
if you had a chance to preserve the white race (nordic) but its at the expense of every other race
would you do it

If you wouldn't instantly smash that button, you need to leave.

but my asian qt waifus

do north atlantids get to stay?

if they have blue eyes and blonde hair yes

What about Slavs. If you don't think Slavs are better than Nords you're a fucking moron

oh i see they have black hair and blue eyes well as long as they dont have any kike DNA

No, Nordics are the worst Europeans with the least contributions to society
They have not given the world one thing of value
Even the Arabs forged an empire from the Arab penenisula to the Atlantic
The Nordics gave us barbarians, Vikings and the worst examples of multiculturalism

> t.Dimitri

southern europeans are scum of the earth theyre contaminated nords filled with shitskin/nubian DNA your ancestors were raped by the BBC

>muh blue eyes blonde hair
>still massive fucking cucks who's countries are currently falling to literal shitskins and kike agenda

How could you not?

At least we have something to show for it since all of western culture has Greco Romans roots while you blonde haired primates we're in stick huts doing fuck all with it
Also your getting the BBC now

now let's hit the fucking gas button

what the fuck that's not even a difficult scenario

Excess consanguinuity on a global scale is generally not good, so no. But all the same, the Nordics have the same right to preservation as any group.

sorry senpai anglo saxon/nords only gotta have blue eyes and blonde hair or else you're contaminated scum the vikings were more interesting haven't you watched how to train your dragon

exactly gas shitkins and niggers now press the button

this is a fucking jew meme look at the japs theyre as consanguin as they get over thousands of years and they have one of the highest IQ within their region and look at africa its the most diverse with the lowest on the planet

You ask this as if this isn't already a hope/dream for most of us?

Every other race seems content with the reverse so why not?

Nah you fuckers were the refugees that collapsed my countrymans great Roman Empire.

Fucking snow niggers. Also I am fucking a blonde hair blue eye girl putting my brown hair green eye seed in her.

Nope. Let each race or civilization survive on it's merits. Adapt or die. Hit the gym and hit the books. It's the only way. I shouldn't to say this but also hit the places where chicks hang out and get some of that white pussy knocked up any which way you can. inb4 muh feminism I didn't say it was going to be easy. It's not suppose to be easy. Natural selection. Also consider developing a personality. Learn a bunch of jokes. Keep the redpill to yourself as much as possible. Racism truly is an ugly thing especially when you're on the receiving end. If our civilization fails our race must not. Do it. Now.

WINRAR for the leaf

No because I'm not Nordic
And those snowniggers are not the top of civilization as you Aryan larpers think.

Nations such as Spain, Portugal and Italy have contributed more to culture and history than Scanidcucks ever will. Being a Nordic supremacist is literally the most entitled way of white supremacy. Because you value them simply because of their genetic condition. Their existence is their greatest achievement. While believe that Mediterranean peoples are great is more based of their merits not their genetic circumstance. The Nordic is the muh genetics type of supremacy while Mediterranean is actually valuing cultural contribution.

And off course this does not mean that these are the top countries. France, The UK and Germany are the cultural top dogs. But after that the Mediterraneans follow. Scandinavians come way after that.

depends if i was in the cutoff, and even then, the gain of power id get for the action compared to not taking it would dictate, and it would have to be so significant, firstly to hedge against this contemplated admittence and secondly for the loss of a great many friends, furthering the first. im such a bastard.

Of course. But sadly we have to just settle to white skin color and not the other beautiful traits.

I am Chinese and I will smash, if only the chinks live as well

>Doesn't understand mutations

If you are white this is a retarded answer, you have a evolutionary mandate to ensure the survival and success of those genetically similar to yourself and smashing that button would be the best option to do this. There is no need to throw away what could be a huge advantage for petty morality

Preservw the fuck out of it!

No. I would like to fight for my race. Im a mixed race mongrel, I have no people, I have nothing. Your causes mean nothing to me.

yes of course.

Obviously not, you'd probably find a way to cuck yourselves out of existence anyway

oh fucking yes for sure. I don't care about other races, why should I ? They all want for the whites to disappear. There's way too many people on Earth to have a more traditional, less consumerist and industrial way of life so why not wipe out a good part of the other races that are, in fact, far more numerous than whites ? We do this for pandas why not nordics ? By the way I am not white by your definition (brown hair, brown eyes) and I sincerely don't want them to disappear even if is at my own expense.

Pfft, yeah. Were already being out-bred by pretty much everyone else. However a much less violent solution and easier to do would be to move them all to different continents and all become isolationists. You don't need to go all Hitler on everyone, you know?