Most based version of the Bible?

Recent events have opened my eyes to the nature of good and evil. After years of being a programmed agnostic liberal, I am looking towards the light. I wasn't raised in a very religious household, so I don't really know much.

What is the most based version of the Bible?

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NASB. It's the most accurate word-for-word translation, no interpretation added on top.

The new King James Version. Read it front to back

The Catholic Bible. Any other version has had books removed from it. Start with Mathew or Luke

I think the version mary was the most based

There actually do exist Oriental Orthodox bibles with additional books, the I can't recall what they are off the top of my head.

Maybe a Gideon or Holy Bible

The Book of Mormon


KJV is the best for an adult, but if you are trying to get your kids or young adult reading the NIV might be best. The language is almost shakespearian and if you've ever given a kid shakespeare to read they usually can't get into it because they aren't used to the wordings. KJV is superior if you are a native english speaker.

Christcucks get the fuck off this website. This is a pagan Zoroastrian shop-class forum.

King James.
The rest of the versions are from like 50 Egyptian manuscripts that were (((discovered))) buried in the deserts of Egypt... where heresy comes from.

The early church was based in Antioch Syria, and tje textus receptus that the King James is based on has over 5000 manuscripts.

This video will expqnd upon why all other English versions are for cucks.
Bible made for cucks that is mistranslated starting in Genesis 1. Look into it, Cathcuck.

they have all four maccabees and the didache. but they were independantly added after the council of rome and carthage in the 4rth century.

The King James 1611 has 7 MORE books that tje CATHOLICS removed.

The Catholics also removed 1 of the 10 Commandments.

Dont listen to Catholics, Op, theu arent even Chrisrians at this point. They are liars or fools like this goy.

It's Shakespearean because it was written in the later years of his life where he had influenced the authors and scholars who wrote the KJV.

The NIV omits 22,000 pieces of scripture.

It is known as the HIV here in the Bible Buckle.

The absolute most based version of the bible would be the Latin Vulgate, hand-written by St. Jerome in 382 AD at the order of the pope to translate all of the scriptures from greek to latin.

The next best bible would be the Douay-Rheums bible, which is the original translation of the Latin Vulgate into English

the extra books are many new testament gnostic books which were not included in the canon of scripture at the council of rome and carthage which produced the bible. as for the deuterocanonical books they were included in the greek translation of the septuagint and was used by greek jews before the council of jinnah(jewish rabbinical council not christian one) around 100 ad which excluded both the new testament and the deutero books

Thanks anons. I appreciate your thoughts.

also reminder that the catholic church established the new testament canon.

The KJV is the most direct English translation from the original Greek and Hebrew texts.

Don't touch the NIV, it is riddled with contradictions.

Mein kampf

KJV only

>The Catholics also removed 1 of the 10 Commandments.


For the retards saying the KJV but not also the NKJV you have to realize that language has changed a bit from Shakespeare's time.
The KJV is a work of art in my eyes and should be admired and respected, but it has become outdated a bit.
I own a very wide array of Bibles and both of my KJ versions are my favorite.

the quran

>buy a bible translated from the ORIGINAL Greek, to Latin, to English which has 1 of the 10 Commandments removed because it BTFO the apostate Catholic Church

>buy the KJV that was translated into English from the original Hebrew and Greek by the brightest scholars the King of England could assemble

William Tydale was burned at the stake by the filthy Catholics for daring to translate the Bible into English so people could read it, his last words was a prayer to God that the King of England would have his eyes opened. 2 years later the King authorized the work on the KJV.

Tyndale is one of the thousands of Martyrs made by the evil Catholic Church that will come back with Jesus during the 2nd coming and casts the pope into Hell.

Topkek, son.

The Necronomicon.

You need to first understand the difference between version and translations.

I suggest a translation for learning the love and laws that Christ sent us in his message.

I am not being facetious because my faith is the only thing I take serious, but whenever you have free time, secluded yourself and ask God the Father in prayer that you are trying to connect to him and you wish him to lead you to the full truth. If you don't think this is possible, just enjoy the ride. I'm not going to unload on this forum, but before you pass from this world I pray you end up in a Catholic Church :) God Bless You.

