hello i am new in town and i am shocked to realize just how much our african american brothers have actually beeen holding us back, maybe? i dont know what to think any more.
Hello i am new in town and i am shocked to realize just how much our african american brothers have actually beeen...
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God Barron is such a sexy little strumpet, I wanna tongue his fresh tight boipucci
Welcome to Sup Forums! On behalf of Sup Forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!
Yeah brown people tend to hold us down
Its quite sad that a better world exists
But it is without them
just curious, why do you guys keep posting these japanese cartoons? how does that relate to politics?
>African Americans
>never been to Africa
We call them niggers here. Kangz is also acceptable
how are you gonna get any black users on here if you do that?
>get any black users on here
We don't want niggers here newfags
This is not reddit
You need to lurk moar bruh
Agreed! Shadilay, brother!
>Worried about the 13%
Most of them are too busy looking at blacked, killing each other or chimping out to come here
get the fuck out of here with your SJW cartoon shit
Why would we want any black users? If only racism was enough to keep blacks away; and if it works online, if only it worked irl.
That user in particular is actually a Jap, so that explains why he posted one; as for the average user, they're mostly NEET types who are obsessed with anime, and that's why they post Japtoons. Personally, I'm not a fan of anime. But, its part of Sup Forums culture. Sup Forums is primarily Sup Forums, secondarily political.
Stop, you'll taint the NSDAP
Sorry. Didn't know Sup Forums hated using sjw cartoons
Niggers, spics Jews - all need to go back.
Don't worry newfag, you'll learn eventually that blacks have the opposite of the Midas touch and everything they touch turns to shit. Then, you'll learn that as much as you hate niggers, your true enemy is the Jew. You'll eventually learn that Hitler was actually the good guy and the Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have. It's all part of the redpilling process, and we all go through it. It takes a while for some, and is easy for others. You may not like it at first, you'll question your deepest beliefs and have cognitive dissonance for a while, but eventually it will all resolve and the world will make much more sense. Even still I am continuing to learn new things and be redpilled. I wasn't so different from yourself once :)
Actually, I take that back; the cartoons themselves aren't so bad, provided you use them correctly. Post them on Tumblr, and you'll get the intended response.
goldwater was a good jew tho, wasnt trying to est immigration act of 65 or get those niggers voting democrat for 200 years
Okay, so if Hitler was the good guy, was he still a commie? Because fuck commies.
I would but then I'd have to go on tumblr
He was a socialist
Hitler was never a Commie; to the contrary, he hated Communists. Communism was a Jewish invention, there was an attempted Communist revolution in Weimar Germany lead almost entirely by Jews, and the Commies were anti-Nationalist. Communism is the antithesis of National Socialism and is a large portion of why Hitler hated the Jews, and why you should too.
This should be a manual for all incoming plebbit migrants seeking asylum.
Hitler was a National Socialist.
He was anti-Marxist, anti-Communist and anti-Capitalist.
Good point
Why was Hitler anti-capitalist?
In case you haven't noticed this an anime imageboard you dumbfuck
Because he was a National Socialist.
He wasn't a capitalist, but he wasn't a marxist socialist either.
You'll have to read about National Socialism to understand how it's different.
In a nutshell, they respected private property, but the state but the well being of its citizens above all.
Do you think that's still a viable system? Or would we need fascism to enforce it?