/r/the_donald scum

Can someone explain why /r/the_donald is being talked about so much? I thought they have been fucking over this board for a while now.

Other urls found in this thread:


see for yourself: reddit.com/r/The_Donald/

it's shills and shitposters trying to divide and conquer also to silde other threads

At 8:41pm ET on 5/19/2017, Reddit Admins removed three The_Donald mods without warning. This was punishment for our refusal to comply to a special set of rules that were imposed only on this subreddit and prevented our members from fully enjoying reddit or our mods from defending users against harassment.

We've temporarily gone dark in a show of strength against these unfair restrictions. Check back at 9 PM EST tomorrow for an announcement. gay as fuck i thought they got gassed by reddit and spez went all chairwoman mao

Oh, fuck. That was meant to contain them. Jesus Christ.

>pol influence teams
Hahahaha is that what these deluded fuckers think? That they can teach a dog how to meow? Cracks me up

Divide and conquer tactics have been going by Jews. T_D niggers are actually here now. Explain how Hitler did nothing wrong to them.

I don't think you understand that most of us don't want you guys here. You usually will block out any criticism of Trump as 'shilling' or whatever else.

Also, most of Sup Forums is dissapointed by Trump's failure to meet the promises he made in his campaign.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

nigger i have been here since 2013 and am not some trump fanboy and if you thought trump was some saviour and your now dissappointed your a contrarian faggot or deluded also there is a effort to gaslight Sup Forums into turning on trump

>been here since 2013

So you're like an ubernewfag?

nothing to brag about

Ok brit you clearly know more about our politics than we do. Can you explain why trump won? Is it because of those pesky old people that voted leave?

not bragging just not a reddit fag also being a oldfag is nothing to brag about look at me am a cancerous weeb who likes loli's and thinks trolling kids is cool

Wow, you were quick to be offended, weren't you?

Expecting someone to live up to their promises does not equate to seeing them as a 'saviour'. I barely even supported him during his campaign.

Clearly you are a Trump fanboy.

>W-well y-you shouldn't have e-expected so much of h-him... :,(

Fuck you bong

Pretty sure the only people talking about them are from there. You have to go back.

He won because people were fed up with same old candidates so they voted for Trump in hopes of change but he also turns out to be a same old faggot.

Care to explain to me when you'll fuck off of this website?

Getting mixed up with Brexit, mate? Take some of Goldstein's meds, they'll help.

The moderators are obviously falling inline with the site admins.

Here's what happened:

o May 17 - Fox News reports that Seth Rich is indeed the DNC leaker

o May 18 - Sup Forums and T-D sleuth the internet for more Seth Rich clues and stumble onto accounts not previously known

o Early May 19 - Additional accounts are found that showed Seth's absolute displeasure with the DNC

o Mid-day May 19 - It's discovered that a DNC operative trolled one of Seth Rich's old twitter accounts (that were not known to be his) post-humorously

o Mid-day May 19 - Sean Hannity brings up T-D
on his radio show and the work they're doing to uncover what happened to Seth Rich

o Evening May 19 - Shills absolutely flood Sup Forums in huge numbers, undoubtedly a coordinated attack

o Evening May 19 - An hour before Sean Hannity's nightly news broadcast on Fox was to air (live) T-D is now made private "in protest" effectively making it so Sean Hannity can't bring up T-D to his millions of viewers and keeping the Seth Rich story buried from normies

Either the Mods of T-D are the biggest retards in the world, or they have been compromised. If it was just T-D that went down I'd believe they're idiots, but the shilling at the exact same time on Sup Forums leads me to believe otherwise.

Shills sliding Seth Rich threads.
That's why (((they))) shut it down on reddit.

>Le reverse psychology

I asked why OTHER people were talking about them.

Mostly shills trying divide and conquer.
Otherwise its shitposters

and with summer coming its only going to get worse.

good summary, thanks

Fuck off shill.

