This Ukranian guy was in CancĂșn calling mexican people monkeys and got fucking lynched
If you think you can come to Mexico and tell the bullshit you post on Sup Forums, you will get killed, bitchboy:
This Ukranian guy was in CancĂșn calling mexican people monkeys and got fucking lynched
If you think you can come to Mexico and tell the bullshit you post on Sup Forums, you will get killed, bitchboy:
All this shows is how violent and corrupt your country is, 2 scoops higher Paco
stop to make 1000 post of the same fagot
I still don't understand this, hitler himself considered this kind of people subhumans
yeah, because Mexicans never get lynched in Mexico.
Newsflash: your country is a shithole and you are monkeys
Mexico is a shit hole, but at least that comes with the benefit that you guys have no problem killing assholes like this. Good job.
Freedom of speech only applies to the govt, cuck. Your mom is a whore :^)
So he behaved as a mexican living in America.
Slavs aren't white but there are a few white people in Eastern Europe
He behaved as an arab living in Sweden, we lynched the motherfucker instead of you cucks sucking arab cock and nurturing on nigger cum
This guy was a nutcase but I hope a hurricane levels cancun.
he lived and killed a 14 year old 'bryan'
by your logic, i could have a job lynching your cousins
Correct XD
Where are the proofs he got lynched though?
I hope they killed this faggot
he wasn't killed.
here's some videos of the beating
If he was a Brayan then his death is irrelevant, but if it was just a common Pedro then I hope the motherfucker gets killed narco revenge style, fucking foreigners wont be coming here and spit on us like that
So what? He's white and you're monkeys
yeah. we leave that to our police, army and politicians. we let them fuck us in the ass daily and we say 'more, please'. but a psycho Russian calls a Mexican a monkey and there we go to try to kill the fucker... that's why Mexico is and always will be a shithole.
That's why you don't go to a country full of subhumans. Play stupid games, win stupid prices or something like that.
I am surprised he lasted that long.. I would lynch him after making that scene at the bank
he's a bit red right now.
>win stupid prices
>stupid prices
>If you think you can come to Mexico and tell the bullshit you post on Sup Forums, you will get killed, bitchboy:
That's why mexico is poor, no rule of law.
No matter what they say you shouldn't kill people for their opinions, unless they represent a real danger to society.
Well, we are getting enough from ourselves and now some outsiders want to step on us
I find it very visceral buy somehow logic, dont you think?
Being stupid enough to visit any part of mexico besides the resorts already warrants a beating.
He was not visiting, if you dont even know the whole story then shut the fuck up
The dude was a cunt but this just proves Mexicans are fucking animals. I can't wait to wall you taconiggers off.
no mames.
he was being a racist cunt. like buchones are obnoxious cunts. and bryans are subhuman cunts. if you let that bother you, you sir are a cuckycunt.
So he lives there? That's an even worse decision.
Mexcriment are subhumans, every single one of them.
t. Texas
The point is why haven't you gone after the real problems?
Hell, we can see that you're capable of mob violence so why not get your torches, pitchforks, and illegal weapons and start lynching your shitty leaders?
If they're in villas make some firebombs and set everything on fire.
Not like you've got much to lose.
this is why you never visit countries like mexico that are full of savages.
suicide by monkey. He clearly wanted to die in monkey land.
listen up amigo,
any faggot that goes to a foreign country and behaves like an asshole will get what is coming to him.
this ukranian faggot deserved what he got.
HOWEVER, your country and people are a cancer and I don't want any of you in my country.
Lol nice. Stay proud, don't get cucked by outsiders Mexico. That way my future Mexican wives won't be blacked like every other Western nation desires.
a fellow Hispanic.
you still believe in that wall... kek.
He was a cunt and he attacked defenseless people in more than one occasion. I understand why people would get tired of his shit and retaliate, but lynching remains pretty extreme.
However this gives me hope that if our government tries to insert Rapefugees we will retaliate if they cross the line over shit worth lynching. But you have to admit that us Mexicunts are weird. We would lynch an annoying asshole but we let the government keep fucking us in the ass and do nothing. I admit this is a false equivalency but for fucks sake. In the end this changes nothing. We end up looking worse despite the guy being an asshole. Sooner or later someone was going to attack back anyways so big deal.
>We end up looking worse despite the guy being an asshole.
Nah fuck that, you did good.
Oh wow mexico such a taugh place... More dangerous than the middle east! Naw OP your full of shit. Lynching halpens when your country is suddenly the wild west with no laws. The ukranian guy was dumb though.
Man, we are not Venezuela tier, you can perfectly live here in Mexico, I even live in one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the country and is ok, let alone in the cities where security is granted, most of what you hear about Mexico and mexicans in this site are memes, I mean we are not angels, there are many cultural traits that I hate about my countrymen, but we dont really have the need to make another fucking revolution, most of us only want peace, work and stability, we dont want to keep fighting each other anymore, is ironic I know cause every time we find the perfect excuse to make conflict
Our situation is fucked up and complicated, but Im just a positive person I guess, other mexiannons may think different
you just proved his point, monkeys
GOOD for you tacobra. Lynch these small dink betas and show em how life is away from their keyboards. Based af
he'll be ok though right?
