I am now 100% anti-vax
I am now 100% anti-vax
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This. Vaccines were designed in conjunction with water fluoridation by the globalists to make you compliant with the feminization of America.
Measles is a myth, and so are all of the other "infectious diseases" the CIA pretends exists. Anyone who has "contracted" a "disease" is a paid (((actor))). None of you know what it was like before all the history books got rewritten back in 1973 and they almost successfully brainwashed everyone. I was one of the few people who've managed to pretend my memory was erased for all this time.
But of course the shills will try to discredit me, and the skeptics won't believe it because the brainwashing preprogrammed disbelief into their skulls.
kek, I'm pro vaccine with one caveat. No sticks for a kid until 5 years old to minimize the chances of dangerous reactions. Let their body and natural immune systems develop for a bit before you pump them full of vaccines.
awesome, doing your part in cleaning the gene pool.
thank you for your service.
> dont poison them for 5 years
> poison them after 5 years
sound logic, dumbass
Ask old people how many kids in their class were fucked up from polio. Vaccines work but there are risks, and by waiting we can minimize those risks.
>I am now 100% anti-vax
smart choice, don't take ((their)) medicine.
This desu senpai
You know there is something very wrong with vaccines when you see the kind of people that support them
Who are you working for?!
> what is hygiene
Watch Vaxxed, or don't if you want to continue living in a bubble and wondering why you're so stupid (hint: it's the aluminum and mercury)
>Who are you working for?!
ShareBlue, also im a redditfugee, plz don't kill me. praise kek. :)
Doesn't it get tiring LARPing on Sup Forums every day?
I'm guessing you're vaccinated
if you are vaccinated why would other people need to be vaccinated?
>People who don't get vaccinated are dangerous
>You get vaccinated to protect ME
But Billy, why didn't you get the vaccination too?
Nonsense, hygiene plays a role but people were still getting paralyzed from polio after we all had soap and running water. 3rd worlders still die from these diseases and our government is importing a shitload of them. I'll take my chance with the vaccines.
The second I saw this whole "anti-vaxxer" shit being pushed in the media and on reddit, I knew something was up.
I don't know what exactly is wrong with the vaccines but this is a huge red flag. I think it's far more nefarious than just a little bit of autism here and there.
So you've never been ill then? Ever? Yeah fucking right christfag, oh and you probably don't believe the holocaust happened, isn't that "disbelief"?
Most of my fellow atheist are degenerate SJW communist filthy though.
>Considering anything Bill Nye "The Guy" says and making a decision based off of that.
Hope you got vaccinated against bullets, (((Bill Nye))). *whips out water pistol full of smelly post-binge drinking peepee*
sanitation and waste management revolution ended the diseases vac-pushers claim were cured by vaccine intervention
When did they stop using DDT?
>being this retarded
r u ok
The list is really long now too, used to be 3 vaccines and now it's 15. And the newer ones have shaky unproven science and iffy effectiveness.
I'm using this on other boards.
Vaccination is the literal blue pill for cowards with their pants full of shit and their heads full of big pharma PR speech.
1972 is when it was banned, what are you getting at?
I experienced the rabid anti vaxxer wave before the election, so I had no idea how manipulated so much shit was. I knew but I thought there was still hope.
Maybe a new super disease and pushing out a new vaccine.
Come on. You faggots from 3 different parts of the world are so fucking stupid that you can't read sarcasm on Sup Forums?
One of you is British for Christ's sake!
Go to bed/back to sleep and sleep in.
>muh polio
Stattistically irrelevant. Just as people who choke on peanuts.
Vaccines are probably the single greatest medical tool we have to prevent and in some cases eliminate infectious disease. Just because Bill Nye says it's good doesn't mean it's bad.
Thats where the logic always bites its own ass.
When they Start yapping about herd immunity.
that's a myth though, almost up there with the 1/4 women are raped and the gender pay-gap
i was actually pro-vaccine all my life
that is until Bill Nye the Science Shill told me how he loves vaccines and how gender is a spectrum
if he'll make up shit about gender then whatever he says about anything else is probably false as well
I fucking knew it. (((They))) are alowly turning us into litreal sheeps with short lifespans.
They control your fuckin mind man!!! Please purge us from this hell!!
Infectious disease isn't real. All diseases are caused by toxins, vitamin deficincies, or macroscopic parasites. Microscopic pathogens are a symptom of these things, not the cause. Even Pasteur admitted on his death bed that toxin levels shoot up in spoiled food before pathogens levels do. All pathogens really are is bad strains of probiotics that thrive in the body when the immune system is weakened by poison.
