There is no greater punishment that God can bestow upon you than you being born in Albania or Bosnia.
There is no greater punishment that God can bestow upon you than you being born in Albania or Bosnia
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Does IQ drop 15 points with islam?
no, if your IQ is 15 points lower you have a bigger chance to join islam
That is fake.
Those countries are full of literal animals.
Also montenegro is just little Serbia,how come they are more stupid?
>Croatia smarter than Italy
>Slovenia smarter than Italy
Romania should be lower.
>Be irish
>get potato brain
Its acutally all more even now, abotu 95ish all over eastern Europe this is outdayed
The mudslimes might have Turk admixture
its inbreding actually.
genetic diversity increases IQ levels.
>tatu vanhanen
>finland has the highest score
of course this shit is fake. Italy has an average IQ with 101 not 96,1
Serbians are trying to normalize the IQ drop, caused by migrant Mudslimes.
the map is a meme of some crocuck trying to be funny, not gonna lie that the average person here is dumber then in western Europe tho ottoman occupation communism and islam have done their fucking job but pic related is a more relevant map. Croatia is the sweden of the balkans turbo cucks.
the only thing dragging down the whole balkans in general is the bosnian and albanian expats
Is there a corelation between better life standards and being a cuck?Why do rich people are always fucked up
>some of our states have higher IQ's than all of Europe
Huh, who would've thought
Oh Milorad pls
Yes but that's not the case for cucratia there still poor as fuck just not as poor as Albania for example the reason why they are cucks is because they will do anything to please nato the eu and merkel. Inferiority complex.
>below 100
Pick one
we're not poor you autistic mudslime
>genetic diversity increases IQ levels
So all we need to do is mix low iq brown and yellow people together and then they make high iq people right? Cause genetic diversity?
>modern anti-eugenic education
Actually, I fear that it is the other way around.
People converted to pisslam to keep their possession, lands, etc.
The savage Ottomans practiced prima nocta as well, but only upon non muslims, not just that, but they also could cuck you and steal your bride for good.
This is a border area of Turkish expansion, warhordes of those mongol animals passed by often, so, it is to no wonder that some of those savages raped some people on the way back.
Be that as it may, the highest asiatic admixture, all tho minimal, is with the Serbs. I'd say it"s divine punishment, given that orthocucks were servile dogs, while catholicism in the area is branded with the mark of martyrdom and defense of Europe.
are you legit stupid?
have you even been to italy?
One im not a muslim you checkered cuck and number two yeah you are lmao. Hundreds of thousands of you leave every year to find work in west europe. Most of your country side is deserted and all you have is tourism aka people coming and taking a dumb in your sea. Whats the average salary in croatia 400 500 euros? Lmao.
Let's get a Serb in here. It's always highly entertaining to hear a based Serb rant about Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, kebab removal, Balkan invasion, etc.
Yes,if they are not smart why so many slovenians,croats and albanians would sell their kidneys just to live there?
>One im not a muslim you checkered cuck and number two yeah you are lmao.
my country isn't over 50% muslim my dear rape baby
> Hundreds of thousands of you leave every year to find work in west europe.
so does from poland, slovenia, serbia, bih, albania, russia, ukraine, czech republic...
>Most of your country side is deserted and all you have is tourism aka people coming and taking a dumb in your sea.
not true, i can tell you're a serbian cuck that thinks everything is shit in croatia
meanwhile my country is one of the safest and richest countries in EE.
Because Italian food is fucking delicious. I'm no fan of Italy but Got damn can those motherfuckers cook.
No Croat would ever want to live there, believe me.
Maybe Albanians, but Slovenes and Croats wouldn't
no croat wants to live there, we all mvoe to germany or ireland for jobs. romanians want to lvie in italy, dont project
A Croat country upheld by Croats. Every vile muslim is an ethnic Serb (example: Izetbegović).
Defended Europe long and hard enough to earn papal recommendation. Not just that, but it welcomed Serb refugees from that time as well.
As filthy as they are, there is no as unified people as sheeptars. Muslims, orthodox, Catholics and atheists there live on relative harmony with eachother, give or take the blood feuds of clans.
Not to forget based Skenderbeg
>kebab removal
The last time a Serb rose a hand against a turk was in 1912, just to side with them in the next Balkan war.
>Balkan invasion
You mean the times where they actively helped Ottoman expansion into Europe?
