could be that they have that marker from Europeans breeding with them, and not the other way around.
The tests are getting better, though.
The Out of Africa theory is bullshit kike propaganda.
There is literally not a single person on the planet Sup Forums would consider white, so don't worry.
Is there different results between 23andme and ancestry dna?
Typical American race mentality.
>Muh whiteness
>Muh blackness
Please, KYS.
Did all early humans spend enough time in Africa to evolve into modern Africans? Of course not. This claim is always bullshit.
Fick off moor
You will change your mind when your country get filled with ghettos/favelas.
I say this everytime I see one of these threads.
My cousin quit working for one of these places when he found out that it is a matter of company policy at many of the Jewish owned/influenced testing places to tell fullblooded whites that they're mixed.
Too late.
Hi shitskin
White enough to pass, I guess.
>if your dna includes nigger dna, you're not human
>hurr durr what does dna matter? gender is fluid lulz!
It makes me sad because Brazil and US never had a chance to be white, Europe wasted theirs.
Shut up boon. OP is a moroccan shitskin NOT white
Hello my white brother
I just assumed 23andme put a little African or Jewish on every report to fight racism.
Honestly I wouldn't trust either of them too much. But the only way for them to get better results is to get more data. 23 and me is owned by Jews, though. Co founder of Google and his also Jewish wife. They have those ads that basically try to push "we're all mixed multikulti is great" on people. Ancestry is owned by Mormons. Take your pick.
Mainly asking for the euro heritage they gave me some non sense british irish and italisn when i have no anxeators from there
Nigga you know we evolved from Africans right?That's why Hitler called them sub-humans,because they are our ancestors in the gene tree
I am 100% iberian the italian irish and british is a lie
>0.2% Ashkenazi jewish
If you have to ask.
Ftdna is the most conservative/more accurate. You could also upload your data file to gedmatch to see what you get
Iberia may have spermed irish italians and british but im super ibero
Mediterraneans created civilization as we know it so fuck off 52% and stop jerking off to snowniggers.
The mormons are pretty based for their genealogy work. I found my great-grand parents marriage certificate on familysearch, which is free. I couldn't find it on ancestry.
50% German
35% Scott/Brit
and either 15% Feather or 10% feather 5% Africa depending on if the rumors about my grandma are true. can I be saved or will I be executed in the ideal society?
Ya, that other garbage is most likely an error.
See my first post you replied to. It just means you have certain markers (gene sequences known to be heritable and connected to specific geography) in common with other people in their database from those places. So that isn't a lie, if you are Iberian you would necessarily have some common genetics with say the Irish, as they migrated from Iberia during the last major ice age.
They can only compare the markers, can't tell you anything else. Hypothetically if they had every person on Earth's DNA they could narrow it down more but it still couldn't actually trace your heritage. It's hard to explain here, but basically without a strict definition of 'this gene combination is this genetic line of people' they cannot do more than compare you to others in the database.