Reddit Dies in a Glorious Flame!

>Mods at r/The_Donald shutdown subreddit in protest against new rules.
>Keking hard at the loss of revenue for /u/spez
>Watch their ad revenue tank.

Thank fuck.

r/The_Donald is the worst thing to ever happen to this website.

You hear me, newfaggots? You need to go BACK.

Say what you want. You might need to sharpen that edge abbo. It helped win the war. And now its gonna suicide bomb reddit.

They fucking better not move here.

>It helped win the war
Shut the fuck up and take your meme war back to your meme website.

Fucking this, /r/The_Donald was embarrassingly cancerous and is a perfect demonstration of it.
>hurr it le helped le win le meme war!!! channers btfo!!!
You have to go back.

lets open borders for our based reddit refugees

meme war faggot fuck you mother fucker

Dude, weve always been here xD

> And now its gonna suicide bomb reddit.
> tfw suicide bombing means closing the subreddit in a temper tantrum



if we could somehow get the donalders to go to eightchan that would be ideal

it's simple
kill the reddit

Today I have a message for the pedes
Your subreddit is fooling you into believing one day you become a member of Sup Forums
Well forget it, you are no Sup Forumsacks and you will never be
Redditors does not belong in Sup Forums
All the values Sup Forums stand for are incompatible with reddit
We do not want pedes in Sup Forums
/r/t_d voted for Trump, an idiotic globalist traitor who raises the flag of Israel
We do not want more but less kikery
So pedes, stay away and fuck off back to your shithole

Why don't you go back and take over some small random sub with only like 1 mod. Go take over a watch making thread or some misc sports team and spam your cock sucking post about Trump there. Sage this shit.

>Not understanding how money is made.
>Typical leaf


What is bait but a miserable little pile of shitposts?

That's the containment zone for all the faggots who want to be Sup Forums except can't take the full redpill.

It serves an important purpose. It all pisses off the two dozen or so commie subreddits that are given much more leeway by the moderators.

I'm on board.
Let's curbstomp Reddit.

yes shareblue, reddit has been the problem here

This whole Shill False Flag thing is embarrassing to watch.


I have bad news for you mate

They're already here.

>The Abos are taking over!

trumpflakes fuckoff

Shills are becoming more advanced, take this fag for example

/r/The_Donald GET OFF OF Sup Forums

Go worship your cuck-lord somewhere else.


Now all that need to happen is that ANYONE who has ever posted on that fucking circle jerk needs to kill themselves and we'll be much happier.

>reddit breaks their containment sub and now it's leaking all over the site

hahaha those dumb idiots

Kill yourself, do not renounce the god emperor.

The problem with Reddit is that it has a gay fucking karma system alongside user profiles where you can easily see a persons entire post history.

This means that dissenting opinions are quickly downvoted into oblivion, and everywhere quickly becomes some kind of faggot circle jerk where everyone tries to post the same benail jokes, tries the same queer quirky 'le monkey face' faggotry, or the same (and easily the worst) faux-intellectual smugness.

That is why Reddit is cancer.

Sup Forums is the polar opposite, everyone is anonymous, tripfags are usually hated so identities are impossible to ascertain. Dissenting opinions are publicised due to the (you) system, and most importantly, we're not liberal faggots.

Now fucking kill yourself redditor scum.

Shillings it btfo

Ohhh we caught one.

>supposed to be a Shareblue discord
>guy with a Hoppe avatar talking about how Assad isn't a bad guy
explain please

>God emporer

ZOG shill who has surrounded himself with kikes, you mean?

They've turned you.

the whole picture is fake, nigger. it's all staged for the screenshot

You need to go back.

fuck off shill. the_donald is good for us. as long as they lurk and dont post here talking about being from there then theres no problem

Sup Forums isnt a secret club anymore you faggot the time for being protective ended years ago. now we just need to redpill as many people as we can. the more people like us that post here the better, were getting outnumbered by shills.

shills everywhere

We all know here that Sup Forums is satire. Hitler was a bad guy. So stop trying to be edgy faggots.

