Why Is it that in the last year or so every single person on the alt right and even the alt lite has been attacked and...

Why Is it that in the last year or so every single person on the alt right and even the alt lite has been attacked and denounced by Sup Forums? Literally every single person ends up being viewed as enemy. It's like you faggots just want to remain a fringe extremist group.

You're right. That's exactly what we want.

Now fuck off back to plebbit.

I don't even want to be part of the group.
also, stop using the same pic, we all know that you are bait just from that.

Asian thread?
Asian thread.

"Literally"? This is the fucking most overused word by SJW libtards and other fuckwits.

You outed yerself now fuck off proper m8


shill campaigns
made to splinter and reduce Sup Forums influence

Because they're steering the movement in a direction most people don't want?
The same thing happened to Lenin. He was great - a visionary of his days, and handsome, to boot. He disliked Stalin because he knew what would happen once he's at the at the helm, but Stalin got on board anyway. And Jesus, that didn't work out well.

Because Lenin had nothing to do with the Red Terror.
It was hijacked and it's wasn't true communism.

You know what really makes me think? Everyone but Dicky Spencer has been banned at least once on Twitter.

i feel bad for the janitors and mods
dont forget to sage guys

I like Richard Spencer and a few other alt-right/alt-lite figures. I actually really like PJW too.

Most e-celebs are a bunch of retarded cringy faggots trying to cash in on the rising new-right. I don't blame them, you have to strike while the iron is hot. There is great opportunity in pandering to the new-right at the moment. They are even a great asset in redpilling the masses.

But they are still retarded faggots who just spew out whatever is trending on Sup Forums.

Lana Lokteff and Jared Taylor haven't been denounced, and that's largely because they are presentable and intelligent people.

> It's like you faggots just want to remain a fringe extremist group.

Erreemeeeegeerrrrrd I think ur onto something

>richard spencer wants to ban football because black people are good at it
>implying richard specer isnt falseflagger

richard spencer supports globalism for white people

True communism has never been tried before, though.

you need to go back to plebbit

so what?


We are undefinable, and we are not pleased.

>fringe group...
Secret cool kids club

Now please be an hero & leave

Because the alt right are a tiny cadre of dumb fucking faggots and they aren't us.

Go back to red-

>perfact Asian breeding stock.

Hmm, you know your audience.

So fuck off shill.

asian woman are a meme

So it was merely socialism that killed 60 million?
The moar you know.

10 replies, no Brap


It wasn't socialism, either. It was just state capitalism.

The alt right is trash. It was an invented term by the DNC to smear non republican opponents as racist, bigoted, etc, etc.

We are undefined, you are trash, back you go.

I am from T_D and I bring baklava bitches.


>Sup Forums is alt right
alt right pls go

I liked PJW a lot more before he started meme'ing and talking about being a Sup Forums regular. I forgive Ape for it and Jim can literally get away with murder in my book. But yeah, e-celebs, for all their fakeness, do at least get more of a base acceptability (even if shallow and uninformed, i.e. Jontron) to conservative ideas.

Oh Jesus are we playing word games now?

words are spooks

So you're argument is neither communism nor socialism have ever been tried, all "socialists" have merely implemented state capitalism.

So is there really such a thing as a socialist if they're all state capitalists in practice?
Or do you wish to move the goal posts a little further?

Sup Forums hates everything. That includes you.

Altright here.

OP your mistake is thinking the altright is Sup Forums. A lot of Sup Forums isn't white. A lot of Sup Forums is more invested in their identity as a l33t 4channer than in their identity as a white man. A lot of Sup Forums never leaves Sup Forums and doesn't realize the growing new white/right wing outgrew Sup Forums years ago, which is why the unironically think the"alt right" was invented this year by Hillary or that's it's a scheme to divide Sup Forums as if Sup Forums is that significant part of the movement.

/po/ makes some good propaganda, but not even close to all of it anymore. Fact is, the alright is bigger than Sup Forums and for these reasons Sup Forums is not alt right. Just because you, like I, learned the altright premises here doesn't mean this place is of any real significance past let's say the Zimmerman trial. Sup Forums won't admit it, but faggot Reddit had more to do with our kikelover-in-chief winning than Sup Forums did, and altright Twitter has far more to do with rustling libs and putting white nationalism into common parlance than Sup Forums does.

