
Why do Asians always try to fit in desperately?
At least Muslims try to make others to follow their way like a true alpha race.

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Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Because gooks gonna gook



It is cultural

uncropped picture plz



Clearly its a trap.

She's not a trap.


Because their countries began to flourish when we the US brought them capitalism. They also utilized and benefited on the technologies and tools we left for them unlike niggers and muslims that just eradicated every foreign object they were given even if it brought them advancements.

You know how I can tell she's sincere?
It's not the sign.
It's not the fact she's spreading her legs while holding the sign.
It isn't even the rebel flag.

No. It's boxes of Magic The Gathering cards sitting on her shelf.
No Asian woman gets into Magic unless she's hanging around a bunch of shut in White males.

Damn, hot and kinky.
But surely american asians by "free" means 50 dollars?
Never meet a asian that didnĀ“t had his mind on money.

If hollywood taught me anything is that there's only 3 kinds of asians: token foreigners, white wannabes, and submissive lonely fucks

Because they actually want to be successful and part of being successful is fitting in.


asian culture is super conformist
a lot of asian-americans attempt to rebel... and just end up conforming to another culture

"try" ... key word.and their countries are all shitholes.

running around with your deformities telling everyone to join you in schizo land doesn't make you alpha

This. Don't be fooled. I actually can't wait for the Chinese to take over Canada because they'll improve it.

side note: this girl clearly has a lot of issues

Fuck off, cuck. Your country is soon going to belong to Islam.

>their countries are all shitholes.
Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan are all first world.

anyone know who the girl in op's pic related is? unironically I want to get her pregnant with my big white penis

>white penis

Maybe compared to chinks' dicks, but no way whites can compete with other races in terms of dick size.

Everyone else in the world knows that asians are the biggest pushovers. They're also super conformist and don't like to rock the boat. Its really kind of pathetic if you think about it.


Video with audio of her speaking here.


i dont think i've ever seen Asians trying to be Jews though
i know they admire the power Jews hold, yet they never try to ape Jew culture afaik


Race traitors only deserve nice a gas chamber



More like rice traitors

When it comes to money, asians (mostly chinese) are practically jews.

Asians trying to fit in ?
Have you see Indians ? They are masters of trying to fit in.


Can we play some MtG matches? I have modern, pauper and legacy.


when it comes to finance and business being a shifty jew is kind of a prerequisite

Sauce on this cumdumpster?

Yes, because what we want in immigrants is that they DON'T adapt, DON'T work, that they take welfare, and that they kill us for not following the words of an imaginary goatfucking pedo that lived 2000 years ago, and rape our women.


from a shithole country like ours, working overseas is the norm. We need to fit in cause we need that money. It's quite sad actually.

>tfw the magic cards interest me more than the whore

Asians are just low-T betas

They're like jews but without the sociopathy


>More like rice traitors
RiP my sides

Most Asians (in Asia and also ABC etc) do not really follow politics that much at all or care. Girls like that on either side are the exception.

no shit

Because in the days of Jim Crow, the asians were the only other ones allowed to use the white mans bathroom, since they are clean at least. Plus they tend to hate niggers by default.

>acting like a whore

Izzet/Jeskai master race.

asians respect what the white man has done

muslims dont...they hate what we are and they have an inferiority complex

If the Asians were to take over the world and Muslims assimilated but Whites rebelled and chimped out who would be more based?

My vote is on the whites.

So are Chinese city states.

whites should rule the world,the anglo saxon specifically

but i respect oritentals,they show promise

even hitler knew this.

that's only because of the current state of affairs. asians hated whites 50 years ago and muslims did not. when my grandfather was growing up conservative americans still hated "japs" and "china man" and asian fetish wasn't a thing