What's his IQ?
What's his IQ?
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100, not too smart not too dumb
it's under -9000!!?
Actually being serious, look it up.
IQ is directly related to hand-size, so probably somewhere between 80 and 100.
I think it's higher than average but his ego causes him to interrupt almost each sentence he makes, trying to exaggerate something he's done/doing/working on/involved in.
I dont know what it is but he's lost his old charm. Late 2015 he was incredible to watch. He dominated every interview and platform. Too bad but inevitable the teleprompter routine would catch up with him
I fucking love the guy but the less he talks the better. I just want him to deliver on the wall and throw some libel charges at CNN and MSNBC
maybe in his prime
I'd put him in the 140-150 area now
One of the highest. Next question.
I don't think he has one. He is like some kind of primordial being that only thinks about gold, eating, shitting, tanning, golf, fucking, money, and revenge. That's just about it
190 I have proof
If you don't believe me email me at [email protected]
Well there's those fucking clickbait ads at the bottom of the page begging me to find out.
Why did Hiro implement that shit that couldn't be blocked?
But in the extremely high 99.99% percentile regardless
>tfw 139 and 98.3% percentile
Pewds can I be your next guest star
My IQ is 130 and he's pretty smart so I'd say ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe 140. Yeah that seems about right. About 149 I'd say that.
195 just like this mulatto gentleman
See the head chunks, that's where he stores his wisdom.
I'm not pewdiepie you dumb shit you think I'd browse a board like this boi?
156 is estimated kek
Where's that image that rates each board
We need to start a new IQ competition
Your dick not big enough?
Ok Whatevever
-t. felix
I remember you from the previous thread
Sh eeeeit man. It said I was 100 to 115. kill me
Above average but not extraordinarily so. If you were to here him speak, actually and not his bravado persona, he would come across much more with it than he does off the cuff. But I think you would also realize that he wouldn't succeed in the high maths.
This is most politicians and professionals. The sociopaths make it to the top. If you analyze their speech and sentence structure, you can parse that Clinton is the highest IQ'd president, at least recently. Regardless of politics, he is one that probably legitimately posses an IQ north of the 160 number that everyone always throws around.
Pewds why the fuck are you so mean to me :'(