What are all your thoughts on laci green

what are all your thoughts on laci green

should die

you have to go back

>she needs a visit from this guy


would bang

She makes my spic peepee hard

She's just doing it for the NEET bux but it means we're winning the culture war so eh it's a wash

plebbit spacing

She's got nice tits

Needs to lose the glasses and go back on the Adderall tbqh famzalam desu senpai.
Would cum in her hair/10


be gone vile demon!
Cast thee into the realm of ghosts and shadows from which you came.


She is the biggest youtuber to be subbed to me and comment on my video/talk to me, I always thought she was pretty chill and that when she started doing sex ed it was helping a lot of people. Laci was one of the female atheist youtubers who really brought a lot of people into the fold but she wasn't good at drama witty insults are not really what she does well, not at all shocked by her redpill video it seemed like her SJW stuff was just bandwagon but she did start as a skeptic she has also been super busy.

you betas are too much

>turning more people into faggot atheists

Thank (the non-existent magic sky fairy lmao) gOD for le based Laci!

literally a skit

Maybe is more to your liking?

Literally who?

anyone have her nudes ? Aussies ?



Even better. She'll go like she hasn't had it in a while, and won't for a while after. It'll mean more to her

to fat for me to care


"I've been preaching hate and lies from on high and 'punching up' at those filthy little nobodies who dare to speak against me, but now I am open minded and enlightened and I never hurt anyone personally, besides the people I hurt personally, so can't be responsible for people taking me seriously, that would be like blaming Charley Manson for the actions of the Manson Family, and you can totally trust me now, I've totally had my eyes opened and all the people I said are inhuman monsters who lie and are rapists and murderers who must be punished get to repeat themselves to me, live on my show, and I'll actually listen to them objectively this time, so you can trust me now, can I please have my slumping viewership back and stop saying I'm a rapist? TeeHee."

Wow, not the first time we've heard that. So this time it is Laci. I wonder if she is jumping ship ahead of some scandal that would have turned the SJWs against her. I don't envy her the long thankless task of winning over "the other side" I wonder if she realizes that all the e-personalities who walked this road before her slowly and painfully slid into oblivion, rather than successfully transitioning? That the people she thinks succeeded were always "on the other side" and whose fans aren't zealots so they neither trust, nor hold their celebrities to any standards? Or does she think she can be "neutral" that her old allies will forgive heresy and her new target audience will forget persecution?
Must be some persuasive movie, and not yet another e-celeb proving that they are just playing a role.