Well, thanks for nothing Brits.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fusion power is only 20 years away guys!
13yrs according to Brits.
Europe isn't Europe till you deport mudslimes
EU was only holding them back.
Soon the anglo masterrace can spread to the stars and only Indians and muslims will be allowed to share it with us.
Sorry Frenchies and Aryans!
London is okay with a Terrorist-sympathising mayor though, right friend? ~
That's where they keep the Flubber
whatever happened to "german engineering" lol
We don't currently understand the laws of physics enough to tap into the same forces that power suns.
We still believe in the big bang and black holes for fucks sake.
I'm so proud of the UK now
Islam happened
Get fucked Europe
All the good whites died in WW2 m8
>We still believe in the big bang and black holes for fucks sake.
But those things are real.
I big banged your mom's black hole last night.
Scrap that 100 billion bill and we'll THINK about it
Americans took in all the brains as refugees, that's how we made it to the moon. They're all dead now and probably wouldn't hold much to our scientific standards now.
Oh, shit, is that Tokamak Energy? They're actually fucking awesome. I follow startup nuclear fusion efforts as a hobby, and Tokamak's come a long way in a short time. They're actually using very new advances in high temperature superconducting magnets to shrink the size of a tokamak, which previously has had to swell to great size because of the plasma geometry involved.
Pic somewhat related, this is a test reactor from Helion Energy, another of my favorite companies.
That's what happens when funding for the tech gets slashed to near nothing.
>Wahh! Wahh! There're not sharing with us!
Tough shit faggot. This isn't some fucking kindergarten playground. All nations strive for technological advancement over others to enforce their own individual sovereignty,
>UK refuses to share
Stop the presses!
You fucking retard the tokemak works but requires more energy than it puts out. Stop fucking wasting money on fusion energy when the sun is producing free energy (from fusion!) every day
Why ruin the stars withuman locusts?
Convert aliens?
oh we will share it with europe soon enough hans............
>but lets use fusion!$@&%
>something doesn't work right now, so it will never work
Cute boat
the true ayrians moved to america in the colonial era or died in ww2
Well put Nobunaga.
Fusion will allow us to produce massive amounts of concentrated baseload power, similar to what we get from coal and oil now. Solar and wind don't do this yet because their energy is not always available and methods of storing it are still not sufficient.
Additionally, the high energy density of fusion power will allow us to produce our own liquid fuels from carbon dioxide, which will allow us to stop creating excess carbon emissions from burning buried hydrocarbons.
Fusion power is enabled in 2050
Fucking LÕL
Fuck no its humiliating
If we have to deal with their bullshit so should every sentient being in the milky way
You're an idiot. Gas yourself.
>t. Retard with 0 physics or technical background
Wow sounds great! Do you understand the physics behind it or are you just a brainwashed naive little shit? Trick question because I knoe you are incapable of independent thought ;)
It was always a meme. A marketing trick.
why do we need fusion when we have quantum femenism?
Good. You German fags would just say Anglo-Saxon achievements are your own. Anglo-Saxons built the world. Everyone else is a fucking leech
Based bongs going balls deep.
Tokomak fusion reactors have been around since the 1970s, they have never produced viable fusion power and never will.
LEAF desu
>Well, thanks for nothing Brits.
They'll sell it to you guys for 500 billion dollars though. That'll at least take care of their EU exit fees and have a few billion left over.
why should they share the technology?
>Indians and muslims
Fucking degenerate toronto fag. Indians are filthy and Muslims are freedom hating child rapists.
t. harvard level physicist
We keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expect different results
>implying it's only London
pretty sure at least every major city in England is islam by now
>>t. Retard with 0 physics or technical background
t. retard with 0 physics or technical background
i dunno. i freely share my semen with anybody though. i think that makes me a pretty cool guy
Competition spurs invention. We saw amazing developments when countries were competing against each other, either economically or militarily.
We need more of that. Hand-holding and cooperation make people lazy.
RIP Birmingham
RIP Bradford
RIP Manchester.
Indeed, you fucking leaf.
