West literally sold us to Stalin 70 years ago without any second thought, today treat us like second class Europeans, and now they expect us to help them with their crisis? Smh Tbh Senpai
West literally sold us to Stalin 70 years ago without any second thought, today treat us like second class Europeans...
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*deluges you*
I hope Poland sticks to their guns , it's true, btw
literally sold you to stalin? as if we had a choice. you were in their sphere of influence. soviets were in berlin, poland was long gone
that "Europe" is frogs germans and thats about it.
The people of europe hate mud slimes
You don't appreciate the assault trucks of peace?
>What take responsibility and follow our commitments?
>*victim mentality intensifies*
>It's the Wests fault that we were a commie shithole because they didn't save us!
>*process to take gibs and be smug about it*
>*Strong Germany and France has had enough and removes gibs*
>*Poland breaks down and accepts rapefugees*
You could've start war with soviet union. We expected that. Many Poles fought soviets even after the war expecting that our """allies""" like Britain or France will come to help them. But help never came and they all were killed, because it was comfortable for west to call Poland "soviet sphere of influence" and forgot about it.
I doubt it, I think the UK would help them out a lot , just for taking a stand
Best neighbor you're doing god's work, keep Silesia nice and clean. It's better in your hands right now.
US generals wanted to invade Russia, and were told to stand down , the Allies could of liberated Russia and didn't . Globalist conspiracy is real
>You could've start war with soviet union.
really faggot?
then what would have happened to you?
we had just fought a long, brutal war with soviets on our side. no way we were going to attack them just for the fuck of it
Just say you'll want to accept them but need more money. Get more money and house all the rapefugees in western cities where they will all escape back to Germany.
Could just start up underground death camps , use the EU's money to fund the mass slaughter of the mudslimes
undermining your own demography by taking massive amounts of opposite culture people is nationwide suicide
not one economic sanction by EU can be worse
They get what they deserve id rather leave the eu than take pesky rapefugees
>Born too late to save the world from Nazism
>Born too early to colonize the stars
>Born exactly in time to destroy the Jewish Bolshevik menace once and for all and establish a white homeland for our people
Deus VULT!
Based Poland is for Pols.
Niggers stay out.
>save the world from Nazism
>that pic
God bless Poland
I hate to be the one cluing you in:
General Patton wanted to re-arm the Wehrmacht and together with the Wehrmacht, the French military, the British military and the US military invade the Soviet Union. He promised Eisenhower he'd make the war between the powers look like the Soviet's fault and the Soviets were completely exhausted.
He dispatched this to Eisenhower and was killed in a freak car accident 3 days later.
The U.S. objectively sold the Poles to the Russians, as they are doing today.
Poor Pollacks never learn.
Enigma was a part of it, huh?
Thank you based Polbros
fuck poland and fuck polish people
You mad all your skilled labor and prostitutes go to work there instead of staying in Bulgaria?
Don't worry, your soon-to-be Overlord Erdogan will make bulgaria great again
>Start a war against fellow white europeans and based Germany to save Poland
>Refuse to start a war with disgusting communists to save Poland
It merely reflects the state of Poland as a second class. By refusing to take refugees you show that you don't respect human rights.
Tbh, from daddy raping their polish daughters to raperefugees, there's only one step. I'm pretty sure poland is fine with getting raped all day everyday, otherwise history wouldn't have been written the way it is :^)
Still trying to understand why the French and the English declared war on Germany for invading Poland, but not the USSR for invading Poland, I mean, if protecting Poland was objective numero uno?
Human rights don't exist.
China is world's second economy, people live there worse than in Russia.
True. I have nothing against Russia.
I wish the Russian government could work something out re; Königsberg and dispossessed Germans as what happened there was fucking horrible.
But aside that, I typically find myself firmly on Russia's side in every geo-political conflict the past 20 years or so.
Keep up the good work.
Anglos and French only allied with Poland to divide Germans and Russians
They give a shit about you, but Poles continue sucking their dick.
Poland, like many other 'new' European countries, supported the disastrous US invasion of Iraq.
Said invasion has a direct causal link to the rise of ISIS and the refugee crisis.
So stop pretending like it has nothing to do with you, you bear moral responsibility for the subsequent events.
>Human rights don't exist.
They do, but human rights are for humans, not for Poles.
i dont want any shitskins in my country
yesterday i was outside and saw TWO niggers
end times i tell you, Poland stronk!
I cannot, for the life of me understand the Polish foreign policy for the past 100 years, being namly:
"fuck Germany, fuck Russia, our besties the Americans have our back."
