Friendly reminder to all redditors to fuck off and die. This is a natsoc/fascist board, and all civic nationalists are crypto liberals.
Friendly reminder to all redditors to fuck off and die. This is a natsoc/fascist board...
Stop trying to push this anime bs as if Sup Forums has 100% backed it till now.
I am actually neither a nazi or a facist. I believe in the equal value of all men. Why should I not be allowed to discuss politics on Sup Forums?
>Stop trying to push this anime bs as if Sup Forums has 100% backed it till now.
Sup Forums was straight up created for the purposes of anime. Sup Forums is on Sup Forums. Fuck off, reddit.
>a swede
>buying into the equality meme
Checks out, jamal.
bump. tired of seeing so much bullshit on this board. If your not a full blown natsoc/fascist at this point your falling into the establishments hands.
pic related of other leafs who shit post or attempt to subvert the board. I wouldn't be surprised if the Canadian government itself is actively attempting to flood this board or monitor this board like the ciao does.
I'm an ethnic nationalist you crypto kike.
looks like a pretty normal room to me except for the pictures of the devil in the flesh
btw cool picture of marx
to all non leafs out there I sincerely apologize. Canada has been completely kiked culturally every value and social movement we have now is directly driven by jews. we haven't been in control of our social norms or culture in nearly half a decade
All started with Pierre Fucking Trudeau
Sup Forums for years now has been in debate about anime.
Remember if you have been here for more then two years that Sup Forums is (was) anti degeneracy.
Now sexualising kids is degenerate.
Promoting fags and traps is wrong and disgusting.
I understand that there can be good animes, but as a whole the majority of the filth that comes out of anime is simply wrong.
Anime to many is a vice and can lead to a multitude of problems.
Sup Forums will only accept the purest of anime
a bit before that actually but he was the one to popularize it. in the late 50s our first ever female mp met with numerous jewish organizations and lobbies around the world in order to ease immigration into Canada which at the time was effectively (though not officially) white only.
Shitskins and cucks need to fuck off
But I do not see this.
I see people posting anime all over without purpose.
Posting anime reaction images on Sup Forums is nothing new and I have no problem with that, I don't think anyone here would have a problem with that.
But posting anime just because is an issue.
Posting anime because it's my waifu is an issue.
Posting anime because it's cute and I like posting anime is an issue.
yea. its time to make some good propaganda and start red pilling normies asap. bill c16 and bill c6 were just signed creating dramatic almost irreversible changes to Canada.
some accounts to spread:
all smaller channels but please spread. get this shit going everywhere. the information war is raging and we have to win
Fuck you go away faggot
I hate anime too but we love our weebs a lot more than you t_d censorcucks
Yes, Sup Forums was 100% nazi during most of its lifetime, not like it was massively libertarian before or anything.
It went through a lot of phases and is generally just a reactionary board.
yea I agree. anime is just another form of escapism and in a sense is as bad as drugs in that it detaches people from the real world allowing them to "escape their problems" all the while completely ignoring and neglecting them allowing further decline. I understand that like all mediums there will be some good and bad content but regardless no one should obsess over that which is not real. one should also never seek escapism or escapist mentalities at it is a clear sign of degeneracy and weakness of character
This here is a reaction as well.
Redditors must all be shot
>"Sup Forums was straight up created for the purposes of anime."
>has its own board(s)
>other boards literally have nothing to do with anime culture
Leaves are always so goddamn retarded.
>Sup Forums was Anime/General
>Sup Forums was Anime/Random
Neurons firing.
I may not like the way he put it, but it is true.
Libertarians have been along side us for a long while. 50/50.
Back then for what ever reason we seemed to have amicable relations.
This is the new shill tactic. Real natsoc anons know how serious the seth rich story is and aren't trying to brigade the white supremacist message right now
Yes, the Seth Rich story is big.
Redditors still need to fucking die.
You aren't a stoopid, user. We are no shit in the next great meme war. We needs all hands on deck here. Even reddit refugees
NatSoc fascism means equality of opportunity for everyone which is the most honest approach of equal rights. Stop being such an hypocrite.
Reddit refugees have diluted the quality of this board. They were entry level redpillers in the first place. Sup Forums was where you went to learn about the JQ, and they've fucked it up. They're shitting up the board. They're not "allies", they're fucking internet shitskins and this is basically the migrant crisis.
>wants to get cucked by a totalitarian government
I swear most of you fags are leftist shills
I believe in freedom, that's why I'm a right wing libertarian and ethno-nationalist
board is for political discussion between anime fans.
Democracy is a sham. Hans Hermann Hoppe is the best libertarian.
Everyone loves to make shit up about old Sup Forums but it wasn't even that good
I remember it had a lot of fedora tier atheists back in the day
Because at their heart they both want the same things to happen.
>destruction of the current system
>personal strength
What happens afterwards between them is for another time.
Libertarianism is left-wing in nature.
>"you guys are just boot-lickers"
>not wanting to be the boot
Do you want to know how I know you have low test?
He's the only proper living libertarian idealogue.
This. Checked.
>What the countercultural libertarians failed to recognize, and what true libertarians cannot emphasize enough, is that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social “discrimination” and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multicultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.
Fuck off bootlicker
But also if any of you have ever browsed reddit hang yourselves, you're not wanted here
Yes. I believe in Nationalism and I hate living among non-european people but I don't want anyone telling me what to do. Facism isn't fun, it dominates your life. So many people LARP about how great facism, it's like they don't understand that many of the freedoms they enjoy will be taken away from them and they will have the government dictating their lives.
I'd be happy moving to America, it has great gun laws, great self defence laws, and I can actually criticize Islam and the myths about the six million jews. I just want freedom. I don't want more rules and restrictions to live by
And conservatives are collectivist, which is right-wing, while leftism promotes the individual.
>the libertarian side is fascist
Great, so we agree.
Picture is flawed. Pol wasn't some perfect homogenous community right off the bat and it never really became that. That being said redditers are cancer.
There's only one anime worth watching
Do people have any power into politics? Who owns every single medias? Who controls education and all this obnoxious propaganda called "advertising"?
You already live in a Fascist state baka. It will always be like this, the only difference is whether the leaders care about you or not.
You can romanticize Hitler and maybe he was a good guy, but I don't see much reason to trust him or any facist dictator
Dictators don't necessarily expose themselves. Expect the worse from those who secretly pull the strings.