I've been compiling this list for over a year now. It isn't complete yet as I haven't sourced everything and I'm sure there's other expulsions I'm missing, however I think this is good to post as it shows that the well-known 109 number isn't nearly correct.
>pic related
223 of the incidences listed here are sourced.
Other urls found in this thread:
If a man were accused of a serious crime, tried, and found guilty by a jury of his peers, we would find but little cause to put faith in a claim by him of persecution. However, if he insisted that the reason for his charge of misconduct was only because he believed differently than others, then we might grant him a second trial to assure ourselves he had not been the victim of injustice, believing with confidence that the people would not for a second time find an innocent party guilty of a crime that he did not commit.
If, at the conclusion of the second trial by another jury of peers, the man is found guilty of an offence against the people, we have no reason to listen to or place belief in continued cries of persecution. What does this have to do with the Jew? Quite simple. Since the year 733 B.C., the Jews have, by their own records and count, been expelled from AT LEAST eighty-seven (87) countries, nations or political entities. Let's see now. Eighty-seven countries, eighty-seven people's courts, eighty-seven guilty verdicts, and eighty-seven cries of persecution.
The first time, maybe. The second time doubtful. But to have been found worthy of expulsion by the people of AT LEAST eighty-seven different countries for crimes against the people of those countries? Such a claim stretches the limits of human credulity beyond its most liberal bounds of endurance.
When one comes to the realisation of the fact that these different peoples in most of these cases did not know of each other, or for that matter had never even heard of the other's existence, and yet determined, independently, over a two-thousand-seven-hundred year span of time that the Jews were committing such serious crimes that it was necessary to uproot them lock, stock and barrel in order to drive them from their homes, many times with loss of life and great destruction of property, it is then and only then, that one can truly appreciate the gravity of the Jewish Question.
Thanks for the bumps guys. People need to download this pic!
>139 B.C. Rome: Attempting to corrupt Romans into religious cults
Big victory for them there, eh? Holy shit.
WOW, even we expelled jews even though we were the friendliest kingdom trough out the history.
>german nat-soc controlled areas
>only expelled
If you wanted me to list times Jews were murdered for the wicked things they've done then the list would be 5x as long.
My suggestion is that you post a text file where you separate each column with a tab as well. It is not enough to save the image should one find another source, because few people is going to reconstruct that from zero (and there might be several edits) in order to have a complete list. So everyone should not only have the image but a text file related to their image in order to quickly make a new picture when others find updates.
If you copy paste rows separated by a tab it will be placed in different columns in excel type programs. Try a small example if needed.
a [tab] 1
b [tab] 2 ...
That can be applied to any country to be honest and would only muddy the waters. But having no soil and being expelled is unique.
Anyway good job OP.
But why is this? Any Jews here that can provide "their" side of the story? What are you thought about this at home?
It gives the reason for the expulsions on many of those listed
Thanks, a bit too tech-savvy for me so i'll leave that for another user
I could post the excel file somewhere?
>Jews expelled in England for coin clipping
Looks like our coins are anti-Semitic.
>jews expelled from nat soc controlled areas
>no source
"their" side of the story is that they're god's chosen and it is only natural that they should be oppressed because of the dark forces of Satan at work against them. The real story is that they're a cult of racial supremacists who plot to control the morals of other cultures through financial control (usury etc) and subversion (creation of christianity for instance, which destroyed rome and northern europe). Every instance of expulsion and extermination in history was an attempt to control this pest which ultimately fell short of the real extent of the measures required
Impressive work bong, fukken saved and have a bump
Never got round to it because it's obviously true, i've been working on finding sources for the older expulsions
Thanks user, really appreciate the bump and thanks for saving it
Also, notice how almost ALL of the 109 Jewish & Freemasonic expulsions through history were ordered by monarchs.
Jews & criminals HATE monarchs because all they have to say it "Get out of my country" and they have to leave. It's why they were behind the overthrowing of all the monarchies of Europe.
Edward I of England expelled the Jews in 1290 and they were gone for 359 YEARS until they financed Oliver Cromwell's overthrow of the crown in exchange for being allowed back in 1649.
I should add, an absolute monarch must also have complete control over their nation's money supply.
