Never forget. Keep making these threads. Post your latest intel. Whodunnit?
I will never be able to see an uncucked version of NYC. Once those towers fell, all the yuppies took NYC by storm. I don't give a shit who did it.
NYC was cucked before 9/11 but yea.
Trump was right about one thing. We should've rebuilt them instead of the current postmodernism cancer. They were a symbol of a raw New York. I only wish I could've seen NYC back in the 1980s
>finally made it to the east coast
>still never been to NYC
idk about 80s NYC. from what i've read it was dangerous as hell befor giulliani.
still it would have been fun to see. GHOSTBUSTERS!!!
mix of americans, saudis, jews, globalists and some a-rabs.
reminder WTC 7 fell, despite not being hit by a plane.
i can't dispute any of that. building 7 is the most blatant red flag.
the whole fucking thing is so obviously staged, if you just do a bit of research. It's still soul crushing despite knowing for some years now.
will trump expose the conspirators? what about JFK?
WTC 7 fell due to structural stress and fire caused by the two largest towers in North America collapsing on it. Keep believing your Jewish lies created to spark division.
We got a long war and lost our freedom over this. Government terrorists won.
>WTC 7
Designed by ((((((Emery Roth))))))
Owned by ((((((Larry Silverstein))))))
For FUCK'S SAKE. Just go ahead. Tell me whatever disgusting Jewish filth is hiding in the background here too. I know there's more, there always is.
I hope so, its hard to tell what that man playing at, but I can't imagine external forces being placed on that man right now. You can only do so much with out getting murdered with a heart attack or a suicide.
I hope some anons with all the docs, pics and videos get in here.
0.8 structural failures have been deposited in your account
Look into what information was being held in WTC 7. Whose offices were there. And all the buildings fell like controlled demolitions. There were planes though.
i was aware of larry silverstein, but not emery roth.
he needs our prayers
my kind of thread
truly rare
really all that needs to be said to know something is amiss
The truth is coming out soon and it's going to paralyze New Yorkers who will demand they shut down the 9/11 Memorial.
it's an open wound and americans are in deep, deep denial about it. i'm convinced nothing short of a miracle will bring us to the light.
I saw loose change on YouTube, how truthful is that franchise?
Good share, ty
K2 iS A hElL oF a dRUg
who is that?
I can't contribute as much as I would like to here but will say this
W. T. C. 7
W T C 7
7 C T W
>Got the known knowns, and unknown knowns and the unknown unknowns
i hope you're right
>open wound
less than you may think
You are so cucked by brainwashing you are part of the problem, here have some rope
Just look at that face
i'll endorse it
i'm convinced antifa have had some kind of MKULTRA programming done to them. how the hell are they that delusional?
i hope he's right too. i think about it every damn day. the effects it had still permeate our society and the world.
Wtc5 burned for hours and didn't fall....i mean bl0w3 up
afaik mkultra always used hallucinogens. this is probably part of the cause of antifa, but more so, i believe it has to do with kids being indoctrinated from a young age and into college with communist/feminist etc. propaganda
if it was russia, why did it benefit israel?
I don't deny that it could have been an inside conspiracy. The towers symbolized a persona of capitalism that many globalist disliked. I do disagree with the muh steel beams meme. I don't think it's productive to dwell on small technicalities of the destruction, rather focus on the motivation behind why they were destroyed.
Rofl you guys still desperately trying to convince people that after 15 years you're more than just a jet fuels meme?
If the jews did it who were these guys?
Saddest part of 9/11 is there will never be a real investigation or real justice for (((who))) is truly responsible.
And even if there was, having it 20 years after the fact, how many people would truly care anymore? The shock value has largely worn off. That's the worst part about 9/11, nobody even cares.
At this point it's nothing more than just an interesting story.
This country is sick and dying, I mean 75% of the population knows we were lied to about the War in Iraq and thinks 9/11 was an inside job. Yet nobody has even so much as rioted over this or demanded answers - if that's not a terrible sign of things, I don't know what is.
Here's a video of the Israelis who were dancing on 9/11 openly admitting they have spy operations going on inside the United States without our permission
Dr. Wily from the Mega Man series.
>trying to use our memes against us
Nice try shill
we watched the 4th amendment die in real-time, too. we did absolutely nothing about it. this country is really fucked.
