Should've known that Trump was letting someone else do the footwork.
Getting Warmer
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To be fair, Bannon warned him Jared's Russian contacts would come back to bite him.
>investigating one of (((them)))
It's not that Trump was letting someone else do the footwork. It's entirely the opposite. Trump was the Trojan Horse by which the Zionists have placed their messiah one small step from the Presidency.
Kushner is part of a genocidal Zionist supremacist cult, of which the Lubavitcher Russian oligarchs are also a part. They have for years had regular communication as part of the cult's plan to make Kushner President and their new messiah. After their "Jewish JFK" becomes the first Israeli President they will then bring about their prophesied apocalyptic "End of Times," after which the Zionists will be elevated to the status of gods, and the surviving goyim (about 1B; 6B are to be culled) condemned to forever be the Zionist-gods' slaves.
This is why the Zionists are uniting the bloodlines of the ruling geo-financial families (e.g., Trump, Clinton, and Putin all have Christian daughters married to powerful Zionists).
As their new messiah, Kushner will be protected by the Zionists at all costs. Their sudden dilemma is the globalist MSM's rabid desire for anti-Trump "Russia!" stories has now caught up the globalists' most precious prize, Kushner. Kushner is important enough the Zionists will drop the "Russia!" story entirely if that's what must be done to protect him.
take your meds
Is this some sort of anus probe?
This reminds me that Israel is the most dangerous country in the middle east. Judaism, even in comparison to Islam is a lot more facist, brutal and extreme.
No other religion takes ALL rights away from the non-followers, and what's more is, they are told to practice deception and harsh usury whenever they can.
It's literally Satan
Zionism, with its tenet that they alone matter and the rest of humanity are mere objects for their use, is essentially the textbook definition of psychopathy.
DSM diagnostic criteria:
>Failure to obey laws and norms by engaging in behavior which results in criminal arrest, or would warrant criminal arrest
>Lying, deception, and manipulation, for profit tor self-amusement,
>Impulsive behavior
>Irritability and aggression, manifested as frequently assaults others, or engages in fighting
>Blatantly disregards safety of self and others,
>A pattern of irresponsibility
>Lack of remorse for actions
With Kushner as President these murderous psychopaths will have all the killing capability they could ever want...and they intend to use it.
Yes I can see that, but I wouldn't include:
>Impulsive behavior
>A pattern of irresponsibility
They seem to plan their shit out and go by their book (Torah).
The European Enlightenment was the peak of morality desu.
Of course Israel and Judaism would be "Satanic," because Jews were belief group against whom Christ differentiated - thus the literal notion of "anti-Christ."
The Jews, not accepting Christ anymore than Christians accept Buddha, generally don't define themselves via the Christian concepts of "Satan" and "anti-Christ" (except sometimes in an enviously petulant way).
A person (or in this case group) only needs to meet some of the diagnostic criteria, not all.
Just as an exercise and not as a pissing contest, one might consider the notion of "irresponsibility" in the context of "responsibility to whom?" The DSM, and human society, implicitly accept the idea of a common humanity and localized social norms, to which any person by being part of that society bears some responsibility. The Zionists do seem very responsible to their own goals, but since as psychopaths they do not acknowledge the value or even existence as human of the non-Chosen they are utterly irresponsible to what the rest of us consider humanity.
Either way, Kushner and the Zionists are textbook psychopaths.
of course it was that fucking kike
Haha, well said
I should have voted for hur!
Since you can clearly see how Kushner and the Zionists are psychopaths, there may be others lurking who can as well. For those I want to point out that the ultimate goal of the Zionist cult is to install Kushner as President, and then to kill 6 billion human beings (primarily through war, famine, disease, pestilence - no reason to spend shekels on executions when disease and starvation will both do the work for free and leave one free from blame).
Whether to any of us their plan to enslave humanity and install themselves as neo-Pharaoh gods is anything other than insane is immaterial. What matters to all of us is that *they* believe it - and once they control the greatest killing machine in history *they intend to act on it.*
Kushner must be stopped.
Jews must be stopped. I'm fully convinced no religion should be in any position of power.
>no religion should be in any position of power
First, that can't happen - since in every human culture there is always an active religion (defined as the things on which the culture spends most of its time and energy). A religion is simply how a body with cells the size of human beings has a personality; a culture with no religion at all is as impossible as a human being with no personality.
Thus the worship of money (Capitalism), **is already the new global religion.** (This is why the Zionists are destroying all other religions.)
And with their debt-money as the world's object of lust and worship, and their creation and control of that debt-money, the Zionists fully intend to make themselves humanity's new gods.
Then let me rephrase. Nothing but religion based on reason should be in power.
I understand your goal, I think, and the desire for the guiding presence of rationality in human affairs is admirable.
But the notion of religion is fundamentally about faith - and so simply having faith in reason is just another form of faith, and as limited as any other. (There's an old joke in science and cosmology circles, about how the creation of the universe is still totally unexplained and how Science is just another form of faith: "Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest.")
This is Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem territory, since another way of seeing that beautiful and brilliant work is as the proof that some truths can only ever be reached by faith. Reason has proved that reason alone will never be enough.
I'm not trying to be difficult nor am I trying to screw with you. I'm sharing the societal version of the acceptance of the limitations of being mortal.
Having thought about this problem for a long, long time, I think I'd prefer a society in which reason and emotion cooperate in flexible and equal measure.
Of course we must stop the Zionists and save humanity before we can reach such a goal. Though perhaps it's by adopting that goal in our smaller-scale connections that is how we can stop them.
Thanks for helping me reach that last thought, I suspect it's important.
Antisemitism is bullshit and I have no idea why the mods don't clamp down harder on it.
you idiot, your old joke is meaningless and without substance. just like your understanding or rather lack thereof, of reason and logic. just because we don't understand it yet, doesn't make it a miracle.
the whole idea of reason, logic and making informed decisions are based on objective measures in the real world around us.
We should not under any circumstances make any kind of decision that will influence peoples lives based on something as unstable and prone to horrendous mistakes as faith.
i shouldn't have to fucking write this.
>They seem to plan their shit out
They really don't. They might not have nigger tier logic, but they 100% have nigger tier foresight. It's the reason they take short term gains over long term, just the same way niggers do.
This is my take on it
>dems had info someone on trump campaign colluding with Russians
>the dems mistakingky fire at trump
>dems are wrong, should have looked at kushner from the go
>trump used the "my daughter married is a Jew so she's a Jew" angle to get the Jewish support
>now that kushner is being exposed trump can now abandon kushner and the Jewish vote
In case you want a little more prodding
>trump doesn't see bibi at the western wall because it's Palestinian territory
Fucking killlllllllllllll yourself faggot
When the Muh Russia shills were starting up, and the counter psyops against trump supporting internet nazis started, this statement went under the radar. Since at that time the main Objective was taking down Bannon, & Fake News. Looks like things are approaching the next phase
“Can I reveal, Jared, how long I’ve known you?” Netanyahu asked. “He was never small, he was always big, he was always tall.”