Read the protocols of the elders of Zion. They identify (((vaccines))) as one of their primary methods for controlling the goy.
they must not be very effective then cuz i took all the vaccines (all of them)
and i still love trump and hate the government and jews and stuff
>hate the media*
i guess i love the government now...
welcome to the club, watch your back for the normies
Can someone explain to my why little kids need to get vaxed if they don't even have functional immune system yet and are dependend on the mother's milk to build up immunity?
omg your like one of those aids deniers . they have aids and spread it and pretend it isnt real. some old bitch gave her daughter aids because she wouldnt take medicine to prevent the transmission to her infant in the womb and it was on this documentary about aids deniers
That is the reason why it does not make a lot trouble because the immune system is not developed and dont know how to deal with the aluminum and fetus-cells. The problem start usually when you are a little older and your immune system thinks to itself wtf dude.... why do you inject fetal matter into yourself and Aluminium.
AIDS is an artificial infection caused by nanobots. That's why there's no cure and it only showed up a couple of decades ago.
Isn't that the whole reason to inject that shit though, because your immune system thinks wtf we need to produce more antibodies. What you're arguing seems like sending criminals some area to toughen up soft cops, but there aren't any cops in that area and the criminals just end up causing a lot of damage to crucial infrastructure.
>hey, you know that stuff we've been shilling for the last few decades?
>successfully, and people almost believe it?
>let's get weird hollywood people to shill it even harder in the creepiest, most poe's law-inducing ways
>I bet the goyim will just eat it up!
>(rubs hands)
no seriously why have they completely jumped the shark
>waiting this long to be anti-vaxx
get on my level bitches. been antivax for 2 decades now
>having viral antibodies means the body can has successfully fended off the virus
>except for HIV, having its antibodies means you're gonna fuckin die
No matter goy, its only a matter of years before large companies start mandating vaccines in order to work!!
>says the feminized man with the wide hips, narrow shoulders, patchy beard, and small dick
Baby killers
Um wrong, any vaccine in the US has been tested to the same standards set by the FDA.
>Bill likes pizza
>WTF pizza sucks
>American education
I'm very pro-vaccines but when Bill Nye the gender studies guy tells people to use vaccines I question my stance in this question
>AIDS is an artificial infection caused by nanobots.
You mean technology that we still don't have? Oh wait, let me guess: The Ayys did it.
so how do you build up the immunity system of your kids if you choose not to vaccinate them?
Just because Bill Nye is acting like an asshole nowadays doesn't suddenly make vaccines bad.
Actually, this is part of the reason why Bill Nye needs to fade into obscurity. A large group of people are going to make this guilt by association mistake.
>says an established fact is a myth
>refuses to provide any proof
i'm open to be red pilled about anything but you guys and your idiotic proofless conjecture are fucking retarded, vaccines are effective medical tools. maybe all of your kids should get polio and end up in a wheelchair for you to realize what life before vaccines was like.
>tech we still don't have
According to (((who)))? You honestly think they tell you about all the shit they have? It's a fucking weapon, of course it's classified retard.
>no evidence whatsoever vaccines cause autism or anything bad
>the other option is to have fun with your polio
I know taking anything from bill nye as facts these days is hard. hear me out though, polio was a horrible disease. we have a preventative measure now and they should be taken. if you are against polio vaccinations you should be shot. it cripples you for life. could you imagine if you were crippled and your parents said to you... he y man at least you aren't autistic. pay attention.
Most practicing "Doctors" since penicillin's invention are not much more than drug therapists who work for the profit motive.
Not a stretch to believe they'd single mindedly go down the "utilitarian" route and treat the most possible people for the lowest cost and fastest results. Hence hydro-codeine, beta-blockers and the stacks of vax that there are now like 30 of for under 10's in the UK.
Yes less people die today but its a false sense of security, when that old vax philosophy fails we're gonna be left to deal with the superbugs on out own.
vaccines are important. dont be a dipshit. see are you going to reject hundreds of years of medical science?
This is why this politicising of science is so dangerous. People start to believe the opposite of whatever their opponent says simply because they're on different sides of the political spectrum. That and the fact Bill Nye has tried to ram in all that trans bullshit as science. It's a shame he has to exist.