>He doesn't remember /new/

Eat shit you chav garbage, keep blaming old people for brexit on your twitter page faggot

calling people reddit fags is a shill tactic and i only stumped for trump for the lulz but it is nice having a friendly pro brexit prez in the whitehouse and thinking a politician will live up to there promises kek you really are deluded

It's a roastie, don't bother, just say
TITS OR GTFO and she'll fuck off


>Ahahahahaha, le safe space. No one criticise a
Trump's policies please it's 4D chess
Too bad I voted for Brexit, kind of contradicts your blatant crying.
Haha, how can you call me deluded after you tried to showed me that image?: Tinfoil twat.


>lol I liked him for teh lulz

You didn't join here in 2013.

No, I'm a boy.

it's a /r/the_donald RAPEFUGEE CRISIS

Haha thanks for letting us know that you're a loser who can't get a girlfriend

>reee why don't these roasties like me

They should just infect the rest of Reddit. Don't retreat here, faggots.

Note the long winded posts and reddit spacing
Just show tits already

You should give them some free plane tickets.
Unfortunately, they'd rather trash this board over not being obnoxious cunts.

>oh i wish this was a girl so i could take out my sexual frustrations out on user

wow epic post bro you sure showed him if this was reddit I would give you reddit gold (TM) and reddit platinum (TM)

Dunno know about you, user, but "No, I'm a boy." doesn't seem like a 'long winded post'.

>projecting this hard

>lol I'll call him reddit that'll show him
this is brilliant

wow epic post that would be worthy of reddit diamond (TM) on reddit

The problem is they're really outnumbered
If Sup Forums rampaged all over other boards they'd be told to piss off, it's the same

>opining on my president and politics as if he's one of my countrymen

Never change you loose lipped cunt.

Also dude there ARE shill companies. I doubt any of the big ones are still getting contracted to do jobs for forums but I remember there was a big one that worked with some Israeli "non" profits like thejidf.org (real site) and GIYUS (also real, they shut it down though).
Any real shills are 100% pajeets in New Delhi trying to sell you some random weird shit about [politician]. I actually saw a couple the other day. Didn't even bother with the proxy. Unrelated thread and he started dumping copy pastas on how Trump is bad or whatever.
And no I'm not a Trump supporter but fuck I'm sick of all the hate when he DOESN'T fuck something up like that random ass
>two scoops
BS from a week ago.

>being this pathetic that youll stoop to calling someone shill or roastie because you can't fanthom the idea that some people on here dont like jew cocksucker donald trump

>roastie can't read
you know that you have an id tied to your posts on this thread right?


The Mods may not have shut T_D dow - admins may have LARPED as T_D Mods to shut thre board down. . Spez himself is a proven spoofer who gets into accounts and alters statements or spoofs new ones. By laying it off on Mods, Spez gets his revenge and makes it impossible to verfiy actions. .

I believe reddit may be compromised from the very top.

wow nice hacking skills changing your id so you look like a different person

Hey did you just switch addresses
Okay I guess you're a paid shill then?
How's life in India these days? Is that fuck up president of yours still ruining everything?

>gone dark in a show of strength
You mean fucked your tails between your legs and scurried to Sup Forums like cowardly refugees. You're all pathetic. Go back.

Election-era Sup Forums IS reddit/thedonald.

Thanks for fucking up this imageboard even further lads. I hope you're happy that Sup Forumsturds fight for the 1st place in the "shittiest community on 4swamp" with Sup Forums lol.

the MAT discord server is real you mong i was in there also there just one of the many groups shitting up Sup Forums with muh former trump supporter
and why the fuck would i care about trump other than he is pro brexit prez who makes libfags butthurt is policies dont affect me

you smell like a shill or some leftypol shitposter failing at both

I started lurking T_D after my work blocked Sup Forums after 6 years of blissfully getting paid to shitpost. From what I could tell, the following may have contributed to the shut down

>T_D posts were all shoved to 0
>T_D posts not allowed on front page
>T_D couldn't link to other subreddits, but after admins set posts to 0 they started linking to other subreddits en masse
>some user or mod, couldn't tell, posted a long thread about how terrible mudslimes are
>also called admins faggots (never saw the word faggot posted there before)
>now shut down

I just want to let T_D know to lurk moar and that Sup Forums is an anime board of peace

>opinion on MY president
Oh, yeah. It's not as if his decisions influence the rest of the world or whatever.

