Why is there so much animosity towards Sargon of Akkad on this board?
Why is there so much animosity towards Sargon of Akkad on this board?
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thinkery > main channel
He's fat and autistic
Fat quadroon civic nationalist who got BTFO by manlet woes.
Hmm I duno opie
Like the majority of people on this website.
>who got BTFO by manlet woes.
when did sargon debate him?
Obnoxious leftist that is trying to co-opt Sup Forums memes to build his following.
on his live chanel
He sounds like a Home Counties maths teacher.
He legit seems to think all that's wrong in the world revolves about SJW's. He is also a fat gamer degenerate who thinks he's an intellectual cos he read some books.
He's a literally autistic, closet homo man child who gets drunk alone and posts half nude photos of himself like a cringeworthy schoolboy
Not like you, right?
I want to choke on Sargon's fat hairy daddy bear cock OwO
Sounds hot
He's boring as fuck t b h
Wish people would stop talking about him
He is literally a cuckold nationalist.
Who do you consider to be interesting when it comes to political discussion?
Correct you dumb cunt. I'm guessing from that reply that you also fit the description. Leave this country you sad little cunt
They hate him cause they ain't him.
>claims to be open minded
>does nothing but repeat Sup Forums talking points and memes like they're inherently true
Make me.
How has he gotten this fat?
By British standards, Sargon would probably be considered right-of-centre.
>likes gay porn
>likes black porn
>likes cuck porn
>hates anime
>thinks he's smarter than you
>hates anime
Step in the right direction
He's one of those internet commenters who thinks 'reason' and 'logic' can explain emotional subjects. He thinks this makes him 'redpilled' and able to see through the bullshit, but it actually makes him really emotionally unintelligent.
So like everyone's saying, probably autistic.
Board idk. From me? Because for lack of better description, he has a very "eyes closed smugness" whenever he talks of the alt-right.
The guy goes on how mass immigration is a bad thing. He goes on how sjw's are a bad thing. He bases Trump bashers.
Yet get around to the topic of racial differences, iq et al. he throws it all out the window and tries to put out an air of superiority, and being oh so higher and more intellectual than the #actualracists.
I got harsh reality for him and people like him. Genetics and evolution are a thing. The reason Hajj and *clickclickpop* aren't integrating, and that they are innately not going to transition well into Western society due to their genetics.
At worst you get a takeover, at best you get dragging leech that can only somewhat function when they mix in (net dragging down) with the rest of the western society's gene pool.
He hates t.f. out of this fact of reality, because he's infected with the same marxist, over-egalitarian we're-all-interchangable-cogs thinking that makes somewhat mentally competent people think denying racial truth sets them aside from some hypothetical bumpkin Cleetus, so to speak.
He needs to drop that bullshit and join the rest of us that accept reality, with all it's more unlikable ideology shaking truths.
Ben Shapiro. I'll watch a little bit of Steven Crowder every now and then but he can be cringy as fuck.
Watched couple of hours of his videos. All he did was make ebig reactions to boring SJW videos and record himself laughing at every sentence they made.
Watching from my window as the bums linger in front of a gas station across from my apartment is more exciting.
pol is way too hard on Sargon. Kekistan may be cringy but at least Sargon got normies waving nazi flags, that's got to be worth something
I like him.
Because classical liberalism and libertarianism encourage open minds and free discussion they keep open a space where ideas can do battle and the best ones win.
Fascism is the future.
perfectly describes him too. He also obviously browses Sup Forums and T_D at the same time. He's one of those Sup Forums tier kiddies
Pol's too hard on everyone not 100% sucking n.a.p. cod or wanting to fire up das gaschamber, granted.
ok sargon skeptic shill
the reddit refugees are already here I see
he's a civcuck nationalist
he can fuck off
nigger semen diet
He ate too many red pills.
He pay me 1 gorrilions.
Fire up das gas, Polski.