Ever met an unvaxxed kid? They don't have any of the crazy fucked up problems most kids have like ADHD or other bizarre fucked up behavior. I rarely ever meet children that don't have some type of tic, fidget, or other mild autistic/Tourettes style behavior. Everyone today is fucking autistic/brain-damaged except for them. Today's vaxxed people, even the biggest normies out of them, would all look like spastic sperglord freaks to the people of 150 years ago.
Seriously, read the protocols of the elders of Zion. They specifically identify (((inoculations))) as their primary method of weakening us.
Even a disingenuous retard can be right by accident and it's at least as retarded to obligately go against everything they say simply because they're the source.
I think i'd straight up accept the medical science if it hadn't been contorted to such a point and expounded as though its the only way we actually can keep the world healthy.
Agree with the polio vaccine at least in it's original form. Jonas Salk (inventor) was a dope guy, gave it out for free.
>kid does something that's not belived to be correct
>omg he's autistic give him drugs
>drugs make him actually get autism or ADHD
I am 100% pro-vax.
In fact, I think you anti-vax'ers should be held down and repeatedly vaccinated in armpit until you scream.
You're sick, go and have your brain checked, also stop posting on /x/.
you just described a nip, my friend.
Wtf i hate vaccines now
Yup, fuck these dolts too uneducated to undertand their own immune system and how being un-inoculated exposes everyone to the diseases they carry.
First part is 100% correct
Second and third parts are smarmy, sarcastic, straw man garbage, which makes you look like a scumbag more than it does argue your point.
>there are only 4 relevant diseases proven to be prevented by vaccines
>children are given 32 doses of poison vaccine before the age of 3
Things that make you go hmmmm....
I don't really give a shit if you believe what I say or not, but the truth will come out one day. The Jews fucking admitted that they invented vaccines to poison us.
yur a faggot.
>immune system
Main component causing infant reactions to vaccines. Doctors misjudge the individual case because its a bit of a wildcard and they're going off of stats and averages for the dose and the levels of 'dead' bacteria they put in. I'll feel way better about them when there aren't a lot of "secret ingredients".
Make them go outside instead of spending all day inside posting on a Tibetan frog trading board.
agreed. everyone should have this basic instinct.
If you burgers have an epidemic of autism, that's your problem. In italy, and i presume in other european nations, vaccines are not mandatory (yet), but are indeed widespread, and we had an autism case in............20 years? I'd say it's not vaccine related. They protect you from someof the most dangerous diseases (and by the way a vaccinated person can carry a virus to another non-vaccinated person, but guess who's the one fucked?).
Personally, i just avoid flu vaccines, not because they are dangerous, just because it's useless, taking a lesser flu to avoid the probability of.......taking the flu? No thanks,i'll keep my money.
Dude not jews as a whole. The "elders of Zion" call themselves Zionists but are a tiny faction representing the main pushers of the divine right to rule or simply superiority because they are them. It's a load of shit but not something every jew is in on, some have a really humble approach to the universe.
If the fact that Bill Nye being pro-vaccine after he has clearly sold the fuck out isn't enough proof that vaccines aren't to be trusted then I don't know what to tell you.
>Tell how to make your cure
oh no someone is now engineering a new strain that's immune
Yesterday in Itale the govt made 12 vaccines MANDATORY. Total: 52 shots.
If you don't comply, no school for the children, 7500 euros fine, and withdrawal of parental rights. It's the worst I've ever seen.
i got vaccinated against all sort of shit, and im healthy as fuck. also in army we all stood in line an got injected with like 10 different stuff one by one. If you are against vaccination then you should be against medicine and doctors too, i don't get the difference.
It's one thing to believe in vaccinations it's another to give out tainted batches, let alone to give an infant like 100 vaccinations in a period of a few days. If they manage to taint blood packs with HIV they manage to fuck up vaccinations I would reckon.
dont be stupid. he cant be wrong all the time or the normies would catch on. we need vaccinations. this isnt a damn game. your kids are at risk.
I just shit my pants.
This is coming and nothing can stop it
>Sup Forums full of anti-vaxxers
Dumbest board on Sup Forums.
>A liberal fag is saying something logical, but i guess it's bullshit because he's a liberal
It's not a game where a libtard says something, and you win by saying the opposite.
This, and then going "oh the disease mutates and the vaccine stops working," they keep using logic that circles right back around to the vaccine not working, so why take them then?
we are contrarian by nature but this needs to be squashed. vaccines are good for us.
I hope that this isn't a serious question.
sorry for party rocken but there were a lot of people taking this thread seriously. 10/10 copy pasta as it were.