>tfw your family is redpilled on everything except the kikes
Tfw your family is redpilled on everything except the kikes
you're an embarrassment
How can we do it user??
My family is the same way; shill for Israel and Jews cause they are "muh chosen ones"
How do I get them to realize that they killed Christ and in rejecting God they are no longer His chosen??
That use to be the single red pill before it got mucked up.
the pastaniggers killed christ
no, "νιπτω τας χειρας μου"
pontius pilatus said
AKA I wash my hands of this sin
Those pastaniggers were requested by the jews because jesus was interfering with their jewry(usury).
my family is red pilled only on the jews
You should do a better job, except if they are actually jews
No no no it was women then it was the Jews
>pastaniggers conquer the levant
>jews request things
muh clean hands
>"it's the joos!"
Fucking retard.
Tell them to turn on practically any (((MSM))) and listen to (((Liberal))) politicians. Keep pointing out pic related.
Ya gotta go S L O W and S T E A D Y kiddo
>>"it's the joos!"
>tfw your mom isn't extremely redpilled on the Jews and jokingly calls things a "Jewish trick"
Actually this "jews" taking over the world thing started with jewish mothers over 2000 years ago with plans for their children to inherit the earth. The real red pill is 'jewish women'.
>Not a single whole "Jeb!"
HAHAHAHA! What a faggot!
Ye be warned of the jebinator
>mfw my dad "jokingly" mentions the jews every now and then
>mfw he BTFO of my mother when she tried to make the "but think of the children" argument
>tfw your family makes Sup Forums look bluepilled
muh Jews are behind everything retards
My family will literally die for Israel because the government says so. That's the shit you have to put up with in a post 9/11 world.
tfw there are still noobs on Sup Forums that follow stormfag misinformation.
kys kikes
And in recent news... negative Jewish stereotypes actually represent reality.
the red pill is recognizing the JQ
how long have you been here ?