Hey chosen people...

Hey chosen people, if a woman converts to Judaism and marries a Jewish man is she accepted as one of yours or is she still a filthy goy?

They're called Shiksas.
And no.

Still a goy.

No one truly accept converts unless they have legitimate blood purely through the maternal line.

Ivanka Trump for example, would not be accepted as a real Jew from any self-respecting Jew. Her children won't be accepted as Jews. Her 2 sons must marry a legitimate Jewish woman for their children to be legitimate Jews. Her daughter will have a harder time.

is this because women are the key to controlling evolution? always wondered.

Absolute nonsense.

completely true

Yes, the are fully Jewish.

Does it matter how successful or religious she is? How much would she have to advocate for Israel or Jewish causes to be accepted?

If she/he converts and if she/he converts for the right reasons she/he is Jewish. It says so in the Talmund. Can't remember which part. You can google it.

Although it's important that she/he converts for the right reasons, but the rabbi makes sure only to accept the person if that is the case.

Some of the ultra ortodox won't accept you fully, but that also applies to Jews that didn't convert.

I'm a Jew and would fully accept a convert. It's a very long and hard process, so if you go through it it means that the heart is most likely in the right place.

no, converts should be seen as Jewish as a born Jew


The ultra ortodox will oftentimes just marry one of their own, but they would accept the convert as a Jew since it says so in the Talmud.

The only ones that would be racist is the crazy Zionists, but who wants to be accepted by those crazies?

what if my reasons are that I want to enslave or eliminate all subhumans below 120 iq

Would obviously not be an acceptable reason for converting.

Basically, yes. the Torah states that women are the holy "chalice" of the people.

someones got to do it

>is this because women are the key to controlling evolution? always wondered.
My theory: Muzzies rape and pillage, but no matter what happens the children will be Jewish. Basically, if you preggo a jew, you have caused their numbers to increase. It may be a means to control reproduction.

Ivanka has Jewish blood, have you seen her face before her surgeries? Hook nose, weak chin, bug eyes, and fish lips. She's definitely a kike.

Either way I don't consider someone who converts to be one of my own, they have clearly picked their team.

an admirable goal, but not one to tell the Rabbi

being a jew means being descendant of Israelites, the original jews (god's chosen people). judaism is the religion that the jews follow but not necessarily what makes a jew, and why there are jews who are also athiests, and jews for jesus and dumb shit like that.
so no, if you're not descendant of isrealites through maternal ancestry, you're not a "real" jew, you're just larping as one.

you always know who the mother is, the father....not so much

She's seen as fully Jewish. /Jew

explains all the racemixing


get the fuck out of Sweden you kikes, go to your precious Israel

It's to keep women focused on reproduction and not become shit-eating feminists

t. married a goy

Some Jews never accept converts. It probably takes several generations before the extended family normalizes as coherently Jewish, but in today's world that stage is unlikely to ever be reached because of many reasons including pic related.

Islam and Christianity both begging to have people join them, and Jews are over here controlling the world and not letting even half breeds and converts in.
Shows who's really the problem. Islam isn't shit

for whatever reason one converts most converts fall in love with the people/religion, it is full of life and community

It depends what community you are in.
Hassidim Jews will not accept her as Jewish.
Progressive Jews won't give a damn.
Atheist Jews don't give a damn anyway; most of them are half goyim anyway.
Myself included.

No, it's absolutely true.

being a jew and following the judaism are two separate things and this is why the jews who actually understand that don't consider converts to judaism as jews, and why jews for ever have been considering themselves "like" a separate race. Being a jew means that you descended from god's chosen people. that's not something you can convert yourself to, and why it's retarded to convert to judaism, it's just another way for you to get robbed by the jews.

yes i have seen the community bonds are very tight and theres always something exciting going on

and you are right, doing something out of love the right way to go

I have never seen a Jew that has liked the term "Gods chosen" it pisses us off, no normal Jew thinks they're "chosen by God" fuck off with that bullshit

Poor Sven

But Israel is a false homeland, user

"For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth."

it's in your holy book, faggot--the thing that defined the jews in the first place. Nobody cares if you like it.

Pure BS you're just LARPing as a Jew. There are many different kinds of Jews, meaning that there are many different backgrounds but we are all Jews. I happen to be Ashkenazi but that doesn't make me more or less Jewish. Read the Talmud.

You talk like a Zionist, but I suspect you're just some LARPer.

God damn she is beautiful

That's degenerate though. The Jews were supposed to be and were the light of the world (with Christ becoming the light of the world later when the word of God became flesh). That's a position of responsibility that should humble a pious Jew, just as being among God's elect should fill the heart of a pious Christian with awe and humility rather than pride and presumption. The special status has become corrupt when it is nothing but muh masterrace meme. I don't doubt that it has in fact become corrupt, but this is a misunderstanding of the role of Jews. The special status is a big part in why religious Jews reject even eager converts (i.e. reject as in advise them not to convert and tell them to think it over for a longer period of time) because non-Jews can just follow Noahide laws whereas becoming a Jew greatly increases the individual's responsibility and burdens him with the Mosaic laws.

do you now how to read? you haven't contradicted anything that I said.

what's your point? you still orginated from realities. that's what makes you a jew, you fool.

>That's degenerate though.
it's only degenerate if you value being a jew or believe in god.
to me, it's all mythology and bs, so i dont really care what christians, muslims, jews(real or not) think. it's kind of interesting though.


She goes to Hell

>Chosen people
>Literally any schmo can choose become one
>Check Mate Demiurge

>Hook nose, weak chin, bug eyes, and fish lips
>definitely a kike
Because goys NEVER have these features, right?