Is your youth fucked up?

These are the scenes from yesterday, the last day of high school. Its a tradition that all students gather in the main square, every class wearing unique tshirts.. and go to our main parks to drink, play music etc etc

However, lots of Croatian graduates were celebrating with nazi symbols, songs, chants all over Croatia...Its just fucked up. I went to pick up my sister at one of the parks and every 2.-3. kid had a nazi symbol on written on their shirt

Other urls found in this thread:

even the professors...


>Heiling/Roman salute
You do realize that's Croatia was a Vassal of Rome for centuries right? In addition, it's the only Catholic Balkan country.

Finally, your country had a pretty notable SS legion.

Imagine the shitstorm if the German or any other western students did this
Thankfully, we are a irrelevant shithole so nobody cares

They are literally sieg heiling on Croatian in these videos

>front row, right-most
qt :3

I'm moving to croatia

These are a bit nicer pictures of what Im talking about

>muh nazis are bad
>muh youth is fucked up

Shut the fuck up, you don't know how good you have it, leftist scum. I suppose real freedom is offensive to jewish parasites, so go ahead and fuck yourself, kike.


>implying any of this is bad
return to plebbit

based as fuck tbqh. this gives me hope

I'm pretty sure OP is being ironic.

This post just gave me hope.

bumping because I see people trying to slide it and this should be discussed.

Nationalism and neo-nazi propaganda are on the rise and they are ignored while all of the alt-right online media ignores it and instead focuses on "antifa" hoping to be able to villanize someone and ligitimize the hate speech being spouted by the viewers that make them rich.

This shit is creepy, and I don't care what you call me. Eat a dick if you think holocaust worship is okay.

How difficult is it to learn Croatian?

>Imagine the shitstorm if the German or any other western students did this

me and my friends did it when the school made us visit Dachau

Lurk more faggot. Heil hitler

Its paradise. Girls are trad 10s. Weather is amazing. Property prices zero. White af. Same with hungary.

Hungary-Croatia-Poland is last hope for europe. Thank god he made it a paradise. Croatia coastline is perfect in every way.


Sounds like you did something right.

I lurk to keep shit interesting newfag.

find me a nigger or a muzzie The thing that bothers me about Croatian fascism is anti-serbism
Our youth is very radicalized, but for the fucks sake, stop with the ex-yu hate

I was literally dressed as a nazi youth during our high school maskendball, and the only reaction I got was a calm suggestion from one of the professors to hide my swastika on the arm


"its just fucked up"

Fucking get enriched and die slow queer.

Sounds a bit drastic.

Protect Croatia-Hungary at all costs.

Europe's last stand against Islam will be starting there.

Black user here.
This is actually pretty fucking hilarious DESU.

A good way to get stuck up people to relax.
It's how the interwebs used to be.
It's how older millennials got people to open up and be more accepting by getting them to not spaz out over shit like this.

maybe there's a reason behind why more and more people are throwing up 1488

I'm a commie myself, but both natsocs and we can see to the roots of our problem

Fuckin' BASED

that seems pretty cool desu. the town in the second video also looks like a nice place to stay.

it put a smile on rob's face

I miss this. ten-fifteen years ago when shit didn't matter.



I think Croatia is a pretty cool guy, eh's the son of an immigrant factory worker and doesn't afraid of anything

Thanks for serious sam btw


Hrvoje NO!

It's fucked up that the youth everywhere aren't doing this. You've given me hope, OP. I may visit Croatia just to see your based youth.

The fire rises

Heil Hitler you faggot. The reason there is a resurgence in Nationalism, and especially National Socialism, is because the people are finally breaking free of the Jewish parasite's grip. The Holocaust should have happened.

Tbf at least in my part, there were just schools and everyone had a different shirt and that stuff, but nobody did any nazi stuff. Looks like Croatia will save Slovenia in the future derp.

That's the capital

The only reason we're not fully cucked yet is because we border Hungary and Croatia. Otherwise we would probably be sucking Somali cocks like Germans.

I'm glad you guys think that.. wish we could put our differences and poltical sea-border bullshit aside and work together more

Fucking cheeto Trump radicalizing the youth. Reminds me of someone.


>women dressed like half naked sluts
>kids get drunk and puke, shit and piss everywhere

What's so great about your culture again?

Until Europe cleans up it's act and starts to have morals again I welcome the invasion of Muslims. We need another hitler, not this jew, feminist, lgbt crap

Shut the fuck up burger. Kids having fun is OK if they're with their families and relatives around in a community where they know the people around them from growing up.

Nothing wrong with girls being attractive.

Go be gay somewhere else.


>Kids having fun

Kids getting drunk, acting like niggers, shitting, pissing, and barfing on sidewalks is not "fun" you utter fucking degenerate moron. These kids are having pre marital sex every other day with new people and shitting on Christian values.