Han can anyone still watch Benji after the Michelle Fields bullshit? He threw away what little integrity he might have had long ago.
no, you cuck for free, arabs are so based, amirite?
hes a faggot and every time you faggots shill him here i hate him even more.
He has genuinely good arguments against certain leftist stances, you can take him or leave him just stop thinking every one that is completely on your side is of no value.
that isn't*
He's a fat baby.
Hate his whiny voice and forced laugh.
Cherry picks.
Lives on his computer, which is why he's fat.
Literally a cuck.
>ok sargon skeptic shill
sieg heil pooland
also as a sidenote, pol could take Sargon down a notch anytime. Just meme him as the leader of the ebil alt-rite and feed him to the sjws
He was a one hit wonder, two years ago, for about a few months. Then he got ahead of himself and started to make shit unfunny content about le epic kekistan XDDDD and that fucking fake laughter.
Thats not sargon, thats Pavarotti you stupid fuck
the arguments are
>hahahah omg those dumb sjws, amirite?! praise kek as you kids say!
>He ate too many red pills.
He ate his competition on Eurosong
It's not a matter of sides, he went against everything he preached about logic and reason to defend someone who had no fucking evidence to back her claims.
Please tell me your shitposting polishbro
Cringy roleplayers and unintelligent civic nationalists make me mad, it's that simple.
he is already a joke, no one besides the tiny "skeptic englightened free speech intelectuals" take him seriously, even the left stopped giving a shit about him
Don't you have a German, or Russian or... *insert very long list* cock to rape your mouth, polander uppity slave?
I will grant this. Arabs haven't raped your people's great grandmothers' buttholes.
Just... everyone else.
You were saying I'm a cuck or something.
>those hahahha SJW so salty amirite?! fags are so based!
consistently btfo by Shaun and Jen
Is this the guy that wants us to pay for his healthcare?
So he acted like a cuck? Name one political commentator that isn't cuckish some way. His arguments on gun control, abortion, health care, and immigration utterly wrecks any leftist's. I do not care about anything else but this.
Fucking Sumerinormies.
why are you so salty, you are so butthurt that someone insulted your poster boy for the cuck liberalism?
Bill Nye isnt a cuck
I think it's hilarious when he gets mad at icecream trucks interrupting his videos.
He makes good content and i like his voice. I don't agree with some of his economic stances but he's an alright dude. Seems like he's trying to lose weight, too.
no one here hates Sargon, and that is not his picture
at least he's ten fold better than corporative kike media
another one shariablue caracter assasination
>no one here hates Sargon
he is a cuck lefty liberal, he believes in socialism and uncontrolled immigration
>no one besides the tiny "skeptic englightened free speech intelectuals" take him seriously, even the left stopped giving a shit about him
Well at least you seem to care. He's at least relevant enough for you to get your panties in a bunch
yeah, those videos when he presents no arguments, just laughs and makes shitty zingers, so relevant
I swear, one of you hating on him has got to be him.
you can act like they're nobodies all you want but sargon is frequently thrown into a spasm whenever they make a video on him because they always blow him the fuck out
He's a collectivist in disguise.
The moment someone dares call out someone in his clique, he throws all his principles out the window to defend them unless they went full retard.
I legitimately have no idea who this person is you're talking about. Is this just you trying to promote your own YouTube Channel?
it's hard to know all people who BTFO sarcuck, there is so many of them
Cunt went three scoops.
Never go three scoops lad.
Just another useless "political commentator" with absolutely nothing interesting to say and no analysis whatsoever beyond memes.
He's an idiot. He talks a lot and read a lot. Sargon really tries to apply the philosophical books he's read. But he fails because he does not question himself in all regards.
Example: Sargon still calls himself a leftist. Even though he despises what the Left has become and even though he's far more comfortable with conservative positions.
He's also far too memey. In the cringey way of using memes as busswords. He's a normie. He is the kind of guy that kills memes, because when they reach him, soon after everybody will be over them. (Cucks, kek, Pepe...)
