I will dump all of the rare Vargs I have, but I don't have many; please, share all of the rare Varg memes you have with others, and feel free to collect any you don't have already.
Rare Varg Exchange
Here is another
And another
Bonus: rare Varg and rare Pepe
Don't make me Vargpost all by myself pls
Actually I have these Vargs split between my PC and my iPad, so if I don't get any new ones, at least I can transfer them all from one place to another this way. Its a win-win, really.
I'm running out
I think this may be my last one
Have a rerevarg
Wait, I found more
A classic
This isn't a Varg meme, but its still pretty good. It has Varg's face, so it counts I guess.
Does this count?
Alright, I think THIS is my last one. In any case, I'm gonna stop looking on my devices and look online instead.
Start masturbating
Here you go, friend
hats Euronimous you retard. Why do you call the pic "Varg"?
Many thanks, pal
I have returned from harvesting a few fresh Vargs from Google Images
Young Varg
Old Varg
Almost forgot one
i hav sum vargs
This is Varg? Huh wow!
Post rare bucket vargs.
None of these vargs are even uncommon.
Here's my rarest
Isn't it ironic that Varg's life is the ultimate Christian redemption story of forgiveness and mercy for a wretched murderer?
>self defense is murder
Successfully triggered a LARPagan faggot cuck.
My work here is done
Thank you all who contributed, I have harvested all of the rare Vargs and greatly expanded my collection. I bid you all goodnight, but feel free to continue sharing Vargs with each other.
Varg and Alextime should work together, would be one hell of a show!
This killed me
Vargs nipple and DFC
Is this one any good?
the varg of Sup Forums
>stop watching dubbed anime
Thank you for your time, Mr. CIAnigger. Hope we'll meet again!