Again But I'll give you that, you do suffer from Bosnian construction workers. But then again, no person without a diploma can really be seen as much of a human
>my country isn't over 50% muslim
a country can be 99 percent muslim that doesent mean that every individual is muslim same as in this case i am not one, thanks for exhibiting that Croatian brain.
>so does from poland, slovenia, serbia, bih, albania, russia, ukraine, czech republic...
and this proves that your not poor because?
>not true
hhahahah lika zagora and slavonia are empty and getting emptier
>meanwhile my country is one of the safest and richest countries in EE.
HAHAHAHAHA yeah sure you are people are selling their kidney to come and live in cucrkatia
>Croatia is the sweden of the balkans turbo cucks.
Didn't Croats have that referendum on faggotry, where they voted against gay rights?
all i can see is a Serb being butt hurt without any sources
no time to argue with a sub human like you
How did they measure IQ? We don't measure IQ here. Give me the source of that IQ data so we see if they even took IQ from people or just measured some 100 random people from some sites.
There seems to be much infighting in this thread.
We all have our differences, but as a person from a very Greek family, I think that we ethnic Balkan people can all come together and at least agree that Turkey needs to be dissolved and the kebabs need to be removed.
>not true, i can tell you're a serbian cuck that thinks everything is shit in croatia
>Be Serb
>Try to conquer Croatia with claims "Das mah clay"
>Lose War
>Be butthurt
>Claim Croatia is an ugly and shit land
literally autistic Kindergarten level
Nah this is how it went down.
Their elected pls hans fuck me in the ass type of gov just announced one day that fags will have the right to get married. None of them said anything, and then a conservative organization decided to hold a referendum to prevent it one of the last and few conservative structures in cuckratia. So fast forward threw negative campaign adds against the referendum and no air time for them the referendum passes but their gov still decides that fags can get married. Like a week after the referendum, and they just say nothing and keep moving on. Thats the thing about croats their such cucks that they will legit not protest anything because they think they are in the big boy club aka the eu and nato so they got it made. Lmao what cucks.
In Croatia they usually measure IQ when you have to apply for a University or a High school.
Not sure for average people though.
>yellow people
>low iq
>Attack white people with a different sexual orientation because I DON'T LIKE THEM
literally nigger tier.
>50% muslim
>he thinks that BiH "muslims" are muslims
You do realise that the only "muslims" which tend to be actual muslims are usually cryptoserbs, while the rest are fauxmuslims at best?
Islam here exists for one reason: so that they have an identity and don't get divided up.
The reason for this is simple: all muslim leaders are Serbs, so, losing that identify would mean to be Serbs again, hence they created an entire nationality leading astray many ethnic Croats away from the light and salvation of Croathood.
Everything Turkey touched turned into shit
>doing erodgan's bidding cause I'm a bitch
Return to your homeland. You'll be happier
Depends on the yellow people. Japanese have high I.Q.'s, for example, but Vietnamese have lower I.Q.'s.
Why is Ireland's national IQ so low?
>British and Finnish authors
>UK and Finland get much higher IQs than expected
really made me think
Muslims or not, they need to be kicked out of the balkans
they don't belong here.
who is this semen demon?
obvious US person
Italian food is vastly overrated.
Agreed. All Balkan people like to fight each other, but all can agree that kebabs are even worse.
their food isn't any different from any other southern country
Eat shit slavic scum
Show me the law that says that's a requirement. Do you understand our intelligence tests aren't even the same with Mensa's IQ tests? Even if they were the same that would be extremely retarded to do since we don't have same education. When you talk about IQ test you normally talk about Mensa's tests and those can't be compared by tests we had. You can't mix 2 totally different things. Mensa is for Americans and British, not for anybody else.
>if you think that marriage should be a union between man and women then you are attacking gays
Croatia lady's and gents
why don't you go legalize abortion or weed next
also calling me a nigger while hundreds of thousands of niggers crap in your sea every year and your entire youth population has become autistic western
>Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovachia higher than Italy
>muslim or not
I didn't know Serbs from Croatia were this present on Sup Forums to call for a repeated genocide against Croats which share 35k of ancestry in Europe.
I Think Croatia and Slovenia just want to be left alone for good by the rest of the balkans. I can understand why.
italy is 105 not 95.
