When will Japan accept more immigrants to help their birth rates and economy? It is the only way we can save Japan from a demographic and financial crisis.
When will Japan accept more immigrants to help their birth rates and economy...
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>the problem: not enough japanese people are having babies
>your solution: do nothing to incentivize japanese natality but instead bring in more non-japanese people, further adding to the demographic crisis
first class retard
It will be inevitable, they will be unable to compete with other first world and developing countries unless they accept more immigrants
It is simply sound economic policy
Spurs calls from who?
intelligent people want to have less babies
intelligent people don't want to work shitty jobs, refuse to work shitty ass jobs, end up being neets
process repeats until unsatisfied middle class about to explode
solved by immigration
immigration becomes too big
immigrants become middle class, even less jobs for middle class
economy tanks
middle class now have to work for shitty jobs
Yeah but don't forget, they had less people a long time ago and they eventually competed. And it didn't take immigration or a baby boom to do it.
They deserve it for creating anime.
but japan is growing in their economy
The only demographic crisis japan will have to deal with is cucks like you who want immigrants, a different demographic, flooding into japan.
yep, gonna say at least the standard 200k should do it. might need to bump em up to the deluxe package though, ~500k
I will be the first to point out the most Japanese employers will deny white immigrants (gaijins) from a job they're completely capable of doing simply because they're white. Obviously this excludes English teachers but I'm not talking about English teachers.
>"Hay mom! I made the thread again!"
I guess Nippon need some poles to be culturaly enriched with vodka and bigos
Joke aside these poor fucks work themselves to death, people from other parts of the world would never dedicate so much effort
No need for that.
Once South korea and north korea go to war.
The asian subhumans will pretend to be refugees like the problem we have, they will be full.
>a few years ago people would stop talking about how high japans population density is
>now it needs immigrants to overpopulate it further
The porn industry love foreigners. Porn is considered "vital" by the Japanese government so they don't deport the foreigners and half breeds.
Japan will accept Immigrants when they're made by mitsubishi. Its stupid to freak out about decreasing population when we're on the verge of automating the shit out of everything.
>implying migrants work
Look at Europe.
>do nothing to incentivize japanese natality
not true, they do subsidize children
Seems like Nippon will soon absorb N. Koreans.
Not a bad trade: Hard working and conservative immigrants.
>Japan is full
1. Automation
2. Native births
3. Reform Japanese businesses so they don't have 100s of make work positions and become more efficient using things like email (Japan still uses fax)
>japan's overcrowded the country is unsustainable
>japan's population is declining the country is unsustainable
>workfocre shinks
>Japan accept migrants
>instead of building robot slave army
no. n.koreans are korean supremecist, with a history of being occupied by japanese.
that would be like putting africans or natives amongst the white population. huge problems.
did you come back from Japan? I remember you were an English teacher or something.
I was talking about additional policies, not ones already put in place
>Japan Under Pressure
from whom?
>socio-economic policy built on an eternally increasing population base
when are we going to start teaching logic in elementary school.
What policies? Like taking in millions of niggers and let them rape women for free?
Foreigners are already flooding into the country. I see dark brown skin everywhere I go. Mosques are sprouting like mushrooms and spreading from Tokyo. Touts straight from darkest Africa scream in your face, "Buy a kebab!" Why would the globalists pass Japan over for destruction? The immigrants are undocumented and the newsmedia just doesn't report it. The media brainwashing is staggering but still the Japanese resist and know better. Your view of Japan is ten years lagging my friend.
Japan is a small fucking island. They don't need more people
Probably the UN. At least they're the ones constantly bitching about women's rights.
I don't see how that would help
>why doesn't Japan want to commit cultural suicide and take in thousands of immigrants from other countries like all the Western, progressive countries do?
Japan is intelligent enough to not sacrifice the ethnic makeup of their population. Currently, Japan has much too high of a population density, they'll be fine thinning out a bit. At some point they will likely stabilize their population at a comfortable density.
>It will be inevitable, they will be unable to compete with other first world and developing countries unless they accept more immigrants
Half of today's jobs can be replaced with automation.
And guess which country is among the best when it comes to automation research and adaptation.
