>The Donald discord wants Sup Forums to break the law, violate privacy, and dox people for its plebbit drama
The Donald discord wants Sup Forums to break the law, violate privacy, and dox people for its plebbit drama
>idiots who don't know anything about technology
>on *my* board
Really? I didn't know this was Sup Forums
No one ever said trump voters for smrt
well what the fuck are they waiting for? bring it out, lets see if its worth it or not
fuck off sageblue
Where is that from?
>that unsourced screencap
>what is black propaganda mommy?
Also the Koch Brothers and their donor network spent 889 million on the 2016 election
>Personal army request
>[ ] Approved
>[X] Denied
>[X] kys
>[X] go back to plebbit
Quote from an user
> So I've finally pieced together the whole chan/leddit/vo@t implosion. What happened was Hannity on Fox News Network was being a bad goy and talking about the Seth Rich murder. He was giving live on air mentions to leddit.com/r/the_don@ld. So by the time the later taping happened the admins of leddit sprung their trap. The 3 head mods were banned and their infiltrators were given full control. Using this power they closed the subleddit as a "show of force." What it really was is actually David Brock stopping people from seeing the Seth Rich investigation threads with data from 4/pol/ and 8/pol/. So with that subleddit closed, even on Friday night, thousands of people are pouring into Sup Forums and trickling into masonchan. Vo@t fought back hard against them with heavy antisemitism and shaming bad integration.
>Seth Rich
Are you 13?
>quote from an user
Not me m8
>anything wrong is a false flag
Great logic
Then what is it?
This "infoleak" is fake. Its fake and that needs to be pointed out.
Is this a screencap for ants?
Its a dumb trump poster thing anonymous hackers on steroids
When really you're not even white
link to their discord?
I don't have it. Just picked up the infoleak some time ago.
Yeah, its a thumbnail, my bad. You know what I mean though.
>Hoppe avatar talking about how Assad did nothing wrong
fucking stop this shit
Are you unfamiliar with the concept of taking a screenshot
Did r/the_donald got deleted?
They have gone to dark mode or whatever the edgy redditors do to show their contankerousness
Temporarily closed
Three or so mods from the sub got banned or something. The remaining mods shut it down temporarily so they can regroup and stuff
fucking trumpflakes think Sup Forums is their personal army ha ha ha
Hope you are getting paid at least.
>was is actually David Brock
those fucking trumpflake retards will still push this meme...
They got what they deserve for being redditors.
Its s fucking Internet forum
You guys take your shit way too seriously
Your tears are payment enough
You people are retarded. Reddit wants you to leave their site, so to hurt them you... leave their site.
That's the same kind of strategy that led Hillary to call you deplorable in the first place.
I've always hated the "redditors are all idiots" maymay, because I didn't believe it could actually be that bad, but now this happens? I've changed my stance on the issue.
HEY Guys, Russia has taken over our government and we could get exterminated at anytime. I can't even sleep anymore because I'm so scared of what Drumpf and Russia may do. I'm literally shaking so bad it's hard to type.
Death of lefties is exactly what I pray for, though
Thats right were hackers fear us And we only work for RUSSIA you capitalist SCUM.
>inb4 media isolates this and uses as evidence against trump
Remember to sage all Reddit threads