In his latest stream he literally sat around cirklejerking with his community of of people who don't want a community and whined about people on twitter talking shit about him because he said something on twitter.
He literally said:" It's just twitter. Why do you care so much?"
Yes, Sargon, why do you care so much?
Lastly he operates under some mental restrictions. Example: Every difference in crime rates between the ethnicies comes from income levels. To say that crime rates and other tgings can come from biology is unthinkable to him.
Even though that testosterone levels increase aggression and violent behaviour and that blacks have more testosterone. Simple things like that he ignores.
Harmful Opinions and Hagbard Celine are way better youtubers.
Have a look into Sargons behaviour during the Candit crisis with HO and you'll be disgusted. Sargon showed a lot of duplicity and he justified it with an ongoing culture war against SJW.
tl:dr He's a tosser.
oh, if you don't know who they are then just watch the video I linked that shows what their content is like. At best I can give you a brief explanation. Left leaning youtube channel that picks apart "rationals" and anti-feminists who make fallacious arguments. Occasionally reveals his cuck bias but most of the time stays very level headed and calmly destroys people by exposing hypocrisy, inconsistency, falsified/misinterpreted information etc
>uncontrolled immigration
he's like an economic centrist and is anti-immigrant
the good thing about him is that he's entertaining, level-headed and doesn't show too much bias against any side of a given argument. he's a far better baby's first red-pill than PJW or infowars, and he actually makes well-researched, non-political works and appears to care for truth
So he's pro feminist and anti rationality? What?
Sargon's entire deal is getting angry and hitting his desk on "this week in stupid". The guys baby's first anti-feminism and little more.
>he believes in socialism and uncontrolled immigration
Literally doesn't.
He only ever critisizes the left. He identifies as a leftist but he is right wing even in American terms
>Sargon still calls himself a leftist
No, he doesn't, not anymore.
>Example: Every difference in crime rates between the ethnicies comes from income levels. To say that crime rates and other tgings can come from biology is unthinkable to him.
That's not true, but it's close: He doesn't believe that it's the "income level", rather it's "muh fatherlessness" and "muh toxic culture" that causes high crime in poor (nigger) communities.
He'll come around.
>Have a look into Sargons behaviour during the Candit crisis with HO and you'll be disgusted. Sargon showed a lot of duplicity and he justified it with an ongoing culture war against SJW.
I'll give you that, he had a collectivist mindset throughout that whole debacle and ended up riding the fence like a pro.
Femnisim at its core is just not treating women like shit. If you like watching epic feminist rekt videos where they find purple haired septum pierced retards who want to limit free speech and yell about killing all white males, thats the extreme and unfortunate representation of the direction the term has been taken. You have to realize terms have gradients. Not all capitalists are greedy soulless businessmen who dump toxic waste into the ocean.
>Have a look into Sargons behaviour during the candid crisis with HO and you'll be disgusted.
The sheer level of doublethink and outright lies were absolutely revolting.
Then he had the balls to be offended when people thought he was bought off.
He's an Anglican Burkean Conservative, he just hasn't figured it out yet.
Someone needs to get him to read Burke's Reflections. I think he'll drop the classical liberal atheist shtick at some point.
Go get fucked, reddit
>re ddit spacing
Top kek at sarcuck of mossad since youtube started raping their ad revenue
Good points. The man actively identified as a Leftist for far too long. Can't trust that sort.
Fpbp. I think his main channel is for This Week in Stupid and other long videos like his Tale of Two Narratives videos. The Thinkery is for the lulz.
He gets 5 grand a month on patreon.
The funny part is that pretty much everywhere else on the internet was doing what Youtube was doing years before.
The writing was on the wall, and almost none of them chose to do anything
What a fucking weird cartoon, remember his talking shoes?
He is a leftist who wants to go back 20 years
We don't have time to go back. If we do then America becomes Brazil.
still less than he did before