Nrun65 youtube channel redpills
Great point, people forget about these (5 and 6 were left standing after burning) even more than 7
Oh you mean lucky Larry. Rents WTC after it's condemned to cost billions for asbestos removal. Takes out insurance policies, specifically having terrorist insurance added into it. Never missed a day there, his son and daughter work there also. Whoops 6 weeks later 9/11 guess which family all conveniently aren't there that day. And then he gets double the insurance payment on one policy suing because it was two buildings in the attack. That's the gist of lucky Larry. Merely (((coincidences))) goys
yeah, this always stands out to me... even more than the WTC7 -- completely with FBI investigation into banksters and what turned into the "GFC" a few years later -- collapsing in on itself
they say they pictures are classified because they endanger the public -- how so? because they show that it wasn't a jetliner piloted by Cessna-trained (((pilots))) hitting the building with such absurd accuracy...??
>The shock value has largely worn off. That's the worst part about 9/11, nobody even cares.
as with all such events -- it's time / peoples' memories (and their lifespans) that are the biggest, ever-present enemy
all they have to do it delay investigations -- and given we don't hold their kids responsible for their parents' actions -- they're long dead before anything ever comes out (...if it ever comes out)
Bets burger you'll ever have
Then go here for the best pizza
And I'm sure due to some even unbelievable coincidences that some of his buddies from our (((greatest ally))) helped keep his family safe. But who are they? They're obviously lurking about somewhere here.
Trump interview about 9/11
>this country is different today, and it's going to be different than it ever was for many years to come
Wow, it's almost like he knew something
All these fucking New York Jews are part of the same tribe and the same social circles. Probably explains why Trump fired Comey to replace him with someone a little more pro-Jewish like (((Joe Leiberman)))
It's exactly what's happening with the migrant crisis in Europe too, shock value has pretty much worn off already. Now it's just become normalized. I don't know how they keep the people so passive these days compared to a century ago, I'm starting to think chemtrails are real or they're poisoning the shit out of the food and water.
People like you are scared of this because it shatters your worldview. Go sheep somewhere else
Saudis. Oddly enough, after 9/11 all important saudi nationals were allowed to fly home despite their being a no-fly zone.
Saudi King also visited bush in the white house a few days afterward, hung out, smoked cigars, etc.
Then we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
good chance bush was at dealey plaza the day JFK was assasinated, and his father, iirc, ran a bank financing hitler. not that many here would care about the latter, but still.
>Calling other people sheep
>While retreating and only talking to groups of people dumb enough to save images like pic related on their computer
Keep trying, bleating heart.
9/11 was an inside job
some jews and most saudis are allies
probably, but i hope you're wrong
>sick and dying
only if you let it
like that's gonna help...already seen the dancing israelis video
i played a lot of games going back to NES and Commodor 64, but only played Mega Man a little...never beat it.
actual link pls
are those NYC joints? i've never been there. it's risky to even try visiting. also i already have too many bookmarks.
well said, and love that image width
avoid terms that open you to ridicule. it's in your best interest and the best chance of getting the truth out.
Anyone who's believe the official 9II narrative is retarded and has likely done no research into the subject whasoever. Those who have researched yet still deny the myriad of gargantuan coincidences are scared sheep's.
Fuck off, he knew something seriously fucked up happened. He knew a passenger jet couldn't drop those buildings
>Don't believe THEIR story
>Believe mine instead and don't question it because I'm right!
someone report this spam shill
they'll try to use the Popular Mechanics article to debunk you, but they won't look at (((who))) wrote it. it was a zionist.
war defense budget after Korean war was 10 billion, bumped to 100 billion after Vietnam started. I've never seen that much firepower used without victory, we were just burning up lives and bullets to fuel the 'war machine'.
t. shill
the war was never meant to be won. same thing in the middle east. those foreign policy decisions weren't "mistakes". we didn't accidentally fuck things up.
aaaaand this is all commie propaganda
>greetings from OP
bomb the fuckin commies back to hell
Trump is a fucking kike, he's one of the (((tribe))) in case you haven't noticed. Fuck, you are delusional. His kids have all officially converted to Judaism. Go look at Ivanka before her surgeries, she couldn't look more semitic if she tried. The majority of his cabinet is Jewish. His campaign staff was all Jewish.
user is telling the truth, it's unrelated to the specific conversation, but still connected to general topic of uncle sam's lies.