(I'll pray for you too!)

Best straight to the point version of Christ's gospel

septuagint in greek or gtfo

KJV for poetry, NRSV for accuracy, NIV for readability.

The good parts:
• Genesis
• Exodus 1-15
• Ecclesiastes
• Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

That will cover pretty much 90% of the cultural references anyone will ever make to the Bible. Skip the back half of the Torah and the Pauline stuff (Acts and the Epistles) like your life depends on it, those parts will rot your brain and turn you into an authoritarian slave.

The real bible is the catholic bible
The vatican owns all the original greek books of the second testament.
When the church of england broke away from rome the king james bible was created then the lazy drifted away from their church and created their own protestant churches using the king james version.

The best version of the bible(NT) is the original text. Then the vvlgate, then catholic romance language translations.

KJVfags gtfo

Quran is the final red pill

The Eth Cepher is an authorized KJV bible that restores the original Hebrew names and meanings of characters and places, puts back in the proper names of God (Yahuah, Yah, Elohim, Adonai, etc), and adds back in some books removed from the original KJV over the years as well as adding in other books quoted by scripture such as First Enoch, all arranged in proper chronological order so you can start at the beginning and discover the true narrative structure of the Bible

reading NKJV
I bet you haven't watched this yet


Strong's Exhaustive COncordance which is read properly (read the "how to read" section). All other answers are literally wrong because they don't include the original greek/hebrew.

You surely dont know your christian history.
The first testament was written in hebrew and the second testament is written in greek.

So either of the 2 big KJV


You need to have the OT to truly understand the NT

yep. You'll never read a better version of the Gospels.

>hurr durr the KJV left out book

>t t those b b books arent cannon anyway
Gets caught being a filthy satanic Catholic Jesuit scum.

Seriously, why are you all reprobate liars?

Tje Gunpowder Rebellion that those faggy Anonymous commies got Guy Fawkes from was based on a Satanic Jesuit traitor that tried to murder King James because he authorized the KJV project.
The Catholic Church is Satanic.

Catholics dont evem read their Bibles, or else they wouldnt be Catholics.


>reading translations

Read the original hebrew and greek you cucks

No comnandments are removed catholics believe in ten commandments.
His bullshit protestant preacher fed him lies.

>The good parts
Those are indeed good parts of the bible.

But OP needs to give time to study ALL of the new testament if they want to understand what it means to be a Christian.
Along with deep prayer to our Father in heaven.

"“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.’

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
>Matthew 6

The NKJV and all other translations are corrupted starting in Genesis 1.

This is the correct answer

Bluepilling yourself and becoming a religitard, genius

Romans is the best

either you're an authoritarian government cum guzzler or you stop liking religion after that

It's actually better to start with the new testament in order to understand the old testament. The old testament all makes sense in context with the revelations of the nt

Oops, left a few numbers in there by accident

>entire thread bickering about which goatfucker had the least warped shit passed down for millennia in a fucked up game of telephone that only retarded southerns believe in 2017

ACTS is one of the most important books of the Bible, it's where Paul codifies doctrine.

>Calling others "not Christian"

Fucking kek. The Protestants were the first SJWs, and splintered into 1000 pieces. Tell me Protestant, is everything in the Bible literally true? Why is it so easy for you to be tripped up by atheist fedoras? Do you not realize that the end result of Protestantism is Atheist?

The end result of common sense is atheist/agnostic

>not having a wide array of bibles for comparison against one another

>cultural references

gods word is brought down to you needing to know some cultural refrences

wow u have a real respect for god

Protestants dont seem to understand battling social class or financial class issues is a form of ENVY.

>also reminder that the One Holy Apostolic Orthodox and Universal Church established the new testament canon before hereisarch Leo I created schism in the Church with his heretical filoque and papal supremacy.


I do that im catholic but after learning some latin you realise some bibles vary on accuracy on certain verses

You're a subbersive kike putting words into my mouth, because I never said the OT wasnt in Hebrew.

In fact I have already stated that you filthy Catholic pagan shit.

Beaners are Catholic OP, let that sink in. The potato niggers too.

Dont let the Shareblue CTR fags fool you into believing Catholic heresies.