I don't mind him completely either. I have a problem with the ones who can't take an ounce of criticism on Trump.

>The Mods may not have shut T_D dow - admins may have LARPED as T_D Mods to shut thre board down

If that's the case then we need to look into Seth Rich more than ever. I didn't save any of the info graphs or anything, but if they get posted I could save them now and clean them up so they don't look like a crackhead with schizophrenia made them.

I'm a former US army intel analyst so I can make them look official/government ready. It would then be up to you all to send them to news media outlets. I won't make them and send them out, don't wanna get killed in a gym accident.

I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Now do you have any actual valid points to bring up or are you going to make excuses as to why I have a problem with Reddit users being on this site?

>some people on here dont like jew cocksucker donald trump
Are you that upset that someone you don't like became the president of a country you don't live in?
umad lol

dan your a fag did you even read my post i called them out on being fags and saying go back wont make them do shit

This. Notice how they are usually void of making any anime posts:

Thanks for the good summary. I agree the mods of all large political sites seem to be compromised.

I don't understand, why not just keep creating several pro trump/pro republican/pro right-wing just like the leftists had done? Concentrating everything in a single sub-reddit was t_d's biggest mistake.

You sound like a pussy. If someone's being stubborn about Trump or Hillary or whoever you're bashing at that time then call said person a faggot and go on your business. Don't get hung up because someone disagrees with you.

Wait a second are you one of the ad company dudes that came here for work and stayed for the festivities?

because anime is gay espeically the girly shit

trump supporting israel equals more israel fucking with middle east equals more war equals more refugees on europes doorstep

>woah this logic thing is really hard to understand. can i get a burger and fries with that?!

Cry about it

they're faggots
that's why

So it's basically confirmed that you haven't been here since 2013 seeing as anyone who actually understands this site will know that anime and manga is an integral part of Sup Forums that has been there since it was created.

No, I just scored a sweet job after college where I could shitpost all day as long as I got my work done (which I did). We moved to a new building and the new service provider has an auto-blacklist that includes Sup Forums and urban dictionary and some other stupid shit

Do you want to type that in english?

So it's basically confirmed your a cancerous weeb i bet your from /qa/ girly anime is bluepilled as fuck it makes guys act like cute anime girls why do you think Sup Forums has so many traps

anime is gay manime is the way

Thats what Sup Forums does best, user. Share the OC wealth and let those who are able to get out there post and repost. It's teamwork.

There was nothing wrong with that sentence.

Also, you forgot to put a capital letter for 'English', teacher.

This website was made for anime and manga. Why are you therefore surprised that there is an anime and manga culture on the board?

Either autistic, blue haied obese roastie or both
Go back to shitposting school

am not just think alot of it is shit most anime and manga is shit

Why would a blue-haired roastie use this site though? They wouldn't be able to find anyone in common who shared their views. Your theory falls apart when you ask that question.

You should try out Inital D if you're into cars. It sounds like you have problem with moe anime more than anything.

Because you're a roastie from reddit trying too hard to fit into an anonymous forum
Logic is sexist to you

Saged for not showing titties when asked
Doesn't matter what your imagined gender is

you guys are faggots

>moe anime
yes i hate it with a passion and think unless your a girl you should watch it
inital d looks to meh
like stuff like one punch man, age of the galatic heros, berserk ,hellsing etc


>rephased, an immature male
Yeah, I guess it's about accurate.
>action anime
Really? You'll get into moe soon when you get tired of it.

never manime for life


I thought we were mates :(

They're shacking with us now.


Hello Centipedes! *Holds up red hat" Upvote for the win!

You are on Sup Forums, the site that was made to talk about anime.

Are you retarded or something?

>Can someone explain why /r/the_donald is being talked about so much?

because some of the mods had two many scoops and the deep state decided to impeach them

and it sexualizes little kids