Thank you for putting in the work user, I had a suspicion that the list was probably longer but never thought or considered actually looking into it. You're doing God's work.
109* I mean 200+
No please try it. If you spent a year on this it should not be forgotten. Please,
>open any editor.
>type something, press tab, type something, enter
>repeat 2-3 rows
>select a cell in excel (A1 for example)
You should now have column A and B filled with data.
How to post the list here on the other hand, someone else will have to explain. I have never used pastebin but it is common so It might be enough OPSEC. I don't know.
Try the greentext above first.
If it works well, try to copy from excel to a text file (probably just selecting everything and ctrl-c/v).
The lines sketched into the side of our pound coins are because Jews used to file the sides of coins, that's until they were caught and executed for it.
I found this talking about the jews expelled at Galati (Galatz)
Got an idea, if anyone ITT finds a new expulsion/source for another, post it ITT and i'll add it to the master Excel file
They really need to be exterminated, tbqh.
Wow it's literally nothing!
I've been kicked out of 320 bars before, but that just means that 320 bartenders were being horrible bigots.
this has more complete information
it also lists its sources
The General Archive of the History of the Jewish People. RM 25; etc.
The Central Zionist Archive. A 133 (1/1); (2); (21/2).
Yad Vashem Archive. JM 1220; etc.
W. Filderman Archive. 19a (180); etc.
M. Karp Archive. III, 467; etc.
Lavi, Theodor: The Romanian Jews in Struggle for Survival, Jerusalem, 1965, P. 27, 28, 29.
Kloisner, Israel: Chibat Zion in Romania, Jerusalem, 1958, p. 17, 26, etc.
can't be bothered to look at them to find which one is relevant though
No worries i'll look into this later myself. Thanks for helping! People know about the expulsions but Jews can just say "Sources?" and nobody's took the time to compile them all together.
When this is done they'll have nothing to say and nowhere to go
Thank you again!
Oi vey I bet they wanted a tip or something anti semetic like that
Great list mate, thank you for putting the effort to make this.
Jesus christ.
Do they stop at nothing?
So, they would file enough to build up an amount worth something but not enough such that it was easily noticeable? Thus you guys had to make etches on the surface to prevent any filing of the surface edges?
Now, to expel shareblue.
Yep, that's
exactly what they did
saved; thanks bro, have a meme
Add Algeria. 1962. Independence day. The law was put forth called La Loi Cremieux.
They got expelled and all went to France
Good work user I was thinking of doing the same thing
Expelled from Russian Villages is probably from 200 years together by Solzhenitsen.
Basically- a worker high in the government decided to se how things were going in a few of those villages and he found out that they were broke due to the fact that the etrnal jew tricked them out of their mney by usury. After that they were of course kicked out to western areas of the Empire (that is why there were so many jews in what is today Poland Belorussia, Ukraine). Some villages didn't even wait for officials they just took the matter into their own hands and kicked the jew out.
But the Jew will nevr forget this! Ohhhh no! That is why they did everything to overthrow the monarchy. Even assassinated Alexander II and helped the revoution of 1905.
Even the peace-loving Nikolay II hated them. Fun-fact- Nikolay II is the first one to suggest the "united nations".
But the biggest blackpill is this: The Russian Empire didn't experiance any shortage of bread at first. Only when trainb-lines were intentionally destroyed did the starving people go out. Also out of nowhere guns appeared! Well would you just look at that...
And since songs are a history of a people- just search for "yiddish revolutionary songs". There are thousands.
Some (like this one: youtube.com
Whew I got a bit carried away there, but anyways 200 years together by Aleksand Solzhenitsyn is the source for the "indirect" source for the Russian Village expulsion.
They were expelled from every area because they did nothing beneficial for any other country, all they wanted to do was take over someone elses land. We should never have allowed them here either and I fear it is our biggest mistake
Also saved and going to post it on 16/2 chan /egy/
Today OP was a pretty cool guy
oh, they did much worse than try to "take other people's land"
Thank you very very much! I really appreciate all of you saving this and spreading it. People need to know the truth about the Jew
Good idea I'll spread it to other chans I know of too
Goddamn excellent work soldier
They did it until the coins were almost half the size of the originals, they would do it until they were too small to hold if they were allowed.
