LMAO. Why are you mongs still protecting him? Just wake up. Its gone to shit. He's just like the rest of shitty leaders
First Foreign Visit is to Saudi Arabia
Other urls found in this thread:
/pol is stupid
Stay mad nigger
Yeah, all my hope in trump evaporated with the Wahhabi Saudi arms deal
Unlike Obama, Trump supports America's allies. Nothing can be gained from antagonizing the Sauds as long as the mad mullahs stay in power in Iran. (Nuking the middle east is not a serious proposal).
the saudis will just plant scripted puppet newspeople probly to avoid a scene is his best scenario...
Even if he's shit, it's still important to expose the total bullshit coverage he's getting in the media.
This senpai
Reminder the Saudis financially backed Hillary.
Sorry Israel.
stay mad kike
Trump bombing Syria was a pretty clear sign of him being just another neocon puppet. I had high hopes for him, but was cruelly disappointed.
Selling guided munitions to a radical muslim country. He's just a puppet for GOP and all its big money donors.
he is best ever
and obama worst ever
worse than FDR who caused the great depression and welfare state
Do not reply to OP, this is a shill thread, ignore and more on.
>Why are you mongs still protecting him?
Because of these threads. Every day I cannot wait to get back from work, spend time with my wife and kids, relax and have some family time, then look up the dozens of shill threads I missed during the day.
Your autistic screeching and demanding people explain why they still support President Trump is what fuels my faith that you truly are this desperate. If Trump could be defeated by backroom deals and bribes no one would care. The very fact you are making this thread proves they are afraid and know they will lose influence and will be unable to turn back the tide of nationalism.
The fact that these threads are obviously being botted or mass reposted shows that you are afraid and Trump is winning. So thanks for the reinforcement.
(You) :^)
You are a loser. Get a real job.
I'm still laughing at the fact that Sup Forums helped elect a president, and it turns out he's a shill for Israel.
>HUUUR DUUR Saudi Aurabia is bad
>Saudi Arabia is ISIS
>We love women rights
>We Hate Saudi Arabia because the media told us to
Fucking shit, most of polacks are extremely bluepilled about Saudi Arabia.
Always do the opposite of what the media jew tells you
They're not Sup Forumsacks, they're clearly plebbit refugees, who of course are not welcome.
T. Ahmed mohhamedd al snackbar
Kill yourself sandnigger
>Sup Forums retards don't understand the concept of compromise with deal making, especially as a leader of an increasingly globalized and regulated world
You faggots realise this is why hitler got destroyed right? He clearly had a god complex and thought he could take on the whole planet.
How is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia winning?
Why do you reddit fags think Saudi's are our friends? You fucking morons keep sucking that Arab Kike dick
>Not wanting the slightly moderate mudslimes on your side when the inevitable nukes start flying at you from Iran after Obama handed them shitload of $$$
Stay mad nu/pol/ and or shillary fag.
The election is over just stop.
I don't think there are many people still defending him.
How anyone thought he would be better than this I don't know.
I thought the crash and burn was why everyone wanted Trump. Kind of like how Sup Forums is all ironically nazis.
How Does Diplomacy Work?
>.02 cents have been deposited into your account
What did he mean by this
Sweet, thanks dude, how'd you know my account?
The jews know every account # goy.
Trump is master negotiator. He's a deal maker, a great deal maker. He probably made them promise they wouldn't use the weapons against our interest.
Well, isn't that convenient.
You fucking retard. It's for a conference between every Middle Eastern country in the region to reach an agreement to stop radical Islamic terrorism and bring peace between Israel and Palestine. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>stop radical Islamic terrorism
>sell weapons to radical islamic terrorists
How does this work?
>He's just like the rest of shitty leaders
Only shittier
>peace between Israel and Palestine
Never happening.
Only fair that we give isreal all our tech after the soviet union gave all theirs to the mudslimes though.
why you two butthurt sandniggers need guns to kill each other with plus its gives americans jobs you fucking shills
>Being binnish
my parents are asleep and I just need to tell somebody, anybody.
My gecko died tonight.
She was 17 years old.
Press G to pay respects to Rexanne, queen of the burning sands.
My leopards are 23 years old.
Git gud fgt.
because there killing shia fags with it also jobs and taxes off sales
>Murica pulls out of NATO
>Euro shits actually need to start paying for defense
>All their "progressive" social programs disappear overnight
Like fucking pottery .