Sup Forums doesn't matter. Let it go, the altright will grow without it. Let these guys sit back thinking they're the edgiest guys in the room and that white nation will just pop into existence as long as they hate on anyone who puts their name behind it from the comfort of their computer.

what the..

This place really is hateful.

What can you expect with no one to moderate it?

Retards here just go around calling everyone the N word and thinking they're funny. :/

Dude, he was banned last year.

The alt-right sounds gay as fuck to be honest. I'd rather have the edgy 1990s Neo-nazi stuff back. Not this modern day queer shit with faggoty ass speakers and entitled attention whore women speaking on behalf of men, trying to prostitute themselves by appealing to you beta faggots. You fuckers are the problem with Sup Forums. Take this reddit the_Donald shit back to that cancerous site. I'd rather have those "Hitler did nothing wrong" posts than this Trump shit. Honestly, what ever happened to the edgy shit where Trump would be considered a Zionist who promoted cultural degeneracy?

At the end of the day no matter how anti-women all this alt-right shit becomes, whenever some good looking young white whore starts speaking on behalf of your stupid movement, you all become beta orbiters calling her the new queen. You guys went from promoting a movement that wanted to bring down the state to a movement where some faggot Greek is your spokesman.

>I'd rather have those "Hitler did nothing wrong" posts than this Trump shit.

Lol I think you got "alt-right" confused with "cultural libertarians".

You're confusing the altlite with the altright. Why do you have opinions on things that you only have a surface level understanding of?

There's few women in the altright. That's many in the alt lite.

Altright has been fully off of the trump train since April 6. Full stop. Altright is not Reddit. Altright is white nationalist and anti-Jew. Alt lite is none of these things.

>rolled baklava

Jesus Christ. At least bring us some properly layered treats.

Because Sup Forums is not a hugbox or politically coherent group, you imbecile.

There's always gonna be someone who countersignals our 'representatives' to the broader public. There will never - could never - be an Altright personality who'd please 100% of Sup Forums. So inevitably, debates arise about the people out there putting their asses on the line and speaking publicly.

wtf i love israel nao!


If this is true, why not just call yourself a neo-Nazi? What's up with all this new age language shit then?

>why not just call yourself a neo-Nazi?

Same reason we don't call ourselves the KKK.

Because we aren't either of those things.

All aren't national socialist. Some are libertarian, general fascists, or even right libertarian. All are white nationalist. If there's any name that could stand in for altright, it's "white nationalist."

Plus "Nazi" was a western slur for natsocs anyway.

Some are natsoc*

There are also monarchists and anarcho-capitalists.

The alt-right is an umbrella term encompassing right-wing ideologies that currently do not fit within our political framework, but still maintain a white nationalist prerequisite in order to function; and that any system within a Western country can only work when the country itself is of Western (i.e. white) people.

That's the whole point. The world needs places like this. Think of it as a primordial soup of ideas and concepts and free flowing information. I have seen more truth in pol than I have seen in 30+ years of news broadcasts and magazines. All this with next to zero advertising.
To add to this it drives the establishment fucking crazy that there is this elevator ripping up and down the floors full of cartoon frogs and swastikas and they have no way of identifying who said what when.
I like that. Fuck the establishment. The media conglomerates. The unfair legal system. These corporate shills. Our corrupt government. This is our space. If you don't like it fuck right off we don't want you.

Sup Forums isn't an extremist group, it never was and never is going to be .
Take your clubhouse politics back to plebbit

haha is that Ben Garrisson?

you have to go back

To where?

it's because you get banned now for it

You betray what your fathers fought and died for. You should be ashamed jap. Go back to watching anime you worthless virgin.


