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and who is behind the education?
that's the best memeball i've seen so far in general
checked and keked
Oh, you sweet summer child.
I don't get it
they shoot dogs often when raiding homes or apartments for drugs
why would they do that?
I'm also surprised they don't call animal control
spot on
Because dogs attack them when they no-knock raid properties.
The ATF and other government agencies aren't the brightest bunch.
Copyright is for big companies using the state to protect their interests.
Shh. Don't make them think too hard. They're funny.
fucking kek
tough luck commie, you just violated the NAP by saying that
Doesn't surprise me that OP likes balls, faggot.
Real oregano.
so you be saying that we live in an ancap world?
Laws are nothing more than an EULA for the land you're renting from the megacorp.
redpill me then friendo. what is the way out? are we doomed to be eternally cucked by the kikery?
No, what he is saying is that any AnCap system would inevitably degenerate into a de facto state, only without accountability or restrictions.
The ATF is notorious for shooting pet dogs during No Knock Raids. Which is like ALL of their raids.
what redpill?
What way out?
What kikery?
Reality is ancap. You either have the force to impose your will on others, or they will impose their will on you. As such, money always wins over poverty, and collectives always win over the individual, no matter what. The end.
so just accept the bull? be sweden? not fight back? poorfag here
And Eve online is now a pay to win game, the end
>so just accept the bull? be sweden? not fight back? poorfag here
you are missing the fucking point. You want some big resistance 'change the system' answer. There is none. It is like saying 'how do you fight gravity?'
Economics is an expression of natural law. You can either understand it and work with it, or you can sit and whine about how you wish you could fly.
Fuck you, you stupid swine.
underrated memball
Ancap only functions if you understand that opposing forces like empathy and vengeance exist.
The strawman opposition always fails to account for the fact that if you're unfair, it'll piss people off, and they're likely to kill you for it. Naturally, people like not dying, so they either avoid pissing people off, or gather enough force to become a state, defeating the entire purpose.
Hence Ancap is a fucking fever dream.
>how do you fight gravity?
only that there is no gravity
>you stupid swine
and you call ME stupid. uneducated piece of shit