Many people are saying it was wonderful that Mrs. Obama refused to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, but they were insulted.We have enuf enemies
No kraut.
KSA has had a recent change of heart with the death of King Abdullah and the rise of King Salman. They've been working more closely with Egypt and the Kingdom of Jordan to wipe out the Muslim Brotherhood, starting by pressuring the Gulf States to ban the Muslim Brotherhood, who now reside in Turkey (their last sanctuary).
The PLO will be at the negotiation table. Why? Because President al-Sisi of Egypt just spent 3 years clearing out Hamas bunkers in Gaza. They have no choice because they can't hide anymore.
This conference is literally decades in the making, and because Trump isn't trying to throw coups throughout the region, it just might lead to a successful geopolitical shift in the region.
Yep, anyone who is critical of Trumps autistic first 5 months in office is totally shilling. I'm sure the 300 billion dollar arms deal to Saudi Arabia won't totally bite the U.S. in the ass, after all it's not like the Saudi's literally fund radical Islam terror groups or anything.
Wake the fuck up, Trump is going to be worse than Obama. Your cognitive dissonance just won't allow you to admit you voted for someone who probably has an 85 IQ.
People who voted for Trump desperatly wanted the chaos that's here in europe right now and they got it
wtf you on about other than brexit the status quo is winning also did you see at merkal thing and the trump tweet form waspo youtube channel youtube.com
I just can't wait for the oil to runs out or we outgrow the need for it and everyone just ignoring that shit hole just like through the rest of history besides conquering it for shits.
>posting a shopped pic that literally says parody news channel
A German blaming America for the EU's problems, fuck off, Merkel has destroyed Europe practically by herself.
Obama made a deal for 115 b in arms over a period of 10 years with the saudi's
Drempf made a 110 b armsdeal over a period of 10 years
They're both the same faggits, yall being conned election after election.
US might as well be Russia
Jesus christ, are you not enjoying the shitstorm? He's about to go to isreal to fuck something else up. This is the greatest moment in history. we must keep this man in the white house
They wanted they chaos and they got it. Refugee crisis, LePen almost winning, the whole Breivik thing, black people everywhere, so many "stay" votes in the brexit referendum (WOW!). And get this: Germany has the highest crimerate in it's history (excluding the "glorious", if I may say so, time before the third reich)
Shut and eat shit shill
Only beta cucks and women let fake media shilling change their opinion.Which are you?
creating billions of dollars bushiness selling weapons for American arms companies
Muslims killing Muslims with those weapons
he doesn't stop winning
They're not, but I have faith in the guy.
I'm not blaming america for europe's problems: I'm just saying america invited the same problems by voting for trump as its presidet. His clear pro-muslim stance that he carried all throughout his campaign will bite you in the ass now!!
Why do the big chiefs always wear ones that look like picnic table covers?
does the one on the right wear his watch the wrong way around or is that a fitbit?
Good observation burger. That's how it literally and unironically started: it was so hot and sunny outside like 100 years ago so they picked up a tablecloth to cover their heads.
Are you telling Merkel doesn't really have a penis for a head?
Oh wah wah wah my Hill bill candidate lost and I'm still hyperventilating over it :,(((( you'll be the first one natural selection takes out.
no one here wanted the refugee crisis and breivik thing was ages ago true they wanted brexit ats because they hate the eu and if you didnt want Germany has the highest crimerate stop voting for cucked parts like the spd and cdu
how new are you
>Its gone to shit
Except he is still the president faggot.
I literally just walked in. I like this place, I'm from reddit. It's cool here, the only thing this board needs is upvotes, I'd like to upvote your post but I can't is there something I'm missing??
>His clear pro-muslim stance
this satire or you retarded
So is your logic Obama's presidency was fantastic because he never got impeached and actually got re-elected? Because if the bar for it not going to shit is just them still being president, I can see why you still support the mong in chief
bet your going vote fine gael
Not even baiting, I can't reach my favorite subreddit right now haha so people recommend I come here
Glad you like it here, hope you stay.
We can be very welcoming to immigrants.
they also told me you are more redpilled and have better free speech so I figured I should check this place out. However, the other sub4chans here are a bit weird. Anime porn wtf I don't wanna see that
And when they do, he's gonna nuke Mecca. B8, m8.