does he deserve all the hate? Isn't he just trying to help our movement hit the mainstream?
Richard Spencer
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his haircut is super cute! i wish my bf would do that
he's starting to resemble a real life Peter Griffin.
I hope you're a woman.
We need to support Richard Spencer, he is the face of our movement.
Damn, he's fat as shit.
yeah, I said I have a bf
what did he mean by this?
Ehhh yes and no he does get a little edgy and try to irl troll and i do think jared taylor would make a much face for thr movement but overall we could have worse leaders
>there are people so tsundere that they quickly shoop every Spencer pic they come across
This place is saturated in homos.
Obvious raiding all day with these photoshops of him being posted continuously.
Dunno what lib forum you're from where they're spending their time on this but they're pretty bad shops. pls try harder :^)
Richard spencer is an alright guy, he gets lots of exposure and therefore lots of hate. Anyone who pushes for a collective white consciousnesses is generally going to move us in the right direction even if you dont agree with everything they have to say. Our ideas have been suppressed for so long its refreshing to see someone willing to ruin their entire lives over it. He may be controlled opposition or cia, but its more likely hes just a guy trying to do right by his people in an increasingly harsh, hostile, and mudded world.
Consider what he gave up to do this. He will never be able to live a normal life after getting his face out there for doing what he believes is right.
You fucking cowards would never make such a sacrifice, the thought would never cross your mind.
At least hes out there practicing what he preaches. Is he the best? No. Is he effective, sure. But, is he making a difference? Look at the endless counter-signally shill character assassination threads and let that be your answer.
>"our movement"
If Sup Forums's thing is Lenin, this is the Stalin that eventually comes and fucks everything up.
You know the rules, post your titties roastie.
An supra national white person party wouldn't be a bad thing though we could whites in countries where their minorities and facing genocide
idiocy is already mainstream...
>muh based Globalism tho!
lol nah
Are you a full time shill?
Are Mike Enoch and Spencer natsoc? They constantly deny it when questioned but then talk about the JQ and how the kikes are destroying the west. Mike is married to a jew and Spencer follows Jared Taylor's mindset of jews being white so this is all very confusing.
You know Enoch is a Jew.
You know Spencer is a Zionist.
Stop shilling.
Make babies for Sup Forums
did you even watch that varg vid? he said ethno-nationalism is dead and ought to be replaced with more traditional human grouping systems
varg simply hates nations in general, but prefers natural ethnic groupings
this idea of a 100% european nation is untenable and also not as good for humans
>be richard spencer
>ethno-nationalist, anti-globalist
>be richard spencer
>anti-ethonationalist, pro-globalist
>but prefers natural ethnic groupings
He's Norwegian and he married a french woman. Isn't he a bit of a hypocrite then?
sounds like you can't even have a coherent discussion mate
im just trying to figure out Dickie's position..?
is he an ethon-nationalist..a white nationalist..a zionist...a globalist..against white genocide...for white genocide...
Too much burger
not completely, if you watch the video he explains that his concern has to do with a way one person lives within a community
natural ethnic groupings would be a result of his ideal system
he explains it more succinctly in that youtube video if you want some clarification as to why MUH 100% BAVARIAN PHENOTYPE is not that important
i can't speak for dickers or varg, but i believe you are misrepresenting varg's position by associating him with spencer's weird idealist neo-roman view of europe
all that's missing to this butthurt post is a "honey, ..." at the start
He's not smart enough with a well thought out enough plan to do anything other than give the left a "nazi" to point at. I mean, heil trump was about as stupid as you could get and then he follows that up by holding a mock Klan rally to defend a confederate monument. If he's trying to do anything other than embody the strawman the left wants than he's an idiot. Dumb ass make some solid defensible points and then does/says shit the public will never support...
>2 posts by this ID
i think it's best if we stop posting in this derailment thread
pretty obvious OP is a paid shill
I haven't even mentioned varg...
>weird Globalist view of europe
fixed it
Gotta love kraut chan posters.
you are trying to hard with these memes.
Take a look at the scoop posters are danald posters.
and try to figure out why they work.
Dear god the strain on that jacket...
His outline is that of a woman
you don't appear to have a grasp on what globalism actually is
the ancient roman empire didn't partake in globalism
who said the ancient roman empire partook in Globalism?
Amazing that you guys don't see shills making anti Spencer threads constantly now.
As always, I recommend this thread on MPC:
He's really that fat? I seen vids and he's not that fat
That's shooped don't be a fag
Is that fat? Wat?