>Nothing wrong with girls being attractive.

For their husbands no. I bet you're okay with women sleeping with 20 dudes in one night because muh sexual liberation. You fucking cuck

ass soon as you stop being a cunt we can

>I was literally dressed as a nazi youth during our high school maskendball, and the only reaction I got was a calm suggestion from one of the professors to hide my swastika on the arm
This needs to be a banner.
By the way, how the fuck is this socially acceptable in Croatia?

Croatia is one of the last countries in Europe when it comes to teenage sex

and it sucks

fuck off, you dont know anything about our society. It was hot af yesterday

Pretty cool.
Why are you such a stupid faggot OP?
Oh, right.

I know its hard for you to understand because you've only seen a society with no actual community like in the USA, and no experience in many areas, but Europeans start drinking at a young age so don't have the same impulse control problems after a few beers at 17 like amerifats do.

And premarital sex isn't of itself massively damaging as long as it's not OTT degenerate and within a safe community and people are acting with some restraint, respect, etc.

What the fuck do you think concubines were in the Bible? Read more you braindead fuck.

Balance is important fag.


Or does he? (((Sexual liberation))) is a huge problem here.

i went to hs with a croatian

he bragged about how he was going to get into columbia and that my grades were shitty and that id get nowhere in life

a bit later i found out he got rejected from eight colleges and had to go to community college

i got into a pretty good school and about 6 months later he called me up at 2 am in the morning asking me how college was

then he'd call every few weeks telling me how the college i went to wasn't all it rumored to be

creepy stalker with a frail ego


The situation in Croatia is the same as in the rest of the Balkans
We dont have "sexual liberation" like western Europe...lets be real

itt: dumb burger bongs can't understand obvious sarcasm from OP and have a problem with strong family, white teenagers messing around.

meanwhile their country is world renowned for easy fat sluts. kek.

keep room for jesus in your high school proms while she gets gangbanged on brazzers.

dumb fucking yanks.

From what I know it's not exactly a common occurrence.


Yes, and the situation is shitty. We're definitely on the wrong track and this needs to be rectified ASAP.

>but Europeans start drinking at a young age so don't have the same impulse control problems after a few beers at 17 like amerifats do.

Is that why European countries have much higher rates of alcohol abuse and deaths than america? And what's with this "no community" shit in the USA? total crap. Even though 1 city is bigger than your entire country that doesn't mean there is no community.

>And premarital sex isn't of itself massively damaging as long as it's not OTT degenerate and within a safe community and people are acting with some restraint, respect, etc.

Premarital sex is a sin, so yes it is bad. It's less bad when 2 people are in a relationship but it's fucking degenerate when teens are having fucking gangbangs and end up having babies and AIDS and shit and dressing half naked with ZERO modesty whatsover. Do you see what these little girls are wearing? How are the fathers not fucking ashamed of themselves for letting daughters go out like that?

>We dont have "sexual liberation" like western Europe...lets be real

Do you see how these women are dressed?


So you would be okay with your daughter wearing skin tight clothes that reveal her entire ass at the age of 14 and having sex with 3 dudes ever week?

Have some fucking shame. Europe has lost it's values.


Where does the Bible say premarital sex is a sin?.

no niggers, no gangbangs and aids.

Jamal at 7/11 knowing your name isnt the same as walking anywhere in your town and everyone having known each other for the past 40 years+

>half naked
buy a burka and kys then ahmedfag. i like seeing hot girls as long as they're safe.

where the fuck did i say that?

this is honestly true and its why I never bought into this new right and "redpilling the normies" bullshit.
Normies are fucking terrible. Pure cancer. I hope that one day you die doing retarded shit with your friends.
People here like to complain about "degeneracy", which I agree with to some extent. But they also act like the past wasn't just as bad if not worse than it is now. The only difference is that today everything is illuminated and everyone sees everything.
No matter what the normies will be cancerous degenerate rats. They have no convictions and are completley ruled by their desires. It's revolting on a visceral level the things they do to try and get sex. They're the slime that lubricates the gears of society. Their disgusting behavior is what brought us what we have today, if there were none like them we would all be living in the forest alone. It's just another cruel joke that the master had designed this world with.

.t christcuck that wholly supports mass immigration because god created man in his own image >:)

This post cured my cancer. Thank you based Balkan youth.

Fuck. I guess the price of living in a community I could actually like would be moving to a place that's probably still covered with active landmines.

I'll fucking bite, Croatia.

I agree. I wish we were more open about sex like westerners

I was there yesterday. And it was a really hot day. Lots of guys were without tshirts as well.

