Now that the_donald posters are refugees invading Sup Forums, how can we tell who is who? Reddit posters can be anywhere now. They can be in this very thread........
Now that the_donald posters are refugees invading Sup Forums, how can we tell who is who...
Other urls found in this thread:
not in this thread user
All I wanted to do was shitpost.
Reddit fags don't have a favorite 2hu.
>now Sup Forums is filled with plebbit refugees
Must think of something.
I assume frog posters are from Reddit.
It is a fail proof strategy.
Post NatSoc memes
Did the_d shut down or something why are they coming here all of a sudden?
Also don't mind them or this divide and conquer shilling. Keep posting red pills and in time they'll assimilate.
The top mods got banned for a few days and in protest they are closing the subreddit down for a while.
Force them to say niggerkike and that there are no based black people. If they don't, they're t_d.
Is there like a secret option you have to activate to get the upvote count or.... I just can't see it and I'm trying to see if that's normal. Help a pede out!
the white square next to "Anonymous", you can give certain posts a tick. There are so many newfags here that they will give you bait answers but this is the true answer. You're not able to see the tally though unless you are a janitor, which most of the oldfags are so you should apply to be one. the more janitors the better, it doesn't matter if you are new we need them
>how can we tell who is who?
Oh it's not too hard
Black guys are based amirite folks? Not all Jews are bad XD
But honestly if they don't act like this then it's fine, they will be quickly redpilled
this is the battleground between reddit vs reddit
helo fellow autistic screechers lets go red pill sum normies ok
Cirno > everyone else
oh, forgot to mention the tally is on >>>/j/ but you cant enter until you apply to be a janny
post gore and see which ones are suprised
Considering we started frogposting, I don't see how this is an indicator.
Yes, be on high alert for people that basically share our basic views! That's the problem, watch out!
Found one!
>ban usa's ip from Sup Forums
Most of the problems will be solved on this board.
like this?
I've never seen the word "Pede" used on this board until tonight when the redditards started shitting up everything. That's a big fucking clue right there.
Bring back /mlpol/. Mare pussy deters redditfags and shareblue shills, meanwhile we get free mare pussy. There's no way we can lose.
Did reddit get closed? I thought Donald posters had been flooding us since the election?
Hi.. Proud T_D poster here, why the toxic attitude against us?? ;_;
We're all Trump fans here were on the same team you jackwagon.
The people we need to take it too are SJW's and Democrats. Their the real racists they don't even realize it though.
They project onto us and call us the racists. That's just not true I've never judged a minority on their skin color but only the content of their character.
But I have to tell you..alot of people of color have terrible attitudes..and that's how I'll judge get the fucking rope
Yeah, sure.
Watch this place start to turn in to a magic wonderland of peace and prosperity.
Look at that; ones already been spotted.
Now please go back
check out this based black man in a MAGA cap fellow pedes! xD
Reddit gets all offended when you post gore and dead niggers
>Having shit taste
Mokou > Everyone else
I'll be on pic related until this all blows over. Any of you with half a brain that know the chans should be able to find me.
I for one am an oldgay. I've been a FourChanner
for years. We always loved our politicians no
matter how many kikes they fellated. Also, can
we tone it down with the n-word and stop
posting anime on a politics board?
are you new?
Go to hotpockets chan if you want actual political discussions and news
Pede? As in pede-o-phile?
Mmmmm. I can smell fried chicken through the screen
Use your instinct faggot
>you have to go backl
Most of Sup Forums is already /r/the_Donald LARPing as Nazis.
You can tell people are from the_Donald by the fact that they post frog memes as the topic of their conversation and post everything in caps. They never actually talk about Trump, they just talk about shit that is totally unrelated, usually some hayman attack on something. Even Sup Forums is better than that shit because at least when they troll, they write up some logical bullshit. The_donald users are more like "lol CLINTON IS A CRIMINAL Lulz." Anyone who had serious debate( something longer than a sentence) on that reddit was likely banned.