Trump is Trump, but one thing is clear: if we don't all stand behind this man and his Administration we're gonna be living under Global Communism and Sharia Law in just a couple generations down the road. He's our best shot at fucking up this system of things. Discuss. Shills are welcome to a non-faggot opinion.
Trump is Trump...
Do you really think that is true?
Things have gotten so bad I can't tell if your post is satire or not.
Happened to us. Sharia is already here. Fuck.
Bad shill post is bad
oh fuck off, his first foreign visit it the LITERAL mother of all sharia states that finances every terrorist group in the world. go fuck yourself
not an argument, go have a smoke break and come back in with something more from the heart
Yes, all Canadian women are forced to wear burkas and gays are publicly executed!
Again, can't tell if this is satire or not. The right has become so god damn retarded holy shit.
Strawman. Sharia is here like stage 1 cancer, not stage 4 with executions and burkas. Sharia fines and anti-criticism of islam have made their way to public policy and this country is slowly degenerating into an islamic state. If you think apathy will make it go away and it won't only get worse, you're wrong.
We need to run for elections, go on twitter, harass fake news, republicucks and especially dems
keep unmasking people, digging shit up, spreading it on the social medias
Not an argument? What about the fact hes broken every promise hes made so far? What about the fact that hes selling $100billion worth of weapon s to the Mother of All Wahhabi terrorism? Just face it, Trump is simply Bush 2.0 with the added virtue of being a cocky retard who thinks hess a genius. At least George Bush had SOME intelligent advisors and had a modicum of self- awareness. Trump literally has his whore daughter (whose whole experience in life has been walking with her tit hanging out in a fashion show, sucking off some chads and shopping for shoes) making major foreign policy and military decisions for him. Spicer, Bannon,Kushner all are disasters that make Cheney and Rumsfeld look like the wisest advisors of all time.To top it all off, Trump thinks hes a genius and everyone else is stupid, and the Russians, Chinese and even the North Koreans have been smarter than him every step of the way. Noice how Putin rubbed salt in the liberals wound over the whole Russia thing by offering to give recordings of the meeting between Lavrov-Truump? He unironically humiliated Trump with a single simple political master stroke, he is implying his people are more awarewhat happens inside the Wwhite House than Trump is. Trump's Presidency is going to be the disaster that sets back America and starts itsdownfall as a superpower. 200 years from now, historians will look back at his Presidency as the EXACT moment America started its terminal decline.
Stop with the "hurr-durr fucking 1836463738817D backgammon chess chinese checkers!"Trump is an idiot who would sell his mother to the Saudis and would happily send our boys in the military to die for Israel, because theres nothing at stake fo him or his slavic hooker wife or his ((daughter$0)), they will all live comfy coddled lives while sending off young white men to fight a secular regime in ME and act as an air force for ISIS
Shut up faggot, didn't even read your garbage wall of text because within the first line anyone with half a brain would know you're full of shit bub
Only one man can save us now!
Saudi Arabia will buy weapons anyway. Selling them our old tech doesn't make any difference.
Taking out Saud's would mean country goes full ISIS.
One day Arabia will be taken on in full war (or come to terms)... today isn't that day.
>Trump is terrible for puppies
Do you really honestly think that Canada is going to become a majority muslim country? Are you literally that fucking retarded? You're like those fucking idiots who claim there's a "war on Christmas" literally for no other reason than because some people don't celebrate it. Go fuck your hilljack self.
your loss, faggot, i dropped some major redpills. Keep sucking orange cock though
>if we don't all stand behind this man and his Administration we're gonna be living under Global Communism and Sharia Law in just a couple generations down the road.
Stupid. That's what they said under the last President.
If you don't stand behind Trump you get Pence. Granted he's sharia law*, but not a communist.
*lowercase sharia law, aka a country whose laws are run by Abrahamic fairy tales that aren't Islam.
Most normal people don't like Trump. His success is really the failure of the progressives and democratic party.
I live in a liberal shithole and even some people I know are starting to see though the media BS with the non-stop 'muh Russians'.
Sweden is happening. Germany is happening. France is happening. Skyrocketing birthrates do not lie. Skyrocketing rape and the degeneration of western values. Make no mistake, islam is a threay to the western world and its values. They cannot integrate and yes, this country will have a different ser of people and values by the end of the century. And before you strawman again, will it be raqqa? No. But it won't be a western nation. If you don't see the rise of islam in canada and the threat it poses you're a fucking retard or liberal shill; either way you can kindly fuck off and eat shit.
Oh and side note: Maybe "war" is a little dramatic (flare courtesy of american fox news) but in many Canadian public school districts you're not supposed to say "merry Christmas" but "happy holidays" instead so as to not offend non-christians. And a teacher refusing will be reprimanded or fired. You can continue fucking off and eating shit.