So then quit jerking off on Sup Forums, go find yourself a fellow German and pop-out 10 kids.
Oh, she is some empancie, and you want a new Auspuff für dein VW Fox and a Greek vacation and kids are expensive?
Yeah, sorry but we've screwed ourselves way more now than at any other time in history.
Gives me hope, Dabrowski. If you ever come under attack for being too white, I'd volunteer as your cannon fodder.
Vagina is gross.
They stick to winners. After the WWII they were with the winners, after the Cold War they are with winners.
You're part of the problem.
Why didn't you fucking lynch them? They're niggers so I assume no polish person is going to care
godspeed you poland
Sure, if by winning you mean having their country flattened three times, some 20% of their population exterminated and then sold off into involuntarily collectivism for 6 decades as "winning" then sure. They won.
More power to them.
This is a lie, I'm part of the solution.
No, I don't care what you believe. If you aren't committed to having AT LEAST 3 white kids -- you are part of the problem.
Liking vagina is part and parcel with making a child -- assuming you have a dick.
If they knew that Germany will make BMWs and Maybachs they certainly wouldn't break Enigma.
>assuming you have a dick.
I have a dick. I'm not saying it's big, but at least I'm uncut.
Their PM is one that keep saying we should be punished for Brexit.
/poles/ can fuck off
The English broke the Enigma, not the Polish. How old are you?
So if you have a dick, and don't like vagina ... you are part of the problem.
Initially Poles broke Enigma and then sent the results to England where Turing improved the research.
I don't like the d-word, I prefer "penis", it's more respectful.
Always respect the penis.
stfu polack untermensch
Poland is a top receiver of EU aid and has a huge chunk of its workforce spread across the EU. Good luck!
kill yourself redditor
This guy gets it. Glad to see there are still some redpilled people left on Sup Forums.
>I want to bomb mudslimes!
>That means you will logically accept mudslimes in your countries, right?
>muh iraq invasion
Migrant crisis is far bigger than that.
>The main nationalities of nonwhites invading Italy so far this year are, in descendant order: Guinea, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Ivory Coast, and Gambia.
>The main nationalities of those invaders landing in Greece so far this year are, in descendent order: Syria, Iraq, Republic of Congo, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
>The main nationalities of those invaders who have crossed the land border into Bulgaria are, in descendent order: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran.
Make Catholic babies pls.
>were told to stand down
Shit, Patton got murdered to keep the lid on things
>General Patton wanted
who the fuck cares? Patton wasn't the ultimate authority. even if what you describe is true, it was batshit, and so are you if you think it would have been viable
They're merely trying to bargain more benefits from the EU for accepting the refugees.
Sorry Poland, I didn't vote for Macron but a relative majority of my fellow countrymen want the rest of the continent to be as shitty as our country just to save their shekels and to virtue signal.
Fuck u stinkin Gypsy!
>He's afraid of a "Violated sphere of influence" casus belli.
What a fag. That just means more free clay when they jump in the war and now you have another belligerent to take land from.
Never change Poland. You and I are one of the last Christian countries in Europe.
getting what you deserve for not submitting to Hitler when he tried to save us all. we are all reaping what we have sown. forgive us, adolf and forgive our fathers, and most of all forgive the dumb fucking poles.
>I cannot, for the life of me understand the Polish foreign policy for the past 100 years, being namly:
To be honest German foreign policy post-Bismarck wasn't that reasonable either.
>I didn't vote for Macron
Why do you hate the EU? Why do you hate European stability, prosperity and peace?
It was a strategic move to gain global supremacy. Go cry over it somewhere else faggot.
I love Poland.
You're my favorite country.
It's funny because you think you have a choice.
there are realpolitik limitations
invading soviet union was not a viable option. would have been massive casualties and the possibility that we could have held the massive expanse of territory that was the soviet union was basically non existent
it also made no strategic sense considering we had just fought on the same side throughout the war. the russians had fought a grueling campaign to rid the germans; they won the territory, including poland, from germany
>What a fag. That just means more free clay when they jump in the war and now you have another belligerent to take land from.
Sure. Had Wilhelm II not fired Bismarck the world would have been a better place.
Doesn't respect the principle of subsidiarity.
Only has passive agressive foreign policies.
Did not respect the popular vote of its member states, several times.
Is all about "muh economics", a position that is cancer to politics.
But even if it weren't so bad at doing what it's supposed to do, I would hate it. What made Europe unique were the competition between its nations. We should only coalise when our common interests are at risk.
Every time some guy wanted to unite Europe, it ended badly, every, fucking, time.