Having the originals is always helpful


seriously fuck God, tho

>languages differ due to vocabulary developing differently

Why is NRSV better?

Peter died in rome so the catholic church is peter's church and most orthodox churches broke away from rome.

talmud and torah

op and other people in here posting niv,nkjv,catholic versions dont understand the satanic agenda and manipulations of doctrine

you CANT use anything other than a kjv if you know whats going on and are a real christian

u dont get it
there is no baseder version . you dont really get to pick

enh, stick to the red letters and don't drink Paul's kool-aid.

Fedora please go, this is a thread for believers. While you leave think about this for a moment; Since I'll assume you're an atheist who thinks the multiverse is real, in one of those universes God must be real, and he must be omipresent in all of universes, since it is of course a multiverse.


>denominational squabbles

Just delve into western esotericism.

At least we actually believe in God

Catholics burned the real Christians, not that you would know anything about that, Mohammed.

The Catholic Church literally invented medieval torture devices like the Iron Maiden which they used to murder real Christians.

Pic related, it's a Catholic Church pastime.

Baptists have never invented any means of torture aside from country music.

Oh shit

This is all you need to know about Catholics... look at this reprobate sodomite.

Catholics dont even believe in God or the Bible, they believe in evolution.

>The Catholics also removed 1 of the 10 Commandments.
dafuk? Source!?!?!?

Just because Peter died in Rome and the Pope was first among equals in honor, doesn't change the fact that papal supremacy was whole cloth fabrication and the Papacy fell into heresy. No where in the scriptures or in holy tradition or in the writings of the church fathers does it teach that the leadership of the church is immune from heresy. The scriptures and church fathers say the opposite, warning repeatedly of wolf in sheeps clothing. And look now at your papacy, as he shatters holy tradition and betrays all that your church stands for. Can you honestly look at the modern Catholic church and take seriously the claim that it is the unaltered church of the fathers, especially while the Orthodox, still largely untouched by the ravages of heresy and degeneracy despite a century under Soviet dominance, and multiple centuries under Ottoman and other Muslim rule?

The only truth left in the Catholic church is the truth that points from it to the Orthodox church.

Baptist didnt exist untill after people wandered away from the church of england.

The baptist were too lazy to follow the orthodoxy of the church of england.
The baptist have no christian knowledge of the first 500 years of christianity after christ's death.

NRSV is written in this kind of biblical lawyer-ese. It doesn't care how the words sound or about the favorite mistranslations of various sects, it cares about nailing the translation from the original Hebrew / Greek with no margin for error.

I only use it for scholarly work. My go-to translations for pleasure reading is the NIV I got from my protestant grandmother, and the JPS version my Jewish grandfather handed down to me.

"New" King James, the original of which was based on the Masoretic text and Textus Receptus. Fuck you.

checkout flat earth and the bible

KJV only

Filthy Roman heretic.

Peter died in Rome so the Catholics run the show? Are you retarded?

I'm an atheist transgender Jew who worships at United Church of Christ, not a fucking catholic. And I've read the Bible more times than everyone in this thread put together.

Kimg james is fin to read but its missing sections,the catholic bible is the real bible.
Also king james himself was a sexual deviant who fucked men and animals.

None of you retarded faggots know what you are talking about.

The NIV translators removed 64,576 words as compared to the King James Bible!

Yes, that's right, the NIV butchers removed the word "begotten" from John 3:16.

That's not all that the wicked NIV deceivers took out of the Bible. The word "sodomite" is completely gone, as is the words: fornication, trucebreakers, winebibbers, carnal, slothful, unthankful, effeminate, backbiting, vanity, lasciviousness, whoredom, devils, Lucifer, damnation, brimstone, and the bottomless pit.

It removes the name "Jesus" in 38 places, removes the word "hell" 40 times

wow all these non-answers to my very basic questions. I wonder who could be this upset over them?

Protestants have stipped everything important away, and think they can honestly "just believe", and think its ok, meanwhile still living their lives the way they want to.

Watch this OP:
All the new versions leave out tons of critical scripture. Only read King James

The more you know...

And that's not the only thing they removed.