Fun fact: theyre still doing it today, on an unfathamable scale
God damn shitty bartenders. They want me, ME! to pay the bar tab with money not already in their till. Assholes, all of them.
Jews didn't create Christisnity. The Jews crucified Jesus and tried to exterminate His followers.
Have annudah bump. Oy vey
Really appreciate it user
Added to the list
Nice irrelevant list goyim, we have israel now and with our puppet murica we can never be expelled
kek, gonna push it too hard this time shlomo and the holocaust gon happen for real
I spread to a couple other chans and already got some positive feedback, top notch work again user
You guys sure dodge a bullet.
>emperor titus
tfw israel turned to glass
After seeing that list, what makes you think expulsion will work the 331st time?
There really is only one solution...
But are they Jewish rabbis?
No doubt. It's going to come to that eventually, us or them.
ok jow many of those are some retarded alt right fan fic sources
>Jews throwing another Jew under the bus
What's new? In fact what's as old as time? I don't know if they created it but I'm certain they have and will try to corrupt it for the rest of their existence
>Finnish Jew
Nice to see you made it to my thread, I must be doing something right.
I'll take Jews in my country over Muslims anyday.
i was baptized in a Marti Luther church but I removed myself from the church when I turned 15 and banged a sister of the church in a summer camp
But who will commit the final blow I wonder?
Look through the list and find me ONE (1) source that you would classify as an "Alt-right fan fic"
I'm waiting.
Yeah, not in the literal physical sense but in the sense of modern finance.
Fucking incredible.
I was aware of some history but not to this detail.
I'm so tired of all the ignorance displayed by many of you.
I'm not Jewish and have no ties to any Jews but many of you are hostile for no reason against a whole group of people while making baseless claims without any clear understanding of why.
Really great list! But why am I not seeing ww2 germany on the list expelling the kikes, or am I missing something?
Why is jidf suddenly so quiet?
I put it under "national socialist Germany controlled areas", I haven't yet added a source simply because it's well known that they were expelled from these areas and I've been more busy focusing on the older exoulsions
Good job.
probably hijacking list to alter source articles bitch about antisemitism
I'm waiting on to give me an answer to Got a feeling he's never going to reply.
This, lol
May be a good idea to archive sources that being said kek
>I'm so tired of all the ignorance displayed by many of you.
If jews have been expelled every ~9 years since the dawn of man, it might be you who is ignorant.
This is my grandma. Pls stop guys.
this. How do you do that?
Pure coincidence, everyone else is just raycis against the God's Chosen
Are you this guy?
I love your work
How many of you autists actually read the talmud and torah to understand what your enemy thinks?
You understand the concept of know your enemy right?
For example over 100 of the 613 whatevers is related to business. That's why jews love business.
The bible itself talks fuckall about business. I feel like we got goyed hard by reading the bible and learning to be pacifists and hippie free love accept anyone while they were studying religious texts that discussed usury and occupation choices and shit.
... Just a coincidence, goyim, think nothing of it.
Yep I have 17GB on the Jews now
Somewhat relevant, at least in the aspect of collected data.
Scratch that, 15.5 GB
>pic related
I have some gems for you OP :
> "Depending on the source and epoch, these Habiru are variously described as nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders, mercenaries, and bowmen, servants, slaves, migrant laborers, etc. The Habiru are often identified as the early Hebrews."
> SA.GAZ 'murderer, robber', literally 'one who smashes sinews', is an original Sumerian nominal compound attested as early as ca. 2500 BC. It is later equated with Akkadian habbātu 'plunderer, bandit' and šaggāšu 'murderer'.
> group of people living as nomadic invaders in areas of the Fertile Crescent from Northeastern Mesopotamia and Iran to the borders of Egypt in Canaan.
Let me know if you want me to link to long dated cuneiform documentation of this group. They were documented years ago to be savages who lived on the fringes of society who occasionally invaded, robbed, pillaged, and leached off surrounding civilizations.
They were documented as behaving the same way 1000s of years BC.
Timeline needs old sauce.
Damn nice. Quite an archive
Put the file on a mega link please
Saved, thanks user
i'll probably do that in the summer.
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