You meant save the nazism from world?
>Why do you hate the EU? Why do you hate European stability, prosperity and peace?
you mean the tide of uncontrolled migration that is destabilizing member state to the point that "literal nazis" gain massive support
you mean the stagnating economies and massive unemployment of most member states?
you mean the war the EU caused just over it's eastern border
Face it kraut. The only beneficiary of the EU is your countries leadership since it gives them a bigger playground to mess around in.
Based pole
You are missing the point.
>We invade the USSR
>Good game
What then though? It was much better to keep them around as a threat. That way all of free Europe will have to rely on us for their protection; live by our standards, play by our rules, form an alliance with us being the dominant member. Then continue spreading our influence worldwide under the guise of fighting Communism. I do believe the Soviets have been severely underestimated but the strategic purpose of this was to good to pass up.
It's not everyone's fall that Poland's external policy is asymbal since, like, Jagellons.
You will cuck Poland even if you don't plan to cuck Poland to begin with.
DESU, you idiots are the reason antiGerman coalition didn't form before Hitler steamrolled you.
>DESU, you idiots are the reason antiGerman coalition didn't form before Hitler steamrolled you.
How the fuck is it our fault. Pilsudski wanted to gank Hitler before he became a problem but France said no.
>moral responsibility
Is this some cuckold thing?
GJ Poland, fight for your country
Poland supported Hitler's bid @ Munich agreement.
Poland prevented Soviet-French-British alliance, so we went Molotov-Ribbentrop.
if allies cared about protecting Poland they would actually do something instead of sitting on their asses in "Sitzkrieg"
I think they wanted us to fight to begin with. While they stand and watch making profit. Must be reason for all this Molotov-Ribbentrop pact hate to this day, all their plans were ruined after all
Hopeful thinking at best. Operation Unthinkable wasn't named ironically. The Soviets had a 3 to 1 manpower advantage and a 5 to 1 armor advantage, much shorter supply lines, and their airforce would have denied the Allies their greatest asset, air superiority.
The US would still have an advantage in the air, for sure, but the VVS would have put up a much bigger fight than the Luftwaffe did due to not having a severe lack of planes, pilots and petrol.
And Russian artillery was even more numerous than US artillery. You can make a case, and you'd be right, that troop quality would overall be higher for the Allies, but troop quality can only influence so much, and the Russians had plenty of crack troops. The Allies also had plenty of less than outstanding troops, like the 13th Armor, or all the completely untested units that had never seen actual combat that made up a fourth of the West's manpower.
Germany was handicapped in so many ways and still took an excruciating toll on the Allies. The Russians would have done much more than just bloody our noses.
based poland
>as if we had a choice
We did, Patton was the most prominent among voices that wanted to attack the soviets in 1945 while we were the only uncontested superpower and stopped communism before it started.
Give back the loot
>Poland supported Hitler's bid @ Munich agreement.
Not only Poland. That was only after the proposed anti-hitler coalition failed because France blocked it.
>Poland prevented Soviet-French-British alliance, so we went Molotov-Ribbentrop.
Oh sure. Now it's Poland's fault you allied a madman that wanted to exterminate you.
What's the deal with this Patton guy anyway? What did we do to him to make him so angry that his own people had to kill him to silence him?
good work, you will be the ones left standing when the rest of Europe crumble. be ready for mudslimes prepping invasion when they take everything else though
The real reason is that there was no formal declaration of war from the Soviets. It was just a land grab that met no resistance.
wasn't plausible. would have cost millions of troops for territory we couldn't ultimately hold anyway. stay retarded
kek, question begging. guarantee the russians would have contested. and had we overextended ourselves, we put ourselves at risk in other areas too
>it's a conspiracy
no retard, Europe was already reliant on us. we had just bailed them out of war/occupation, and they still needed us to rebuild
>strategic purpose
again, what purpose? occupy a massive frozen steppe? for what? communism collapsed on its own, eventually anyway
Patton was a 2 star general that only didn't get sacked because Ike respected his results, if not the man himself. Don't delude yourself, Patton's influence was greatly diminished because of his tendency to step on everyone's toes and be a crazy dick regardless of context.
Patton bled red white and blue and hated Communism as much as Hitler did, just without the genocidal towards Jews part. Dude was narrowly treading the line between insane and genius.
In WW1 he was filling in a trench so a tank could cross while under machine gun fire. He took a rifle round to the gut and dropped his shovel, when his men tried to put him on a stretcher he called them cowards, picked his shovel back up and filled the trench in, and finished the rest of the battle before he let a medic attend to him.
Yes I do