Would you betray your race for Asian ass?
Would you betray your race for Asian ass?
But where's the ass?
If you conquered a village you wouldn't care about race when deciding who you want
would you betray your race for chicken nuggers?
I have that same exercise bike I think. I could be wrong.
My race makes up less than 1% of the global population. I'll have to betray my race regardless of what happens to keep our bloodline alive for another generation if only a little.
Would I betray it for an asian woman? Yes. I'm not mixing my warrior blood with anything less than the best.
Happa has blood of Odin and blood of Genghis Khan. What's the problem?
/thread. Bongs are so in love with ugly reptile women. Pathetic.
Asians built societies in their own countries.
East asians have higer average neaderthal DNA present within them than white populations do.
I unironically think they are honerary-aryans
10/10 would impregnate
asian is acceptable black is not
OP on suicide watch
do u use it? im in the market
Would and have. Besides, I'm not huwite enough for Sup Forums, so I'd be fucking my way up the IQ ladder anyway.
>muh neanderthal dna
whites actually believe this
Thats a sexy pic ... FUG :D :D
Hapa girls should be white
if you like stupid big 'thicc' asses you're a nigger
I don't have to.