I disagree with you.. All it creates is hateful rhetoric that in no way shape or form leads to anything productive.

lol suck my fat chinpo spencerfaggot

third triple eights ive checked tonight. I think something good is going to happen

nice digit

i love this place. this is by far my favorite place on the internet

the only true belief here is contrarianism
ill often argue against people i agree with just to see what they come up with

Great dishonorable faggot please commit seppuku now

>waaah stop punching my effete beta male leader ;_;

>aww man how come Sup Forums isnt falling for the controlled opposition
because we smell your bullshit the moment the thought enters your head. the hivemind cannot be infiltrated.

Alt-right values you disrespect?

I'm not moving the goalposts, it's just a fact. We need an actual worker's revolution. But people are too stupid to realize that the best way of going about it is ancom, so they support fascists calling themselvest Marxist.

I want to smell a girls ass so badly. Fuck.

Back there

>m-muh alt-right ;_;
>i get all my political opinions from a white homo on twitter who thinks pajeets are the true aryans

please be quiet, the grown ups are talking


Friendly reminder that Sup Forums dies with net neutrality, call your reps today

>It's like you faggots just want to remain a fringe extremist group.
Bingo, you got it. What else do you think is the point of Sup Forums?

>angry permavirgin neonazi

because people were disillusioned by Trump. Everyone with an IQ >90 figured out Trump was a fraud but all the fucking retards in here denounced them as shills. So we just got to taunting and making fun of the Trumpfags. Breitbart and InfoWars are literal fake news and they've become the only information source for some of the retards on here. When this si all over Trump will have done more damage than any Antifa or Liberal possibly could have done. Any white nationalist or conservative movement for the next generation is going to be associated with Trump, with his hubris, stupidity and corruption. Fucking kill yourselves.

>nerd virgin underpaid grad student
>obviously not from here

It smells like a regular ass. It smells like shit.
You're a fucking autist and that's why you will never "smell a girls ass".

everything about this post screams (im paid to do this and I hate my job)

The alt right is a meme and you fell for it

I thought it looked like a plebugee post

ShareBlue, UC Irvine social justice classes, etc

I get more pussy than you ever will.
And I've been here since 2002, probably one of the first thousand users.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAH fucking being this mad get rekt fag

oh look, it's the yellow fever swede

tell me again how much pussy you score bro?

The alt right doesn't actually exist. At least it didn't originally. It was a term created by the enemies of the right wing ideologies that aren't kosher (neo conservatism) as basically a blanket term for any right winger who wasn't a neocon. There was an alliance of fascists, actual conservatives, traditionalists, civic nationalists, ethno nationalists, and libertarians to oppose the left wing who had tried to silence them all but it wasn't something new those ideologies have existed for decades.

The term was created by their enemies to try and pigeonhole these groups into one set ideology and set of beliefs. As a vaguely defined alliance of groups it couldn't be attacked by the left as easily. It'd have no leaders.

The reason people identifying themselves as alt right are hated is because they're the ones who saw the political left call the opposition that, they believed the political left about it being a thing, and then they tried to attach themselves and identify themselves as that thing

So anyone identifying as alt right would automatically out themselves as a gigantic faggot simply because it's a term created by the enemies of a bunch of different right wing ideologies and it's used to group them all together and atttack them. It's not a fucking thing any serious person identified with, and these retards are falling into the lefts plan by giving it a set of beliefs and figures

How cute, the Drumpflet is triggered!

god your still responding to my posts.. face it bro, your a faggot who likes BBC. You cant help it we know, you should really just go back to pleddit. Things are safer for you there

Because the people getting hoisted up have all been subversive kikes, like Shapiro and Southern, or untrustworthy opportunists, such as Gavin and Milo.


right-wing retards never fail to amuse me,

We want to remain extremist, but not fringe. Think of the NSDAP.

Most people here support Mike and believe in the Mindset.

Milo was a plant though, fuck him.


stay mad faggot

kys yourself

You stupid fuck we don't want to be seen at all. If we're seen or labeled we can be attacked and lost into the wind. No you see, we're the ones behind the curtain, twisting and turning things to our will. To beat the Jew you must become the Jew. Now fuck off.

Because every board here hates having a sort of spokesman or figurehead in the real worlds.

Sup Forums has always begun to hate anyone that just rips talking points from here for money or relevance.

Sup Forums is beholden to no one