This is called "Norijada". Its once a year event where kids enjoy their last they of high school. I can imagine that girls who look like this behave like sluts in America, but in Croatia, with Balkan mentality, its a completely different story

the way you look (for one day lol) doesnt represent your way of life.

shut up and lurk, you might actually learn something you miserable faggot.

Blood is greater than gold, a dirt clod is greater than a stock portfolio, honor is greater than the highest dividend, the folk stands taller than the sum of its business-transactions

Most of them don't realize that being Nazi cucks will leave most of them corpses.

Historically speaking.

>buy a burka and kys then ahmedfag. i like seeing hot girls as long as they're safe.

Then go watch porn or fuck your wife you fucking degenerate.

See that's the fucking problem with our shit culture. Everything, including the fucking children are oversexualized to shit. Everything is "sex sex sex", music and movies are not artistic anymore just sexual and it's encouraging this degenerate behaviour.

If you're okay with society promoting it then you're saying it's okay to raise your daughter and let her suck dick everyday. You're a fucking degenerate that's what.

Even if that was the case you retard at least degenerate sexual behaviour isn't rewarded by popular culture

Eastern european girls are leagues above american girls in looks, values, and intelligence. And 100x less slutty.

Yeah they'll have sex (many) pre marriage but they have some self worth and pick high quality guys. OF course thats easier when you're country isn't full of niggers spics mudslims fags and betafags

Generally speaking.

>I was there yesterday. And it was a really hot day. Lots of guys were without tshirts as well.

Degenerate as well. Not wearing a shit is fucking nigger tier behaviour. Couple that with getting drunk in public and you're 100% nigger.

See this kind of thinking is why you're all so fucking fat.

Eating a burger every now and then is OK.

Eating a burger 3 times a day is not.

Doesn't mean you need to be a vegetarian.

Same with sex... ya get it now fagt?

You're country is so niggerfied that you can't imagine how liberated life can be when you're surrounded by high quality aryans in paradise.

Fuck. I guess the price of living in a community I could actually like would be moving to a place that's probably still covered with active landmines.

I'll fucking bite, Croatia. >I wish we were more open about sex like westerners
You don't want that. Maybe you want them to be a little more sexually liberal, but llease don't copy us for your own good.

Just shut the fuck up you pathetic yurocuck

Well the thing is, we're mostly very homogenic countries. Slovenia has had 18 aids patients in entire country in past 10 years (yes, only 18 in a decade) and they're all gays. Getting STDs is extremely rare, unless you're gay.

Our girls aren't getting banged by Somalis and shit. The mentality is completely different when you live in a >99% white, homogenic country.

Its not really covered in landmines dude lmao

>And 100x less slutty.

You're the one that's promoting slutty behaviour you fucking faggot.

67% of men and 57% of women in the UK are overweight or obese according to the study which uses a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25 to define 'overweight' and a BMI of 30 or more to define 'obese'. Researchers found that overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is also a growing problem in the UK

Go fuck yourself

high quality argument there ausfuck. hows our little convict colony doing? hows your lebbo invasion?

funny that, youre only 2nd after america for fat sluts

You did the right thing


Wrong country you uneducated swine

I will take a christian lebanese person 10/10 over a degenerate sexually liberal atheist from slavshit countries

Its still 75% in america.

Seems your fat brain is still too riddled with nigger genes to realise the difference between accepting some flexibility in range of acceptable behaviour and encouraging american level sluttiness.

fucking braindead ... jesus

Degenerste behavior is natural human behavior. We are all disgusting dirt apes and the only thing that stops us from being worse than Congolese niggers is the values instilled in us that stem from our greater societal values.
They don't need to be incentivized, their biology incentivizes them. All you can do is what's within the bounds of conditioning. And while you can get some to ignore it the simple fact is that most won't. You can't take that out of people. They will listen to their normie heads and chase their desires. Sex is one of their desires and is a desire that most people would not repress.

hard to distinguish which of our south hemisphere shit pellets you come from. sheepfuck works too if you prefer.


american dumbass
like I said, you obviously dont know anything about our society
We are sexually closed, balkan, post war country, without hook-up culture and other western degeneracy

I get your point that women should dress more modest, but they really do here. Its once a year event and its not even that "wild"

You base your opinion on few pictures from that event

It sucks. You'll hardly get any sex if you're not in a relationship. People dont use apps like tinder and we dont have club/one night stand culture like you guys do

It has its good things, but I wish we were a bit more open
Thank God for erasmus whores

Honestly, if Slavs took over the world and genocided or bred out everyone else, I would not even mind.

I despise how the MUH NATZIES N SHYYYYYET co-opted the Roman salute. It makes me very angry.

I did it runing around gym in ginastics while singing the portuguese marines song.

Both netherlands