Why do blacks label themselves as African Americans?

You don't see blacks in other countries labeling themselves as African Brits, African French, African Italian, etc..

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I hear Mexican American, Italian American, Irish American, Native American etc commonly used. Seems to just be a burger thing.

In Canada they call people French Canadians.

because they arent americans

Because apparently in America it's cool to show off that you're from another place especially if you've never even been there.

Blacks struggle with the fact that they simply have absolutely nothing meaningful to contribute to society. They don't promote nuclear families, they are not charitable, they have no compassion or empathy, they are by and large simply not intelligent enough to survive the educational process, they have no capacity to manage higher emotions. They are entirely impulse driven and are cruel by nature.

So they're big on the kind of shit nobody can check them on and, realistically, no normal person gives a shit about. They give their kids idiotic names, they get ridiculous hairdos and nail jobs, they change the standard for non-insulting references to them 2-3 times per generation, they invest whatever resources they get their hands on on transient personal vanity and they're willing to throw their lives away in a heartbeat based on the opinion of a person they don't even know.

They're basically a failed race.

>Mexican American
but that's redundant

Same reason whites in the US call themselves German/Irish/Scottish etc.

Fuck those guys

There can be multiple reasons.

The term "African American" can refer to the unique product of centuries of selective breeding, after which African Americans have become distinct from their African cousins, being bred like workhorses for hundreds of years and averaging 1/4 European admixture.

It can also be a catch-all for slave-descendants with no record of migration to the Americas. Many African Americans simply have no idea where their ancestors came from, other than a general range throughout West Africa.

I think it's worth it just for that really awkward and passive aggressive moment when some white college lefty SJW faggot calls a black an African American and it turns out they aren't American at all. You just see their stupid little brains start to smoke as they panic and try to put out their mind the fact that they are the problem.

n-nice copypasta, m-mate.

can a north african be african american?

They settled on that instead of being referred to as:


This. I hate when my fellow countrymen do that. But that's what happens when you let jews and other mongrels into your country en masse, claim we're all American because race doesn't matter! But constantly use race as a wedge in every single issue.

Sure beats nigger.

Many niggers are offended by some of the terms referring to their race (but not if they are used by a nigger). If you choose from this list, you might find one that the niggers you're talking about doesn't mind hearing:
African-American, afro-American, Ape, Aunt Jemima, Basketball-American, beast, black, blackfella, bluegum, boy, buckwheat, chimpanzee, Chimp, colored person, coon, cotton picker, dindu, gator bait, gorilla, jigaboo, jive talker, jungle bunny, mammy, monkey, moolie, Moor, mud person, murder monkey, muthafuckah, gangsta, my man, nappy head, negro, negroid, nigga, nig, niggah, nigger, nig-nog, nognog, nigra, nigaboo, person of color, pickaninny, porch monkey, groid, Rape Apes, Sambo, schwartze, schvoogie, sharecropper, shine, shooter, shitskin, slave, spade, spearchucker, spook, tar baby, token, Uncle Tom, welfare monkey, coons, cotton-pickers, dawgs, jungle monkeys, colored people, chimps, pavement apes, chocolate people, homies, porch monkeys, groids, spooks, darkies, shit-skins, spades, gorillas, blackies, nigras, welfare sloths, kaffirs, mooncrickets, dindunuffins and antique farming equipment.

because theyre racist against actual africans

also this. you think its a coincidence the USA wins almost every olympic sport with top tier african american athletes? have you ever seen an NFL or NBA game?

They do though. In Britain they're known as British-Caribbean.

>Check flag

You assume that because basically a brainfart of mine dwarfed the entire body of your knowledge and insight on race and race relations, which you had previously thought so deep and complex, that my contribution to your butthurt mind must necessarily have been created by anyone in the universe other than me.

OK OK - rational judgment isn't your thing. But there are still opportunities for you. I just can't think of any.

>in the us

So African Americans are like dogs to white people? They teach them to do tricks and selectively breed them to perform certain tasks. When they perform well they get rewarded with treats like bling and money.

isn't that the opposite

Because whites are assumed to be the ethnic Americans. If an Korean-American went to Japan and told the people there that he was an American they would be confused and ask what his ethnicity was.

how about blafro-ameriniggas?

Because niggers belong in Africa, but they'd rather say that they belong in America. Typical of their behavior, when they couldn't make a simple decision, they decided to just combine the two words and thought it would be valid.

I don't know. Whites in the USA don't label themselves as European Americans.

Nope, America is a creation of Europeans

irish, italians and jews kinda do

Theyre american. How do they even know theyre from africa? Half of them have no idea what their heritage is

Retarded American identity politics. Everyone in America absolutely MUST belong to something.

its because most people are conformists. They need to label themselves as something, unable to be lone wolves

To clarify that as an ethnicity they are african, but they live in america. I dont agree with it personally, it doesn't matter what race you are, EVERYONE can be an american...no other identification is necessary...people shouldn't identify with their race anyway..

Because they want a 7 syllable title. Black is only 1 syllable, they get made that you didn't waste more breath on them. It's like a lord getting mad at his courtiers for failing to recite all his titles.


The census bureau still does this despite time ands again stating race (((doesnt matter)))

Check'd. Somehow I think this makes sense. It sounds so much more important.

Everyone else besides burgers understand that America is the continent. They've appropriated it because the name "USA" is a horrible, horrible name.

maybe the whole being descended from African (((immigrants)))

"Black history is American history"

.t Morgan Freeman

It's a burger thing. I call blacks in other countries African-Americans sometimes on accident

Its a PC media thing. no one ever actually says it unless theyre a cuck

Because, unlike in those countries, they actually have a place here. Like it or not the black american culture is one of the few genuine "trve cvlt" sort of things in the US. They were not influenced by 300 years of immigration and assimilation. Their migrations north and into cities took a sort of toll of them but other than that it's a legitimate world culture. The generic "white" American "culture", which actually any race could fit into, is not a sincere culture. It has been diluted and bastardized.

anglos actually. not spaghetti nigger gangster scum like you.

>not available to California residents

>thinking actors politics matter

I wouldn't expect you to understand just how vapid and insufferable celebrity worship is in America.

>actor has "voice of black god"
>treat actors opinion like that of gods
>mfw im black, but my skin is reddishbrown, im 10 generation American and know fuck all about Africa or WE WUZ, it's not my heritage or my homeland.


I want to move to the US for no reason other than to be African American.

6'4, blond hair, blue eyes, rugby playing Afrikaner.

Hell, my middle name is André. I'll fit right in.


That's right. There are tons more of new race's that you haven't seen or even found yet.
*the African Japanese
*the African Eskimoese
and the

not mentioning
and Mexican-kikes

If this country actually upheld the ideals of everyone being equal then it would be a concept of everyone being a plain old American.

It isn't and hasnt been since this nation is founded thus the universal distinguishment.

not accorinding to our allowing people in to the country rules. they stopped following that when they FREED SLAVES


euphemism treadmill

they are and always will never be americans, they are niggers