How much more cancerous did /pol become now that /the_danald/ is gone?
How much more cancerous did /pol become now that /the_danald/ is gone?
Literally the only thing that changed is people calling everyone else /r/the_donald shills.
Just like with summerfags.
On behalf of Sup Forums, I welcome all new anons to Sup Forums! Please enjoy your stay!
Can't believe those tards had their playground taken away from them
They will shit up Sup Forums worse than SJWs do
Sup Forums is gone now
People come to Sup Forums from all over, especially now. Have fun with your redditors. How do you not possibly get along? They aren't exactly fitting in with reddit if they're going private out of a feud with their admins.
Everyone who isn't a weeb needs to be deported from Sup Forums. Then all will be right again.
They don't fit in here either. They can go to voat or whatever cuckshed they have lined up next.
this guy gets it.
you would know
Oh wise nip
They won't, they'll stay here, fucking deal with it. I go to reddit sometimes. I go to reddit a lot. I have reddit open in another tab. I didn't really like The_Donald but I did go to /r/videos and other subs. So I am a redditor/4channer. But I alo go to Sup Forums. Should I say more?
Every fucking thread I've been on tonight has been shitted up with "Former redditor here", "don't mind us based Pedes", "so what's it like here?" etc., etc. ad nauseum . If this keeps up much longer, the cancer is going to go terminal.
>Stayy outta my secret clubbbbbb
everyone i dont agree with is (X) shill
Look at me.
You're a pede now.
Well, I came to this sub from the other one. I don't get the hate. We all support the God Emperor and have the same goals and same memes. Why not join forces? Shadilay!
Let's build a wall to keep reddit out
You fags had a chance on 1st April. Now eat shit
>now that /the_danald/ is gone?
Yeah, that's the problem.
Senpai desu
Hello, I used to be a long time user on reddit, in addition I was a mod on /r/whiteknighting but that place has become a nightmare filled with Trump supporters.
Can someone explain to me how to use Sup Forums and where are the vote buttons and how I can become a moderator of this thread?
#killallmen, #feminismrules, #eatvegan
About the same seeing as all of them were already here clogging up any meaningful discussion in lieu of le ebin Trump and leftist hate threads like we need to still campaign for a guy who's already elected or be reminded in like 27 threads at once that leftists are absolute retards.
That's been the case for a long time too.
Let's build a wall to keep reddit out