Only shills are you fags but I wish I was a shill because then I could get paid for wasting my time

check out all the threads about Trump and how most of the responses are calling anybody that disapproves of the tiniest shit a paid shill/leftypol/etc

unless theres a radical shift to turn these crybaby neocons into regular ol contrarian autists then this place is fucked

He bombed Syria, and put Christians at risk, because his kike daughter in law and (((Jared))) told them to over completely fake intel.

I mean, you're months away from completely wiping out foreign rebels near the end of a long civil war.

A previously hostile (((foreign power))) says that it is up to your country to decide your future. The same country that had an election five years ago with 78% turnout, who voted you in by a massive (88%) majority.

Everything is looking good.

Do you

A- continue on as you've been doing, supporting the brave men of your military and looking to rebuild the future of your country.

B- Launch nerve gas at a civilian neighbourhood with no strategic value, kill no terrorists but manage to kill children. Btw it's a magic nerve gas which allows the terrorists to handle the bodies of the afflicted without gloves, and conveniently they got gas masks delivered to them the day before.

What do you do r/the_cuckold?

Fuck off TRS. You exist solely to disrupt Sup Forums and derail the far right with your idiotic NatSoc LARPs in front of the media.

Im already here.

Where do I upboat pedes?

Check my spacing.

>now we just need to redpill as many people as we can
by telling them about "le based black and trannypedes xDDDDDD"? sure, lets mongrelize the movement!

Oh get fucked you redditor faggot.

I'm just wondering how dumb the target audience of that picture is

Are you still assmad about that one airstrike from a month ago that didn't have any military effect?


I don't even use reddit you British faggot, and I was joking.

so you retards sperg out on reddit 24/7 and make them lots of ad money and are just now "protesting" because they treat you like a retarded step-son(and I promise you Sup Forums will treat you much worse)? this is some next level 4D chess.

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

EDIT: wow, frontpage! XD

>We all know here that Sup Forums is satire. Hitler was a bad guy.
shut the fuck up

just because we both hate arthur donald doesn't mean you can push this shit and we'll let it slide

No. You're a fucking retard. Stormfags and TRSodomites are also ruining this board with their disruptive blackpill faggotry.
Thank you for a reasonable response to the Discord screencap. That theory is a lot more plausible than "HURR IT WAS T_D AND KIKE NIGGER CADRE HURRDURR!"

Stormfags have always been here you fucking idiot.

You sir, win the internet

edit: why all the downvotes?!!

Am I wrong?

I'm glad that r/pol is just satire. We must support our based black men and trannypedes!

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger xD

>actually defending kikes on Sup Forums

This is why Reddit will never intergrate.

The problem is retards here post here and say everybody that isn't bashing trump 24/7 is from there.

>doesn't mean you can push this shit and we'll let it slide
There is no "pushing" and there is no "we".

People can, and do, sincerely hold different beliefs to you. They can hold these beliefs and discuss them without ulterior motives too, because they - like you - are here to talk about politics.

Not to have their ass patted for believing the "right" things.

>And now its gonna suicide bomb reddit.

You redditors are so delusional it hurts.

Your shitty subreddit isn't worth a fucking shit. Boo fucking hoo, you go dark and then what? You go browse other shitty subs because a redditor is all that you are.

There are so many virgins LARPing as Nazis.

Most of you would have been sent to the gas chambers for being such weak cucks.

Tell me this when you get running water. We know this post is from your phone 3rd worlder.

They are going to destroy us with (((civic nationalism))) just like they did to their stupid little subreddit.

How can we stop these horrific refugees?

Unfortunately, all r/The_Donalders will flood Sup Forums now that their subplebbit is gone

True. I just hate any group that thinks Sup Forums is their personal army. Anyone is welcome to post here but any outside group that wants to make Sup Forums do its bidding needs to be gassed.
I never once mentioned kikes being good in any of my posts, Lil' Dickie fucktoy. You faggots act like a leftist parody of le big bad altright Nazi and you get so bootyblasted when we say we hate you. Who the fuck actually calls themselves alt-right anyway? That was literally a Hillary Clinton label to discredit all her critics.