POPULATION OF USA: 321.4 million (2015)
POPULATION OF MEXICO: 127 million (2015)
POPULATION OF RUSSIA: 144.1 million (2015)
You don't go to other people's country then shit on the locals, especially fucking Mexico
he'll survive, not like the 14 year old that he stabbed and died quickly.
Mexicans in the US: 33.7 million (2012)
top kek, Russia and Poland should pull a September 1, 1939 on Ukraine.
He's acting like a white nigger
yep best third world jusitce illeagal citizen can ask for.
Well I agree. We are letting know any and all outsiders to not fuck with us. But is not something worth lynching a man over. Fucking his shit up? Sure. But I wish more people had the mentality to deffend what is theirs (I am looking at you Sweden, France and company). Can't say I am not happy to see this comming to him however.
He reminds me of Guy Fieri in that picture.
So I just watched the video.
>maybe twenty guys attacking one man with stick
>later they all throw at him big rocks from distance
Is this suppose to show that Mexican are tough guys? That it takes dozens of you to take down one white man and you need weapons and big stones?
It was literally nigger tier behaviour of bunch of cowards, no wonder your country is such a shit.
lol that guy is like more racist and agressive fedsmoker. too bad you cant recognize mental illness
>First Russian now Ukrainian
make up your mind
>get lynched
no shit, who cares.
Swedes think we should blow him, besides with that beating he supossed to have won, but since he killed a 14 y/o boy then Mexico won, canadians said
well. he deserved what he got just for this photo.
he had a knife and machete, he killed on when they approached him.
>If you think you can come to Mexico, you will get killed
Please fix your filthy country.
What is the deal with this dude. He just seems like an asshole who fucked with people for no reason.
no, Paco
>Inbredistan: 4.8 inches
Either way, you did justice to the world, Amigo.
Quick question, beans. So I'm going to Cancun in a few weeks, I'm white as fuck, blonde hair blue eyes, very tall.
Am I going to get lynched?
hablo espanol y portugues, por lo tanto ser bueno??
For a board that loves the idea of killing undesirables residing in your countries, you guys sure seem sympathetic over a foreigner talking shit to locals.
Maybe you have more in common with Muslim refugee supporters than you realized.
you got the zest.
He killed a Mexican kid and they let him live?
Probably been drinking Tap water for the past 5+ years living in Mexico and obviously LEAD has rotten his brain
He dead now ?
act like an asshole and you might get sucker punched. act cool and you'll be ok. Wear your MAGA cap, you will be raped.
Fucking shit
Fucking you america, fu you monkey
>slavs not white
Considering slavic is still a language and cultural group, not an ethnicity, that is simply absurds.
>but since he killed a 14 y/o boy then Mexico won
Whaaat? Why is this fuck still alive?
Just dont treat people like they were shits as this fucking russian sperg and believe me people will be most kind to you
A little tip: If you buy something artesanal you will pay more since you are white, is not racism, but people assume you are rich cause your are white, just let a mexican do the bargain and you will get fair prices
>Get called monkeys
> Prove him wrong by acting like monkeys
Good job on that Mexico
>The guy that yells "I am beheading you!"
Okay I laughed very hard at this.
Don't act like a Tourist and you'll be fine. Mexico is cool to outsiders so long you behave properly.
because Mexicans can't do anything right. 50 people against 1, fucker still lives.
lol, fucking beaners trying to act like tough guys
>Mexicans will kill you when you tell them the truth
Typical monkey behavior.
this permanent resident (stupid shit) is a russian.
Nice try, nobody is coming to Mexico.
Beaners will kill you for $1.00, only retards go to Mexico
why would you go to Mexico for fucks sake?
It's a country of monkeys
Only reason I can think of is for fucking children
Well, since he is a mexican citizen then he must pay for his crimes in a mexican prision
Think about it, people that kill minors here become literal slaves in prision, now imagine being labeled as "the racist russian" that talked shit about our people, there is a whole hell on earth waiting for this bastard, putting him down is making him a favor
Not sure why anyone even visits your piece of shit country
>Lynching people
Wow great argument Paco I definitely want Mexicans in my country now.
zero issues with this, good job defending your country and your people
i bet you voted for trump.
Why in the fuck would anyone want to live with you entitled animals
>a populace will retaliate if you act like a piece of shit, provoke people and KILL one of their children
Oh my God what monsters.
They should've disemboweled him
Why isn't he in prison already?
Why you are a self hating mexican? Do you really seek approval of these people that much? Cause believe me, if the "rope day" arrives you will be hanging anyway kek
Better than you, poo in loo kek less than 4 inch