Kim Dotcom offers to testify and provide evidence that Seth Rich was Wikileaks source. Sean Hannity shows tweets about it.
based hannity one of the good guys
know your allys, pedes.
To the top based pedes
fat faggot is off his meds and larping again
Dude Hannity and the Tuck are what we should all aspire to be. They share are same beliefs but are able to walk the line and stay mainstream as fuck. Take note pedes.
>not a huge fat mixed race schmuck
fyi 'pede' in french is a slang that means faggot
Is pedes supposed to be a contraction of the word pederast?
It's been part of French slang for centuries.
You bunch of pédés.
o my sides, anyone believing mr dot com after his little internet fiasco party down here, what a time waster
yeah but dotcom is probably larping again. is he launching a new mega?
its from centepedes, a meme from a dude you made popular trump videos during the elections
who made*
If pol and non cucks from t_d work together we might actually accomplish something that actually gains some ground.
>MAGA fellow pedes, all hail God Emperor 4D chess BASED black man I love Israel women are our equals
Literally no it doesn't (actual native French speaker here). Go back to watching niggers fuck your wife, stupid leaf.
I hope he does. Last time he lied. At this point though, someone out there has to have evidence. I think we almost cracked the case ourselves.
Dot com is on his last legs here.
Hollywood Jews have nailed him, just waiting on extradition
>actual native French speaker here
google pédé ducon
he got bought out of his new mega
>1 post by this id
Could be Seth hosted something on Mega using an account which was cross referenced when they found his leddit account.
how is Hannity mixed race?
Hannity has been on Cloud 9 since Trump won
Right now Hannity is on track to surpass an aging Limbaugh to become the king of conservative talk radio.
He is looking for his big break story. Hopefully this isn't fake and he gets some good exposure
I hate that he actually changed his last name to "Dotcom". Fucking cringiest shit ever. Otherwise he's a pretty cool guy.
>Kim dotcom anything in the title of a 'news article'
Lmao, you memer retards are braindead as fuck, he's nothing more than an attention whore scam artist and a piece of shit who profits from piracy.
Alt right retards are naive enough to believe Mike cernovich, this kim sitcom, Alex Jones, and basically any internet memer that gains traction
Holy shit the stupidity is astounding
remember how he hyped the fact that he would bring down clinton and then nothing happened?
This is pretty good. Trying to influence the people that you're from reddit and you support hannity so naturally we shouldn't.
Y'all are learning. Good.
He's always been a fraud, I remember going to his shitty sockpuppet 'investment' forum to laugh at the retards who burned their money in ventures with him.
He's basically a nigger, even as far as 12 years back, he always posted pictures of him around the world with expensive shit to lure in more retards.
Nowadays all he has to do is exploit the pro trump, anti Hillary retards for political and financial gain without actually delivering the goods
Sup Forums is a 'bluepilled' fagfest
What was the time frame?
He could have been the one that scammed Podesta
based jew pedes
wasnt he one of the top COD:MW players back in like 09 or something?
almost at the end of the election, he claimed he knew about clinton deleted emails, and then he said "lol just ask the fbi the nsa has them lol"
Now he is. I think he saw what they did to O'Reily even after Bill and him shilled non-stop for Israel's wars over the yrs and reality slapped him in the face. Good on O'Hannity, he's saw the light and wants to stay relevant. My biggest prob with all the right/left talking heads is that they tend to be out of touch with the average person IRL and just make up shit to fill in the blanks so they world makes sense to them and is PG-13 rated compatible.
We're talking about call of duty here, being good at a gay game means nothing more than that. The dude has been doing investment and banking scams for at least a decade, among other shady shit.
He just pretends to fight for freedom for upboats, business exposure, and political protection. He has always been a nigger.
based hannity
Pedes? You're all a bunch of reddit fags, aren't ya? I have literally never seen that phrase used anywhere here until the fucking redditards started coming and shitting up the board earlier tonight.
I was thinking the same thing. I've been browsing Sup Forums since 2007 and haven't seen "pedes" until tonight. What a (((coincidence)))
Fuck off