Japan needs to kick out the kikes and do its own thing.
This is too distressing to believe so I am choosing to ignore it
Don't they have robots for labor type shit? Why would they want a bunch of uneducated criminals in their mist?
It would make the niggers feel welcome.
Yeah sure
>Unvetted, unskilled Muslim rapists
What the fuck are you thinking?
Break out your samurai swords, it's time to revolt
Remember what happened last time you tried, kikes
Isn't Japan overpopulated?
They have only 20 million people less than Russia, the largest country in Earth.
Robots, isn't it obvious? They don't need third world scum overrunning their country. Japan is for the Japanese.
Seriously stop with these fucking posts. Half of you are worse than the majority of their immigrants anyways. White men are the blacks of America. Complain about "muh racism" while proceeding to find a Japanese women and destroy their culture and society. I am white, but god are weebs the fucking worst.
>white men are the blacks of america
>god weebs are the fucking worst
fucking NICE post friendo.
Isn't their population already too high for their small amount of land? also migrants don't work
We only hate niggers, I'd like this country more too if it had the same amount of niggers as Japan (8)
The crisis is already created by jewish banking cartels. The (((economy))) would not have an issue with a declining population if it was not engineered into a ponzi scheme that forever needed more suckers at the bottom.
They're not going to do that, they're just going to build robots to take care of them.
Japans age demography is the same as Germanies, which always took tons of migrants.
Really? I only saw two kebab shops and they were ran by japanese
Just destroy the mosques. Honestly Haruto if you did that I believe you would bring great honor to your family.
for all that is holy I pray to god japan does not let immigrants in
They are such a beautiful country. Harmonious, orderly, peaceful, prosperous, low crime rate. The last thing they need is muslims and niggers raping everyone, robbing stores, killing people, and threatening them with violence on the daily.
>White men are the blacks of America
I think you may have meant "the blacks of Japan", given the context you were going for...
japan will never be multicultural
a few whites are okay but then only to make half models
blacks, muslims, and chinese leave
I saw one kebab shop in Nagoya that was ran by actual kebabs last time I was there.
Nowhere near as bad as the Western world. There's still time for Japan to stay strong.
Also kill yourself
(((Pressure))) from who? The fucking guardian? Japanese don't want it.
Where's the automation-is-coming-for-the-jobs meme when you need it?
No I didn't. Blacks in America complain about racism against them all the fucking time like it's their purpose in life. Whites in Japan do that too. It's like they're surprised that when they're destroying their demographic and raping their women, that they get hate.
man, i never even connected those particular pieces of leftist doublethink, thanks user
>we need immigration! they do jobs that other people are unwilling to do! we need it for the economy!
>get with the times you revisionist shitlords! low-wage (blue-collar white male jobs) are gone forever! they're all going to be done by robots for free!
Have not sent fax. Sent email every day.
Well if that's what you meant, you worded it wrong. You said "White men are the blacks of America", meaning that Whites are viewed the same as blacks in... where? I assume comparing them to blacks in america but then you might well say whites are the same as blacks in america but I know that's not what you mean. You mean Whites are viewed as or are a stand in for blacks from america, in japan. So you should be saying "White are like the blacks of japan", and that's only taking for granted that everyone knows you mean blacks from america.
So you want them to accept millions of low iq violent subhumans that will never ever be able to do high skill jobs and will Never be considered Japanese?
Are you a retard?
Here's a solution.
When artificial wombs come the government can make baby factories to make more Japanese citizens if they really need more people.
Problem solved and you didn't have to destroy your nation and race.
Why western media keep making those article forever?????
British media is fucking worst.
The japanese government and people keep saying that they refuse to take in any dumb arabs and africans,
Western media can keep trying hard to turn Japan into a shithole - It won't happen.
turned the proxy off david-san?
pls. if japanese take immigrants i will show my dick to the japanese consulate. I will hit the walls of that venerable building with my half flaccid member, until the foundations begin to crumble and the japanese empire returns to dust.
Yes, they are obsessed with fucking up your country. They want millions of Africans on your welfare system instead of theirs. Don't ever let them do it.
Why not just get people to fuck more and have babies
Shut up dejima.