That's because
>Northern Italy: 110
>Southern Italy: 87
you got nigger problem
Greek food is my favorite because that's what my family makes, but I knew this kid whose grandma was from Italy. She could barely speak any English. We would go over to his house to eat sometimes, and let me tell you what motherfucker. That old bitch was the only person over 80 who will ever make me orgasm. I mean I would sever my left testicle for a bite of that hag's ravioli. Mama mia.
I don't know if all Italians cook like that though.
North India is Based
yea, Slovenia and Croatia are based
we should protect them from the other balkan niggers
No i am just saying that they're traitors
If they'd converted back to Catholicism i'd be fine with them, but otherwise.
No thanks.
i can't find it at the moment but the IQ test that you have to take, usually determines if you're autistic or a normal lad
i don't care what you think
fuck off
All our lands have thankfully legal abortion. Making abortion illegal is a codeword for nigger and lowclass overbreeding.
Serbia has an openly lesbian minister afaik.
Oh and as for sea... Well, you don't even have it.
As for your youth, your boys worship gangsters and your chicks are freaking decadent sluts
It should be noticed that Richard Lynn had some pretty kooky racial theories.
For example, he believed that Northern Irish Protestants are descendants of a lost tribe of Israel and therefore have the right to all of Ireland, so Ireland is suspiciously low.
Its probably the autistic southerners and niggers that are pouring in
padania master race
No need to get salty user, I was using low iq as a specific description for individuals there. Also, not all yellow people are made equal anyway.
This. Serbs had been our greatest ally until pesky nationalist movement got the best of them.
>Luxemburg 95 while Belgium and Holland are 100
Yep,100% fake
>Northern Italy: 110
>Southern Italy: 87
kek nice troll, next time try with more credible numbers
North India has a higher IQ than South India because of genetics
Abortion is good. As soon as the U.S. made abortion legal on a federal level in the 1970's, the black population basically stopped growing and has remained essentially stagnant in terms of percentage of the population since then. Crime has also dropped because Tyrone's and LaShaniqua's unwanted baby resulting from poor pull-out game doesn't have to be kept and raised by savages.
I think you wandered a bit too far from reddit kid time to go back.
>Making abortion illegal is a codeword for nigger and lowclass overbreeding.
murdering baby's is ok because there are too many ppl around and even with that there is no overpopulation problem here.
also im not a serb so those insults are irrelevant for me.
>smarter than croats
this is obviously fake, we may have stupid people but there is no way we're dumber than gypsies and turks
top kek
a nigger telling me to go back
>Is Norwegian
>Notices Sweden is 1% smarter
Lots of Gypsies from Croatia live there a good part of the year. Very little actual Croats emigrate to Italy for work purposes, except the occasional slut who thinks she can succeed in Milan in fashion industry.
Fuck off kebab. Does your country even allow the internet anymore? Filthy Turkish morphodite.
go back
It's because some Jannisaries killed almost all our nobles that sparked the rebelion,but before that it was fun cucking Catholics with you.
i am not a reddit fag you paki
>your a nigger
how underaged are you exactly?
What's wrong sweetie?
Why are you so mad, is it because you live in a literal hellhole of Europe?
C U C K S*
for fuck soak what is this auto correct
Jesus Christ Ireland.
I refuse to believe that Iraqis are smarter than Iranians. We may receive the average intelligence Iraqi and smarter than average Iranians, but the Iranians who come to Sweden are at least a couple of standard deviations smarter than the average Iraqi. The groups aren't even remotely comparable.
I know we have established that croats are turbo fags but sorry to tell you i dont swing that way kresimir.
>be Scandinavian
>calls other people cucks
>In Croatia they usually measure IQ when you have to apply for a University or a High school.
Interesting. I've been to uni and I've never taken an IQ test nor heard of anyone having to take it.
That's why I can't take these threads seriously. It seems like a silly dick waving contest with people picking the map that suites them better.
The Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina were as we both know either Catholic or Heretics. The heretics converted first, which is normal. Take into context that that group was persecuted for centuries by the Mother Church, which was for centuries ruled by corrupt popes.
They simply had no other option. Not to forget, the scheming Venetians caused a last minute civil war in Bosnia before the Ottomans came to purge the heretics.
Then, the Catholics. It is no secret that Catholics, as servants of the "arch-enemy" of the Turks, Rome, were suffering unlike the servile orthocucks.
So yeah, it was not treason, it was the bare will to survive and evade plunder, and rape.
Besides, why would anyone have to convert to the church, the forsaking of Islam is enough.