I fully comprehend all of physics and all the technical requirements. I am omniscient.
humans have been attempting to build fusion reactors for many decades now, if it was ever going to work it would have done long ago.
Awww, a nation refuses to be chucks to German run EU who is cucking to "migrants", aka the new Saracen overlords of Germany
I thought being American meant doing the opposite of this? Isn't this what made you guys great in the first place?
Imagine if the Operation paperclip scientists said this about sending people into orbit.
>it's too hard guys let's give up and hang out on the ground instead
The UK will share it's fusion reactor with all those who are worthy, such as the USA. I also think we should give it to North Korea for a laugh. Aussies would be okay but they'd probably just use it to brew lager or something.
i was gonna tell you how fucking retarded you were, but your post really made me think. what are some inventions that took several decades of focused r&d to complete?
This. You would have to be crazy giving subhuman islamists like the germans any advanced technology.
"""working""" fusion tech
>They should share it when the EU would use it to the end of importing more immigrants
Fuck the EU, theyre an enemy to the free people of the world
That's a big upcoming question and problem When scientists from civilized races create methods to travel between star systems it'll open the floodgates for humanity to expand.
How will we stop baizou imbeciles from uplifting the barbaric races and allowing them to reproduce unchecked on an interplanetary scale?
Humans have been attempting to build time machines for many decades now, if it was ever going to work someone from the future would have visited us long ago.
Mercle will not be happy.
>Fine them a shitton of money for leaving eu
>want them to share technology
Fuck off
pretty much every major EU city, ouside slavland and Portugal.
tokamaks are sort of old tech when it comes to fusion
the new hotness is that fucked up twisted torus that has a more consistent magnetic field for plasma containment
You know we will have to cleanse those races once we have this tech right? We need to cleanse feminism and its followers first though.
Get a load of this fuckwit.
Most of the stuff is from germany though it has just been stolen by anglos
the whole problem is plasma containment, it's a problem that will never go away because it requires constant massive energy inputs to contain it rather than just constructing a container.
it has never been solved and never will be.
The phone call that saved the Eurozone.
it is maybe bradford too and france shut up you are way more cucked
died in 1945
also, what's it going to do, boil water to run a steam turbine?
that's absurdly low tech and inefficient considering the kind of power fusion can generate.
So they can sell their reserve power to EUcucks. Well Played.
>Well, thanks for nothing Brits.
serves your wurst-penetrated ass right for being dicks about brexit
Funny, innit?
It's late in Toronto. Go to bed.
Fuck me lads I'm actually proud to be British again.
I propose that we wall-off every major city except for Liverpool, and turn their power off. The problems in the cities would sort themselves out.
That's cool, I didn't know the UK was so far along. I thought most of the research into fusion was being done in Germany and the US.
The UK has helped save Europe twice last century and Europe has gone and fucked itself up every single time again. Let them have their migrants.
>Spells vessel "vsel"
>Invented ((English))
it's not that inefficient. what else do you suggest?
If Britain wants to keep their research private let them you filthy globalist
someone paste OP's pic next to a german coffee machine from early 20th century.
this is just a private company trying to scam some investor money with an old design that doesnt work.
total joke.
We can't afford to share anything cause of the denbbbts EU forcing on us, sorry :)
>demand 100b divorce fees for brexit
>be upset when Britain doesn't consider you a friend anymore
and this thread from a German.
Shut up Abdul, we'd have working Fusion tech already if we spent a fraction of the funds feeding refugees on fusion research that has been planned for close to a decade and somehow always ends up being delayed again.
You people are literal cancer. Unsatisfied with just leeching off of your host, you block its abilities and look for more gibs from elsewhere.
I dunno, it just seems absurd to master fusion, only to convert the thermal energy generated into mechanical energy into electrical energy using alternator tech that's almost 200 years old.
>implying we'll pay
>imblyign Germany won't pay us £100BN
Feels damn good.
>To date, the company has raised £20 million from private contributors.
this is just sad
pales in comparison to en.wikipedia.org
the only right post
german engineering is fucking bullshit, japan was leagues ahead by the 1980s