Preemptive Go Away Reddit

So r/The_Donald fell tonight. And you all know what that means. Literal shit tier will be upon us. May God have mercy on our souls.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wheres the pepe market so I can B/S/T?

Fuck this shit. This is our thread and our site now. Assimilate or fuck off. We're in charge now.

*their souls

nigger there's already like 50 threads about this do you even use the catalog


moar. diamonds desu

That would explain why I've been seeing an unusually high volume of tripfags tonight

>Redditors will come to Sup Forums and then unironically bitch about refugees.

You are the muslims of the internet.


If I had the money I'd buy Reddit simply to shut it down.

You just have to set ground rules;
Rule #1: Lurk more faggot.
less talking the better.

Holy shit why did they get banned? they were basic all libcuckservatives

isn't there a reddit drama sub they can go complain in?

Now would be great time to start an r/the_donald alternative but with no negro love fest
I can dream

they'll be back tomorrow. they can't live without reddit

Just another reminder for redditors that your sub is controlled by some mods who work for the exact groups you hate. That place was infiltrated a long time ago and the end result was a long time coming

ok, tough guy.

We will stand and defeat this tide of cuckservative cringe
>based black man
>Dems are the real racists
>4D chess
>Assad has to go
We return to our radical fringe politics

We should send them to Sup Forums

Validation is a hell of a drug.



Either reject jews, racemixing, and general faggotry or GTFO redditcucks

at least will get more keistanies to our ranks when shit really takes off

Atheist Jew loving Redditors can fuck off.

>not wanting to convert 400k reddit faggots into hardened Sup Forumstards

build the empire via conquest

Quit being a homosexual.