Brits, when will you cut that check to us?

When? We want that nice cushy Euroshekels. Give it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its getting brtter every day

Bet brits are shitting their panties

Pay your share of NATO first, maybe.
Oh, and WW2 reparations... which I figure should be about 300b Euro, with interest.


Go and clean the toilet.

>no no wait! 274bn!!!!

These people are completely out of touch with reality

Also rolling thread

Must suck for the younger brits who wanted nothing of this

>These people are completely out of touch with reality
I agree with the 274bn demand. That is a good starting point. If we settle for 230bn, that is a good outcome for both sides.

That's part of why it'll NEVER be paid.
If the government DOES pay, they'll NEVER get elected again once the boomers die.

Did I make you upset? Dont cry

Please be best Korea

That only means that they can afford your plumbing skills, Wojak. Go out there and fulfil your destiny!

You really are a miserable bunch, aren't you?

Go on, give it a roll then

Please be Hungary

Fuck, got born as a nigger

>I have to move to London
Fug DDD:


My destiny is to witness United Kingdom's breaking into separate countries. Scots are doing a fine job

Pay denbt

It'll never happen.

They are slipping down so fast, in 2020 they will nearly fall out of the top 10.

pay debts

They will pay.

The EU will never see a dime.


lmao they have 30times more people

Nope. What you gonna do, put sanctions on us?

Give it a try, please be 17 or 30!

Germans are the niggers of europe

NOOOO!! Not an American!!! Please, God, no!!!

274 billion, it's mere pennies to us.

>Germany gets the 274 billion
>Israel reminds them of holocaust
>Have to pay another 274 billion for unpaid labour cost

>Britain wants to leave? That's going to cost them €50 billion
>Oy vey perfidious albion, you have commited to €100 billion of EU spending!
>If you want us to negotiate, you need to confirm payment of that little €274 billion that you owe us

thinking you can outjew the british when they have their homeland and a new king coming.

common north korea

don't worry nigger you will give it to us and rapefugees anyways

that order is wrong,
since brexit it's actually been:

>UK - Austria - Macedonia - USA - Netherlands - France

Italy had a referendum or something some months ago i forgot what it was about or who won it but it's somewhere between Macedonia and Netherlands

Probably some trade tariffs or some cuts on EU subsidies which will inevitably still be trickled into the UK in one way or another

gib gibraltar back to spain and we make it 270bn

>Demands from EU member states
I'd like to see what dark hole they're pulling these ridiculous nummers from.

>read in antonies voice...

Worms, the whole lot of them

The only thing the UK government has said they will pay for is the already agreed to commitments. And that's all the EU is getting. You cucks want us to pay extra to mitigate the hole in your budget in the next budget in 2019 through to 2024 because once again nobody in the EU27 is willing to up their budget. That's not our responsibilty.

>Mexico needs to help pay for measures to stop their people from crossing over and damaging our country
>holy shit that's racist
>you can't force a country to pay for your stuff
>UK must pay for our military, unelected politicians, and regulations
>it's only fair
>They should be forced to give back to the system they've been leeching off of for so long

>mfw germany will gib us more money

>EU face when we refuse any and all demands

Have to weigh up the cost of Unloading The Tridents vs. Paying The Bill

>want out of germanic trade deal thats no good for you
>okay heres all this stuff you have to pay for

I don't understand this at all

for real though the NHS is going to get slashed and you know it. its all you guys talk about. like any time i check your news its mentioned even when its brexit stuff

like im not sure if you will even get a band aid when this is over. its still worth it for you but you shouldnt pay 270 bil . go get a jew accountant to do all negotiations from here on out. your paying retail when it should be wholesale

Funny thing is, UK and Germany are the two countries propping the whole thing up

If we did pay up you'd fuckers would spend it on the next generation of Germans aka Rapefugees. And hurry up and pay your NATO bill, you don't want to loose the three "ships" you have do you

>tfw completely fine with this

We need to Rebuild Hadrian's Wall

Exfil the Proddies from Northern Ireland and let the IRA be subsumbed by Niggers and Muslims.

Wales, England, Australia and New Zealand only (maybe not New Zealand).

now I admit, my knowledge of these things is the same as the Sup Forumstard knowledge around pussy.
but something just doesnt sound right when you have to pay to quit something.

Eurocommunists have been leeching of us

Come on please be Afghanistan I wanna behead some kuffar

Stop shitting yourself Nigel

It's almost like the EU is a complete shit show

>mfw the worst predictions are a 1.4% growth rate
Fuck the NHS

you did the right thing guys, let noone tell you otherwise

Gibe me burgerz plz

>tfw the cost of Gibraltar is actually well above 274b

I wish the E.U. would try to take it, so that cunt May could try out her Thatcher Larping.

I'm going to be so happy when Labour gets absolutely fucked in the ass and we have strong negotiations with the E.U., but goddamn it's going to suck having to have her in charge because of it all. I hope she gets dementia by the time it's all done and we can get some real leadership.