It's the Americans who run this board, all I see you faggots do is play your part as shill puppets, he just suggested that we red pill them so they can join us and not be faggots, you're turning down free soldiers you fucking twat.

>Stormfags and TRSodomites are also ruining this board

If you don't like dissent maybe you should fuck off back to r/the_cuckold.

Oh what's that? You can't? Sorry about that you kike loving faggot.


redditkins BTFO
how will they ever recover

"I felt a great disturbance in the Autism, as if millions of voices suddenly went REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." - Noobi-Wan Kekobi

>There are so many virgins LARPing as Nazis.
>tfw I once again btfo Sup Forums

Fuck knows. They're unironically shilling the holocaust.

Looks like it's time to go to 4x2chan

Are you frustrated?

How can you not be?

Have you ever heard the tragedy of r/The_Donald the wise?
Of course you haven't its not something LARPers would tell you.

I dont like Reddit but supression of freedom of speech is the first step in supression of freedom in general

wow, lots of pols crying about how they are about to receive a bunch of new members, that or faggot shills

It's a private company you fucking retard

>/r/thedonald leaves reddit
>floods Sup Forums

/mlpol/ just can't catch a break

Can you TRSodomites go 5 seconds without saying Kike? Oh wait, you have to flatter your bosses whenever you get the chance.

The problem with you guys and I've said it before is that you're controlled opposition. You exist solely to disrupt Sup Forums with your idiotic antics. You think this board is Spencer's personal army when we answer to nobody.

That. Is. Why. We. Hate. You.

You are welcome to post here but you're going to get shat on if we find out your secret little safespace forum is raiding Sup Forums.

Reddit it a community based on the suppression of free speech thanks to its gay fucking down vote system.

Try going on r/the_cuckold and saying Trumo bombing Syria was retarded. They'll ban you.

Every fucking Redditor is a circle jerking faggot.

>They can hold these beliefs and discuss them without ulterior motives too, because they - like you - are here to talk about politics.
they're here to say that Sup Forums is satire which is an untruth and not an opinion
>Not to have their ass patted for believing the "right" things.
and i am allowed to voice my disapproval

fuck your free speech bullshit

We need to get r/The_Donald back, I can't stand how toxic this place is. Everyone hates me when I say I'm from reddit. People post gross shit. I've literally had to walk away from my laptop so many times today. The people here are sick in the head.

Holy shit fucking redditors and Trumpshills are worse than SJWs

Reddit drama reminds me of middle school girls. Once in a while, the queen bee would get offended and run off to cry in the girls restroom. Her minions would then shuttle back and forth with updates on who we should be friends with and who we should hate.

Having said that, I feel like a retard for asking, but what exactly were the onerous rules that allegedly were applied to the gay subreddit? Anyone have time to run down to the girl's restroom and get this info?




We might as well just rename board /rcj/ REDDIT CIRCLE JERK


>ITT another LARPer

If the r/t_d fags come here in masse (even though they're already a lot), they have to ASSIMILATE. We need to show zero tolerance towards their reddit bullshit. We need to redpill them, not let them subvert the board with their faggotry. Calling out redditors for their bullshit is not D&C or stormfaggotry but preservation of the board.

your welcome

this is just a distraction

people started questioning SETH RICH and they are freaking out

Who doesn't use ublock by this point? Why give money to that brace face faggot?

>mfw there are actually no rTD faggots here. Just larpers and another excuse for Sup Forumsacks to fight each other...


It's too late. They immigrated here and have supplanted the native people.

The whole point of the board is discourse you moron.

Its about having different perspectives without it, this place would be just a circle jerk as t_d..

You mean like years ago when every other poster was JIDF even though the real JIDF is just dude with a Twitter account?

>we dont like immigration because it describes hordes of people entering a delicate culture who are unwilling to assimilate
>redditors think they are wanted