It doesn't change the fact that he has super meaty tits
He's a Fed or some branch of intelligence u noob
>another CIA limited hangout thread
>does y our character have jewish origins
completely lost any trust i had in him when he showed with the people marching with torches. perfect ammo for the media.
He's a collectavist retard.
there is no movement
Says that we must protect White Culture and People and Says that he is Christian but doesn't understand the hypocrisy of practicing a middle eastern religion whose missionaries killed his ancestors and kinfolk who didn't concert and destroyed the ORIGINIAL european culture and way of life. Christian White Nationalists are just edgy idiots who are just trying to be different.
fuck he's a fat fuck. We need to donate bicycles to our alt right leaders fast.
Does she have two left eyes or two right eyes? I can't decide..
Exactly. Alt-Right wasn't a thing until the past Election Season around the time the media talked about it. The people who label themselves Alt-Right are either edgy bandwagons going against the grain or are just anime profile trolls who don't believe. They don't actually believe in it, No way people just didn't know that what to call their ideology until last year.
Has he put on weight?
holy shit i hope this photo is real, im literally chuckling quietly to myself
RIP Button
So many nufag kikes
Guess what He has a point
>you will never be as handsome as Dickie Spencer
why even live?
Jared is more for the boomers. Richard is more for the Gen X and Millenials. Though both are indispensable, they are for different audiences.
>Alt-Right wasn't a thing until the past Election Season around the time the media talked about it
The Alt-Right has been around since 2010. Just because you were not there doesn't mean it didn't happen. Stop trying to be all accusatory and paranoid just because YOU were out of the loop.
>the alt-right never existed prior to th-
Also helps that he's pretty /fa/. I met him several times, one of which at NPI, and he complimented my suit. Guy has an eye for style.
That's the master plan. Spencer promoted the Alt Right, knowing he was going to bait the EVIL LIB media and with that gain Followers from the people that goes against everything that conservative talking heads say is evil. Sup Forums also gets media attention as altright haven causing floods of newfags during the Election causing infighting against the actually Nationalists on here and the edgy Alt-Right.
yeah spencer is /effay/
well ok since /fa/ is retarded with fashion
I dunno, Slovenia...
Posts unreadable picture trying argue Altright has always been around to but you can tell he probably pulled his info straight from a Spencer fanpage.
looks readable to me mate try squinting
>The_donald is down
>Antispencer shilling is up
Really makes you think
A gay man could tit fuck him, thank goodness (OP) is willing to do the job.
why is he so fat
I always knew he was a retard, but why fat.
>File no longer exists (404).
Would you say people like morrakiu and Murdoch Murdoch are for gen y?
Yeah someones got to do it, after all. I think he's a good speaker. He's also very careful about the way he words things due to the media distortion in the fake jew news and the 90% truth zionist cuck jew news pretending to be "alternative". Enemies on both sides.
You are right he used the term in 2010, but it had no one even cared to search for it until mid-2016 as you can see from the Google trends. Unless they just use Bing or some shit then my point stands that they were basically NON-EXISTENT until 2016. I had a guy tell me he didn't know he was Altright until 3 years ago. No way you can passionate in your ideology but just recently know what you to call yourself when Nationalists have been around for DECADES. Most of Altright are conservatives who saw the term on the news and wanted to be whatever the media hated.
>muh google trends
lets face it, you heard it first when milo wrote about it lmao
because you are reddit nigger
LOL yeah you are definitely right. Anyone who calls out the obvious Fake Prophet of Nationalism, for being a government tool to make the nationalists look fuckin retarded and lose all credibility to the public, HAS to be from a faggot reddit. This is why Sup Forums is dying.
>calls out the obvious Fake Prophet of Nationalism, for being a government tool to make the nationalists
yeah and without any proofs besides hurt fee fees
your emotional response proves me right
What's wrong with his body, Sup Forums? He is turning into a SWJ landwhale....
Is this the fate for everyone needed a safe space?
Sup Forums has become blind to the obvious but ignores and reaches for the absurd. Used to be minor but now its to the point of invalidating every point or thought someone brings up. If the majority of posters don't realize the sudden infighting and dismissive attitudes is an obvious Government plan to discredit and destroy pol and similar movements from the inside, then all hope is lost and You all deserve it
Wtf, is he eating the refugees now?
You wouldn't get emotional about watching something you've been passionate about and believed in for years dying from the inside?
beat that shitty game with Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>obvious Government plan to discredit and destroy pol
so yeah let's fight about how much you redditors hate spencer lmao
it too you years to figure out this retard is doing more hatm than good?