>but something just doesnt sound right when you have to pay to quit something.
I am pretty sure that if you sign a gym membership for 2 years and you hate it after 4 months, you still got to pay for the 2years if you signed the special promotional 2 year minimum period.

Yes! Somalia even better I'm a nigger now :)

>Pole defending the EU
Have fun when they force you to take in millions of rapefugees

Why don't we just use the money sending all the pakis to Ascension Island instead?

Greece is smart, getting free gibs from the EU while the EU is still alive,
and once it collapses, will not have to do a single back!

Poles need to stop pretending they're relevant desu. You're the welfare niggers of europe, sucking the teet of daddy Brussels. Embarassing situation, aren't you ashamed?

What makes it more insulting/retarded is that Britain, France and Germonistan pay for the whole fucking thing.

Looks like you're moving to Europe

They will go to germany anwyway, I support taking them in

Rollerino paperino

TY based olive nigger

We are not relevant, but on the other hand our country wont be divided into pieces like yours before 2020.

Scots and Irish doing a Gods work

Have fun with hyperinflation

Kraut sending invoices to Stelios and Nigel

When will the nazi's reign end?

It's going to get slashed not because it has to (although it actually does, even according to left wing Americucks who were hired to assess it by David Cameron) but because the Tories are about to dominate the elections.

The Tories dominating is good in that it will finally murder the Neo-Liberal Identity Politics Experiment that is New Labour (like kicking out the Clintonians from the Democrats) and it gives us a 50/50 shot in the Brexit negotiations.

The bad news is that the Neo-Conservative cucks of the Tory party, led by Sharia May, will be in complete control of the country. This could be good in terms of negotiations (but I put 50/50 for a reason - May was a Remainer) but the current Tories are complete and utter Neo-Con cucks to a degree that would make Jeb! blush. They'll gut everything except non-white migration quotas.

Long, long road ahead I'm afraid.

No deal is better than a bad deal, fag.
Better see how your automotive industry feels about that, by the way.

Not pakistan

Not in Australia.

It's literally illegal for them to do that.

If you want to quit you can quit at anytime.

Honestly it actually seems kind of unfair - but apparently the courts were sick of dealing with;

>I can't feed muh baby, pay my rent, buy toilet paper etc

Excuses from defaulters.

so anyone that wants to get out is slapped with a huge fine for not conforming to this kike scheme?
good thing we did not fall for that.
no offence but anything that is run by Merkel is doomed. take Francestan for example

We're not Poland, we don't need EU subsidies

At least we'll be a self-sufficient self-governing nation with our own identity again. Meanwhile you'll be absorbed into a superstate soon enough. Nothing more than an outpost in europe, your culture and history erased and mass influxes of rapefugees pillaging your towns and cities, raping your women and molesting your children.

If that means we'll lose scotland, it's a price to pay.

No deal is the worst deal idiot

Bitch you've started (and lost) 100% of all world wars, and are responsible for millions of deaths all taken in the name of taking over Europe. Now that you know you cannot succeed forcefully, you're trying the political approach. But guess what? It still wont fucking work.

Have fun in your rapefugee infested shit-hole kraut, just don't try to drag your betters down the drain with you.

Maybe when you give us our share of the assets we've contributed to

The only reason you exist is because of Britain. Stop being rude.

The E.U. only has itself to blame for this complete fuck up.

It was meant to be a simple economic union, not some grand fucking social experiment or shared currency.

You're not going to find Poland divided up, you're going to simply find it non existent and just an extension of Germany and France (and by default Morocco, Sub-Saharan Africa, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Bangladesh etc)

Sure you will be, paying 300bn to EU, following their trade rules and with no influence on the laws you will obey.

Mate losing Scotland is a plus be happy. Hopefully the Welsh piss off aswell.

>still haven't paid their WWII debt
Pay off your existing debt before you fuck up Europe again you Teutonic menace.


You got the countries wrong.

The only reason you exists is because of Britain. The only reason we exist is because of the US. Bris are too irrelevant.

Who has pre-ordered their tickets?

Only on imports into your market will rules apply. We'll be making free trade deals with the real world, and you'll become increasingly reliant on Belgians and Germans to support your failing industries. We aren't paying anything more than our original commitments. Deal with it welfare nigger.

Ahaha you're saying Germany is better? You're cucked beyond belief

I will watch this 5 times. I love seeing Brits getting their asses kicked.

They are making an alternative ending for Germans with the Wehrmacht marching into Paris and then fading out to credits.

No, seriously I need you to clean my toilets.

Worse than jews. I fucking hate Germany and the (((EU))).
You won't see a dime anyway.

Australians are British you prat

>Maybe when you give us our share of the assets we've contributed to
We are happy for you taking on one of our partnership assets, you want Kosovo or Moldova?