>floof your country with dumbshit immigrants
>creates a huge welfare hole and africans don't actually take the jobs you want them to take
>Japan doesn't take any immigrants
>eventually will solve the population/aging problem in another way
Just look at France.
A country which is now in a permanent state of emergency.
Do you think this will get better? France and the EU will stop being a global power if they keep allowing everyone to enter.
Meanwhile Japan still has a good chance to stay a global player so of course they want Japan to fuck up like them as well. Can't allow anyone to be better than you.
>The Guardian convinces Japanese government to take in migrants
>Japan takes in Chinese and Koreans
>The Guardian stutters as they say "N-No, we meant brown people..."
I will do it. you are about to get swaffeled. I warn you one last time, because you dont want the might of the Dutch cock against your monuments or flesh. Do not take the migrants.
>most of Russia is underground
I knew it.
>Probably the UN. At least they're the ones constantly bitching about women's rights.
Except in Israel and Muslimland, right?
please say it isn't true
Dutch is worst cuck ethnic in Europe.
The UN human rights council is under Saudi Arabian control
So take a guess
How is aging population needing replacement a fucking argument?
Just build robots. Even if the technology isn't good enough now it will be when the aging population needs replacement.
burn them down dude, make them feel bad for coming there, be the man we need and not what we deserve islam turns people in serpents enemies of your own people, makes them foul sociopaths and then they cry like dogs when something happens and you blame it.
what does your general population think about immigration, senpai?
do you have cucks and cucked media who push for open border?
>implying Japan wants Koreans and Chinese any more than brown people
Hopefully, never. If they have any sense and just witness what is happening to the west.
>it's a Sup Forums hears the word immigrant and automatically assumes anyone means brown people
The grand majority of immigrants they are somewhat considering are Koreans and Chinese. Blacks aren't interested. No clue about mudslimes.
Japan has too many people for its resources to support, hence why they wanted Manchuria for lebensraum. "Declining birthrates" wouldn't be a problem if the subhumans didn't breed like rats, its simple adjustment to resource scarcity. As long as borders are kept shut it literally doesn't matter especially since Japan is leading the world in robotics and automation. There's barely enough jobs for people nowadays as is, especially grunt labor jobs which is the only thing most shitskins are capable of anyways. Immigration and muh pensions is a jewish meme to drive down labor costs and fuck over native workers.
not happening nigger. not sure how many times you will make this thread but americans have been caught committing terrorist attacks on japan of a biological nature for decades
not even sure why white people think it will be theres if they throw away their lives and get caught. or how many newlywed couples say the phrase this will all be ours when there gone but it was enough to piss them the fuck off
ass in a splash of a chemical weapon the united states dumped on a handful of civilians in a city in japan and they wont let any white people in since most are underskilled for any task. sand niggers are let in numbers they can manages and keep a close eye on. there will be no mass dump of them onto japan. they have been sending people back on planes they just rode to japan
welcome to japan and good bye
We try to keep jew out
Many Jew look white ok
This would be an awesome Monty Python type skit. Like picking players for a team, and someone trying to convince this country to accept immigrants and they keep picking the "wrong" ones instead of these fikki fikki looking fucks.
"Well you must accept immigrants, otherwise your economy will collapse"
"Okay, all you Ukrainians, you can come over."
"No, not that kind of immigration. You need DIVERSITY. People who are really not like you"
"Oh, okay, uh, you Japanese, come live in America"
"N-No. That's. That's racist. You need Africans. Africans would make it more inclusive."
"Okay, that makes sense. All you white South Africans..."
Stay strong nippon.
The jews fear the samurai.
Population decline = bad is a fucking meme. It's only bad if you're a jew and literally only care about GDP.
Things like HDI and GDP per capita don't seem to be egregiously effected by population decline, unless it's fucking Detroit-tier population decline.
Fuck your finance. I would rather a caravan in the hills than mansion in a nigger slum.
Detroit is what happens when all the jobs go away with all the workers leaving. All you get is a place only filled with welfare takers
Fucked up economy is always recoverable no matter how long it takes. If you fuck up your demographics, you are just dead. See reconquista