>travel bans failed
>sanctuary city order failed
>failed to introduce a single one of his 10 legislation proposals promised within his first 100 days, including but not limited to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act, etc.
>tries to brag about using EOs when he complained about Obama being lazy and ineffective for using them and not passing laws
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed, nearly cause a government shutdown for demanding 1 billion dollar downpayment for the wall that's supposed to be paid by mexico
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart acknowledged the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn was denied immunity, may have broken law not disclosing payments from Russia
>travel expenses in first 3 months wasted more tax payer dollars than obama's first two years as president
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment, overturned regulation preventing coal companies from dumping shit into rivers
>flip flopped on NATO, labeling China a currency manipulator, the Export-Import Bank, and making the American dollar stronger
>flip flopped on targeting dreamers
>lied about not intervening with syria, wasted 60 million tax payer dollars launching 59 missiles that didn't even destroy the airbase, and warned the russians but never informed congress or the NSC
>extended Iran nuclear deal which Trump called “the worst deal ever” with no modifications
>admitted firing Comey over Russia investigation after asking him to end it, then threatened Comey with oval office "tapes"
>leaked intel from Israel to Russia, Iran's ally; White House lied about it before Trump admitted it in tweets

Other urls found in this thread:


Dont comment on this shit! plebbit fags. It's a fucking shariablue bait

lmao Trumpcucks are pathetic, just like Fat Donny

Don't reply. Report. Sage. Done.

Bump down the shill threads.

Aaaww, need a safe space, little Trumpcuck? :3

the banks aint doing too bad


Trump is a faggot and Americans are fat mongrels.


b& for replying sage

b& for replying sage as well

What do you miss your echo chamber?

Fuck you nigger. Kill yourself and save us one American bullet.

guys, is this all true?

I can't disagree with you, Netherbro. It shames me deeply when I go into a grocery store and see 5-10 people who are morbidly obese (or getting there) riding around on motorized scooters, their shopping basket filled with Twinkies and 24 packs of Pepsi.

>makes massive shitpost

well, the flag checks out.

kill yourself shill rat

but are they telling the truth?

point out which points are lies

wowow stating a bunch of facts that are anti trump? you must be a shill. don't look kids

trumps a big dumb faggot isnt he?

I'm starting to think trump is a big dumb faggot

>Americans unironically think their debt ridden wasteland filled with dindus and spics is the greatest country on earth

Daily reminder that all will be forgiven if you repent to the LORD

His judgement is imminent

still haven't seen anyone point out where the OP is wrong

could there maybe be shills for trump on this board too?

I suspect jewish tactics are at play, where the jew would kick over jewish gravestones and paint swastikas on a synagogue claiming persecution

I suspect the trump shill is claiming the existence of the anti trump shill to distract from his shilling

It's in the interests of leftists worldwide that this incompetent buffoon hold office as long as possible. Every since Trump won, every other right wing populist has dived in the polls.

I'm one of those guys that are critical of Trump but Jesus this is the MOST retarded shill list I've ever seen.

>failed to introduce a single one of his 10 legislation proposals
TPP is dead. Wall is currently being build and massive deregulation have just happened.
>Obama being lazy and ineffective for using them and not passing laws
he's right
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
It just passed, how fucking bacward retarded are you?
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
Have just passed senate and is about to pass in congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
Literally part of his deregulation campaign like it or not.
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed, nearly cause a government shutdown for demanding 1 billion dollar downpayment for the wall that's supposed to be paid by mexico
Literally didn't fucking happened at all.
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
Bombed the shit out of them though.
>drain the swamp was a lie
>hurr durr it ain't draining when it's the person I like!
>lock her up was a lie
She's already dead
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart
Now you're going to use Breitbart, holy shit the left really is retarded.
>travel expenses in first 3 months wasted more tax payer dollars
And that still doesn't even begin to scratch Obama's massive waste.
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment,
You mean deregulating the shit out of the energy sector and industry meme like he promised to? Fucking retard.
>flip flopped on NATO, labeling China a currency manipulator, the Export-Import Bank, and making the American dollar stronger
He never flip-flop on NATO, he exactly said that he'll make a deal with NATO to improve them and if they don't they are literally useless. He lived up to his word, a great negotiator. Same shit with China.
>flip flopped on targeting dreamers
DACA will expire you fucking retard.


Nah. Trump supporters are mentally deranged and have so much emotionally invested in Trump that the mental anguish of admitting he has ever done something wrong would break them.

T_d cucks on suicide watch

>lied about not intervening with syria
>extended Iran nuclear deal
It's under review you underage illiterate
>admitted firing Comey over Russia investigation
Because it was a massive failure that didn't go anywhere. I like how you didn't even mentioned that Comey absolve Trump of colluding with Russia saying that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
>leaked intel from Israel to Russia, Iran's ally
Intel which he shared with Russia, nothing more.

so basically the guy who made this copy-pasta actually wants to show how in-depth his retardedness really is.